Glossary – D

Glossary - D
  1. Daily Horoscope: A horoscope that provides predictions and insights based on a person’s zodiac sign for a specific day.

  2. Daily Planetary Hours: A system that divides the day and night into planetary hours, each ruled by a different planet, used for timing rituals and activities.

  3. Daily Transits: The movement of planets in real-time and their interactions with an individual’s birth chart, used to analyze daily influences and potentials.

  4. Dark Moon Lilith: A hypothetical point in astrology that represents the Moon’s apogee, associated with the shadow side, sexuality, and primal instincts.

  5. Dark Moon: The period when the moon is not visible in the night sky, just before the New Moon phase begins.

  6. Day Ruler: The ruling planet of the day of the week a person is born on, believed to influence their character and life path.

  7. Daytime Arc: The portion of an astrological chart between the Ascendant and the Midheaven, representing the daytime and conscious expression of self.

  8. Decan: A division of each zodiac sign into three equal parts, representing different planetary influences within that sign.

  9. Decanate Ruler: The ruler of a specific decan within a zodiac sign, representing the planetary influence within that portion of the sign.

  10. Decanate System: A system that divides each sign of the zodiac into three equal parts, allowing for more nuanced analysis of planetary influences.

  11. Decile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two planets are approximately 36 degrees apart, signifying a minor but harmonious connection.

  12. Declination Circle: An imaginary circle on the celestial sphere parallel to the celestial equator, used to measure and interpret planetary declinations.

  13. Declination Parallel: A close alignment of two planets with similar declination, creating a harmonious or intensifying influence between their energies.

  14. Declination: The celestial latitude of a planet or celestial body, measured in degrees north or south of the celestial equator.

  15. Decumbiture Astrology: The practice of using astrology to analyze and predict the course of an illness or recovery based on the time it begins.

  16. Decumbiture Chart: An astrological chart cast for the moment a person falls ill, used to gain insights into the nature and potential outcome of the illness.

  17. Decumbiture Event: An event or circumstance that triggers or coincides with the onset of an illness or health-related issue, used in decumbiture astrology

  18. Decumbiture Healing: The use of astrology to determine suitable healing methods and timing for an individual based on the decumbiture chart.

  19. Decumbiture Time: The exact moment when an illness or injury occurs, used in decumbiture astrology to analyze the potential outcome and recovery.

  20. Degree Symbolism: The study and interpretation of the degrees of the zodiac signs, which can provide additional insights and nuances to planetary placements.

  21. Delineating Aspects: The process of interpreting and analyzing the relationships between planets in an astrological chart, including conjunctions, squares, trines, etc.

  22. Delineation Techniques: Various methods and approaches used to interpret and analyze the different components of an astrological chart, including planets, signs, houses, and aspects.

  23. Delineation: The process of interpreting and explaining the meaning of planetary positions, aspects, and other astrological factors in a birth chart.

  24. Descendant Cusp: The beginning point of the Descendant in an astrological chart, representing the cusp of the 7th house and partnership dynamics.

  25. Descendant Ruler: The ruling planet of the zodiac sign on the Descendant, influencing the qualities sought in relationships and partnerships.

  26. Descendant Sign Ruler: The ruling planet of the sign on the Descendant in an astrological chart, representing qualities sought in partnerships.

  27. Descendant Sign: The zodiac sign that represents the beginning of the 7th house in an astrological chart, governing relationships and partnerships.

  28. Descendant: The Descendant is the point opposite the Ascendant in an astrological chart, representing relationships and partnerships.

  29. Descent Chart: An astrological chart that focuses on the planetary placements at the moment of a person’s birth, emphasizing their soul’s descent into physical form.

  30. Descriptive Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on personality traits, physical appearances, and behavioral patterns based on planetary placements and aspects.

  31. Destiny Point: Also known as the Part of Fortune, it is a sensitive point in an astrological chart that indicates the potential for success, abundance, and fulfillment.

  32. Detriment: A sign in which a planet is considered to be less effective or challenged.

  33. Detrimental House: The house in an astrological chart that is opposite to the house a planet rules, where the planet may face challenges or difficulties.

