Glossary – P

  1. Palmistry: A divination practice that involves examining the lines, shapes, and other features of a person’s palm to gain insight into their character, personality, and future.
  2. Panchang: An Indian astrological calendar that provides information about auspicious and inauspicious timings, planetary positions, and other astrological details for specific dates and events.
  3. Parallax: The apparent shift in the position of a celestial object when viewed from different locations, used to measure distances to stars and other celestial bodies.
  4. Parallel Aspect: An aspect formed between two planets that are at the same declination, creating a powerful energetic connection and amplifying their combined influence.
  5. Parans: An astrological technique that involves tracking the alignment of celestial bodies, particularly the planets, to determine their influence on specific locations and events.
  6. Part of Fortune: A sensitive point in an astrological chart that represents a person’s overall well-being and potential for success.
  7. Partile: Referring to an exact alignment or aspect between two planets or points in an astrological chart, indicating a significant and potent influence.
  8. Past Life Regression: A technique used to access and explore memories or experiences from past lives, often utilized in astrology for understanding karmic patterns and influences.
  9. Penumbral Eclipse: A type of lunar eclipse where the Moon passes through the Earth’s penumbra, resulting in a subtle darkening or shading of the Moon rather than a total eclipse.
  10. Perihelion: The point in an orbit around the Sun where a planet or comet is closest to the Sun.
  11. Personal Planets: The planets in an astrological chart that have a more immediate and direct impact on an individual’s personality and daily life, including the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars.
  12. Phenomenology: The study of direct experience and consciousness, often applied in astrology to understand the subjective nature of individual interpretations and interactions with astrological symbols.
  13. Philosophy: The systematic exploration of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, ethics, and the nature of reality, seeking to understand the world and human existence through critical inquiry and rational analysis.
  14. Pisces Ascendant: The zodiac sign Pisces rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, influencing an individual’s outward demeanor, self-expression, and approach to life.
  15. Pisces Moon: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign Pisces at the time of birth, influencing emotional expression, sensitivity, imagination, and intuitive tendencies.
  16. Pisces: The twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac, represented by the Fish. People born under this sign are believed to be compassionate, intuitive, and imaginative.
  17. Placidus House System: A popular method used in astrology to divide the celestial sphere into twelve houses, each representing a different area of life.
  18. Planet of Action: A term used to describe Mars in astrology, representing assertiveness, drive, courage, and initiation of action.
  19. Planet of Communication: A term used to describe Mercury in astrology, representing communication, information processing, intellectual pursuits, and the exchange of ideas.
  20. Planet of Expansion: A term used to describe Jupiter in astrology, representing growth, abundance, wisdom, and opportunities.
  21. Planetary Alignment: The occurrence when two or more planets appear close to one another in the sky, aligning in a specific geometric configuration, which is believed to enhance their combined energies and influence.
  22. Planetary Aspects: The angular relationships between planets in an astrological chart, which determine their interaction and influence on each other.
  23. Planetary Exaltation: The sign in which a planet is believed to be in its most potent and favorable expression, highlighting its strengths and positive qualities.
  24. Planetary Hours: A system that divides the day and night into hours, each ruled by a different planet, believed to influence activities, decisions, and outcomes during those times.
  25. Planetary Nodes: The points where the orbit of a planet intersects with the ecliptic, indicating significant karmic and evolutionary themes associated with that planet.
  26. Planetary Retrograde: The apparent backward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, signifying a period of introspection, review, and reconsideration related to the planet’s themes and symbolism.
  27. Pluto: The ninth planet in the solar system, symbolizing transformation, power, and the unconscious in astrology. It is associated with deep psychological processes and profound changes.
  28. Polarities: Opposing pairs of zodiac signs within the same modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable), highlighting contrasting approaches and qualities.
  29. Polarity Point: A point in an astrological chart that represents the balancing point between opposing energies, often associated with karmic lessons and the integration of contrasting qualities.
  30. Polarity: The astrological concept of balancing opposing energies or qualities within a person or a chart, often represented by the opposition aspect.
  31. Positive/Negative Polarities: An astrological concept that classifies the twelve signs of the zodiac into positive (active, outgoing) and negative (receptive, introverted) polarities, representing different energetic qualities.
  32. Precession of the Equinoxes: The gradual shift of the Earth’s rotational axis, causing the vernal equinox point to move backwards through the zodiac over a period of approximately 26,000 years.
  33. Precession: The gradual shift of the Earth’s rotational axis, causing a change in the alignment of the zodiac signs with the equinoxes and solstices over long periods of time.
  34. Pre-Natal Astrology: The branch of astrology that focuses on the astrological influences present at the time of conception and gestation, believed to shape an individual’s character and destiny.
  35. Pre-Natal Eclipse: An eclipse that occurs before a person’s birth, believed to hold significance in shaping their life path and destiny.
  36. Primary Directions: A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of the planets in a chart to determine the timing of significant life events and experiences.
  37. Primary Elements: The four fundamental elements—fire, earth, air, and water—that are associated with the zodiac signs and represent different energetic qualities.