  34. Detrimented Planet: A planet that is in a sign where it is considered to be weak or challenged, potentially causing difficulties or obstacles.

  35. Dhana Bhava: The second house of the birth chart
  36. Difficult Aspect: A challenging planetary aspect in astrology, such as a square or an opposition, which may create tension, obstacles, or conflict.

  37. Difficult Transits: Challenging planetary transits that can bring about periods of upheaval, tension, or significant life changes, often requiring adaptability and resilience.

  38. Diffusion Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the dispersal of energy and the impact of celestial bodies on a collective or global scale.

  39. Dignified Planet: A planet that is in a sign where it is considered to be strong and well-placed, enhancing its positive qualities and influences.

  40. Dignity: The condition of a planet when it is in a sign that it rules, indicating strength and power.

  41. Direct Ascendant: The Ascendant sign that represents the first house in an astrological chart, reflecting the individual’s outward personality and appearance.

  42. Direct Aspects: Planetary aspects that occur when two celestial bodies are in close proximity to each other, creating a direct energetic connection.

  43. Direct Motion Planets: The planets that are currently moving forward in their orbits, without any apparent retrograde motion.

  44. Direct Motion: The apparent forward movement of a planet in its orbit, as observed from Earth.

  45. Direct Planet: A planet that is moving forward in its natural orbit, as observed from Earth, without apparent retrograde motion.

  46. Direct Station: The moment when a planet changes from retrograde motion to direct motion, signifying a shift in energy and forward movement.

  47. Directional Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the importance of the cardinal directions and their influence on an individual’s life.

  48. Directional Strength: The relative strength or weakness of a planet in an astrological chart, based on its position, aspects, and dignities.

  49. Dispositional Strength: The level of influence and control a planet has over the other planets placed in the same sign in an astrological chart.

  50. Dispositor: The ruling planet of a specific sign in an astrological chart, which influences the planets placed within that sign.

  51. Dispositorship: The relationship between a planet and the sign it rules or is located in, indicating the planet’s influence and expression.

  52. Disseminating Moon: The phase of the Moon occurring after the Full Moon and before the Last Quarter, associated with sharing knowledge and insights with others.

  53. Diurnal Arc: The daily movement of the Sun as it rises, reaches its highest point at noon, and sets, used in traditional astrological calculations.

  54. Diurnal Chart: An astrological chart cast for a daytime birth, where the Sun is above the horizon, reflecting a more extroverted and active temperament.

  55. Diurnal Planet: A planet that is associated with the daytime or diurnal sect, representing conscious awareness, assertiveness, and extroverted qualities.

  56. Diurnal Sect: A concept in traditional astrology that distinguishes between day charts and night charts, providing additional insights into the individual’s life.

  57. Divination: The practice of seeking knowledge or insight into the future or hidden truths through supernatural or mystical means, such as astrology.

  58. Divinatory Arts: A collective term for various forms of divination, including astrology, tarot reading, numerology, palmistry, and scrying.

  59. Divinatory Meanings: The interpretations and symbolic associations assigned to specific cards, symbols, or astrological placements in divination practices.

  60. Divinatory Tarot: The practice of using Tarot cards to gain insights, guidance, and predictions about a person’s life, situations, or events.

  61. Divinatory Tools: Objects or instruments used in divination practices, such as tarot cards, crystal balls, pendulums, or runes.

  62. Divine Astrology: A spiritual approach to astrology that views the celestial bodies as manifestations of divine consciousness, guiding individuals on their spiritual path.

  63. Divine Feminine: The aspect of divinity associated with feminine energy, intuition, nurturing, and receptive qualities, often represented by the Moon and Venus in astrology.

  64. Divine Timing: The belief that certain events or experiences in life are meant to occur at specific moments determined by the celestial alignment.

  65. Dodecatemoria: A division of a zodiac sign into 12 equal parts, each representing a different area of life or personality traits.

  66. Dodecatemorion: A term used in Hellenistic astrology to refer to the 12 equal parts into which each sign is divided for more precise predictions.