  38. Primary Triad: The three fundamental components of an astrological chart—the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant—that represent the core aspects of an individual’s identity and character.
  39. Prograde Motion: The forward motion of a planet as observed from Earth, following the same direction as the zodiac signs.
  40. Progressed Ascendant: The symbolic representation of the Ascendant’s movement in a progressed chart, reflecting shifts in personal appearance, self-image, and overall approach to life over time.
  41. Progressed Chart: A secondary chart constructed by advancing the positions of the natal planets to a specific point in time, offering insights into an individual’s growth and development.
  42. Progressed Jupiter: The symbolic representation of the planet Jupiter’s movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in expansion, success, abundance, and philosophical growth over time.
  43. Progressed Mars: The symbolic representation of the planet Mars’ movement in a progressed chart, reflecting shifts in assertiveness, energy levels, and personal drive over time.
  44. Progressed Mercury: The symbolic representation of the planet Mercury’s movement in a progressed chart, reflecting shifts in communication style, mental processes, and learning patterns over time.
  45. Progressed Midheaven: The symbolic representation of the Midheaven’s movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in career, public image, and life direction over time.
  46. Progressed Moon: The symbolic representation of the Moon’s movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in emotional needs, instincts, and habitual patterns over time.
  47. Progressed Neptune: The symbolic representation of the planet Neptune’s movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in spirituality, dreams, intuition, and creative inspiration over time.
  48. Progressed Nodes: The symbolic representation of the Lunar Nodes’ movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in karmic lessons, life direction, and soul growth over time.
  49. Progressed Pluto: The symbolic representation of the planet Pluto’s movement in a progressed chart, reflecting profound transformations, power dynamics, and psychological evolution over time.
  50. Progressed Saturn: The symbolic representation of the planet Saturn’s movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in responsibilities, structure, discipline, and life lessons over time.
  51. Progressed Sun: The symbolic representation of the Sun’s movement in a progressed chart, indicating shifts in self-expression, identity, and life purpose over time.
  52. Progressed Uranus: The symbolic representation of the planet Uranus’ movement in a progressed chart, reflecting shifts in individuality, rebellion, innovation, and sudden changes over time.
  53. Progressed Venus: The symbolic representation of the planet Venus’ movement in a progressed chart, reflecting shifts in relationships, love life, values, and aesthetic preferences over time.
  54. Progression: A method used in astrology to forecast future trends and events by advancing the positions of the planets in a chart, reflecting the ongoing development and evolution of an individual.
  55. Progressions: A technique in astrology that involves advancing the natal chart to calculate the influence of planetary movements and aspects over time, offering insights into personal growth and life events.
  56. Progressive Horoscope: A horoscope that shows the positions of the planets at a particular time in the future, providing a forecast of potential events and influences.
  57. Prominent: Referring to a planet or point in an astrological chart that holds significant influence due to its position, aspects, or prominence in the sky.
  58. Prophet: A person who claims to have received divine or supernatural messages or insights about future events, often associated with spiritual guidance and prophecy.
  59. Psychic Ability: The capacity to perceive information or events through extrasensory means, beyond the five physical senses, often associated with intuition, clairvoyance, or telepathy.
  60. Psychic Astrology: The practice of using intuitive or psychic abilities to gain insight and understanding of astrological phenomena, beyond traditional astrological techniques.
  61. Psychic: The ability to perceive information or phenomena beyond the normal senses, often associated with intuitive and clairvoyant abilities.
  62. Psychological Astrologer: An astrologer who specializes in the psychological dimensions of astrology, focusing on understanding and interpreting the inner psychological processes and patterns of individuals.
  63. Psychological Astrology: An approach to astrology that emphasizes the psychological dimensions and symbolic meanings of the planets, signs, and aspects, exploring their impact on individual behavior and personality.
  64. Psychological Complex: A pattern of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors that are deeply ingrained and often influenced by past experiences and unresolved issues, explored in psychological astrology.
  65. Psychological Projection: A defense mechanism in which an individual attributes their own unconscious thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto someone else, often explored in psychological astrology.
  66. Psychological Transits: The movement of planets in the current sky that form aspects to planets in an individual’s natal chart, reflecting psychological themes and potential inner transformations.
  67. Psychometry: A form of divination in which information about a person or object is obtained by touching or holding it, believed to tap into the energetic imprints and history associated with the item.
  68. Psychometry: A form of divination in which information about an object or person is obtained through touch or physical contact, tapping into the energy imprints associated with them.
  69. Ptolemaic System: A geocentric model of the solar system developed by Claudius Ptolemy in ancient Greece, which placed the Earth at the center and described the motions of the planets and stars.
  70. Pythagorean Numerology: A numerological system based on the teachings of Pythagoras, which assigns numerical values to letters and utilizes mathematical principles to interpret their significance in relation to personality traits and life events.
  71. Pythagorean Triangle: A geometric pattern formed by the aspect relationships between three planets in an astrological chart, indicating a harmonious configuration and potential for creative expression.