  67. Domicile House: The house in an astrological chart where a planet is located in its ruling sign, indicating a strong influence in that area of life.

  68. Domicile Rulership: A concept in astrology where a planet is considered to be in its most influential and powerful state when in the sign it rules.

  69. Domicile: A term used to describe a planet’s ruling sign, where it is considered to be most comfortable and influential.

  70. Domiciled Planet: A planet that is located in the sign it rules in an astrological chart, amplifying its influence and power.

  71. Dominant Aspect Pattern: A prominent configuration of aspects in an astrological chart, such as a stellium, grand trine, or T-square, indicating a significant focus and emphasis.

  72. Dominant Aspect: The most prominent aspect in an individual’s birth chart, which heavily influences their personality, life experiences, and major events.

  73. Dominant Element: The element that is most prevalent in an individual’s birth chart, indicating their dominant traits and characteristics.

  74. Dominant House: The house in an astrological chart that contains the most planets or significant planetary placements, indicating the area of life where the individual focuses their energy.

  75. Dominant Mode: The most prevalent mode (cardinal, fixed, or mutable) in an individual’s birth chart, reflecting their preferred approach to life and decision-making.

  76. Dominant Planet: The planet that has the most influence and significance in an individual’s birth chart.

  77. Dominant Sign: The zodiac sign that appears most prominently in an individual’s birth chart, indicating significant characteristics and traits.

  78. Dowsing: A divination technique that uses a pendulum or rods to find answers or locate objects based on subtle energy patterns.

  79. Draconic Ascendant: The Ascendant sign in the Draconic chart, indicating the soul’s inherent qualities and potential expressions in this lifetime.

  80. Draconic Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the Moon’s nodes and their influence on an individual’s life.

  81. Draconic Chart: An astrological chart that is based on the North Node of the Moon, also known as the Dragon’s Head.

  82. Draconic House: The house placements in the Draconic chart, offering insights into the soul’s lessons, experiences, and potential outcomes in specific life areas.

  83. Draconic Midheaven: The Midheaven sign in the Draconic chart, indicating the soul’s purpose, career aspirations, and public image in this lifetime.

  84. Draconic Moon: The placement of the Moon in the Draconic chart, revealing the soul’s emotional needs and patterns.

  85. Draconic Nodes: The North and South Nodes of the Moon in the Draconic chart, representing the soul’s journey and karmic lessons.

  86. Draconic Synastry: A technique in astrology that compares the Draconic charts of two individuals to assess the karmic connections and soul dynamics between them.

  87. Draconic Synthesis: The process of combining the Draconic charts of multiple individuals to identify shared themes, connections, or past-life dynamics.

  88. Dragon’s Path: The journey of the North Node of the Moon through the zodiac signs, representing the evolutionary path and lessons for an individual.

  89. Dragon’s Tail: Another term for the South Node of the Moon, representing past experiences and karmic influences.

  90. Dream Analysis: The interpretation of dreams to gain insights into one’s subconscious thoughts, emotions, and desires.

  91. Dual Chart: A composite chart that combines the birth charts of two individuals, often used to assess compatibility and relationship dynamics.

  92. Dual Nature: The inherent duality or versatility of a zodiac sign, reflecting both positive and negative traits associated with its ruling planet.

  93. Dual Personality: A psychological concept associated with individuals who exhibit contrasting or conflicting characteristics or behaviors, often reflected in their astrological chart.

  94. Dual Sign: A zodiac sign characterized by adaptability, flexibility, and the ability to see both sides of a situation.

  95. Dualistic Nature: The inherent dual nature of a planet, representing both positive and negative expressions or energies associated with that celestial body.

  96. Dualities: A concept in astrology that divides the zodiac signs into six pairs, with each pair representing contrasting energies or qualities.

  97. Dwadashamsha: A division of each zodiac sign into 12 equal parts, representing subtle variations and influences within that sign.

  98. Dynamic Astrology: A modern approach to astrology that emphasizes personal growth, self-awareness, and the active integration of planetary energies.

  99. Dynamic Tension: The energetic interplay between planets, signs, and aspects in an astrological chart, representing areas of challenge, growth, and transformation.