Full Moon In Capricorn – Now Or Never

Full Moon In Capricorn – Now Or Never

On July 21st, 2024 we have a Full Moon at 29° Capricorn.

Not only this is at the 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn (the first one was on June 21st, 2024) but it happens at the very last degree of Capricorn.

The last degree of a sign is called the anaretic degree, and it’s believed to be particularly powerful. Representing the maximum accumulated experience, the 29th degree is basically an ‘expert’ of the sign. It knows it inside out.

This Full Moon at 29° Capricorn is a culmination, but also a new beginning. We usually don’t associate Full Moons with new beginnings – new beginnings are typically associated with New Moons -, but this particular Full Moon in Capricorn has some very interesting astral signatures:

  • The Full Moon is at 29° Capricorn and its conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius.
  • The Full Moon is engaged in 2 aspects: a sextile with Neptune at 29° Pisces, and a trine to Mars at 0° Gemini. We again find the 29th degree (the last degree of the sign) and the 0 degree (the 1st degree of the sign).

The Full Moon in Capricorn is basically a culmination followed by a new beginning.

full moon in capricorn

The 29th degree of this lunation suggests that ‘we’ve been there, done that.’ We know what to expect. We know what we need to focus on. There are no big surprises.

Yet, this time we fully commit. We go full in. We don’t look back. It’s now or never. And when we find this 100% commitment, something miraculously happens.

This 100% commitment is what I see as the sacred passage from the 29th degree of Capricorn to 0° Aquarius. This 100% commitment has the potential to create a breakthrough and miraculously change our lives.

At the Full Moon in Capricorn, can finally break free from old patterns and models (Capricorn as the Saturn-ruled, tradition-driven sign) to embrace change (Aquarius as the Uranus-ruled, breakthrough-driven sign).

Full Moon in Capricorn – 100% Commitment

I have written a few times about the concept of 100% commitment, but I feel this time is particularly significant because we’re talking about a serious, commitment-loving Capricorn Moon, AND because this Full Moon is conjunct Pluto. And Pluto wants us to be 100% in.

There is something magical about a 100% commitment.

Not 99%, not even 99.9%, but 100%. When we are 100% committed, we are all in. Failing is not an option. When we are 100% committed, we connect ourselves to the fabric of the universe, and the universe begins to conspire to help us achieve our goal.

If we look back, we can usually tell when we said we were committed to something, but in hindsight, we can see that we were not really committed. Deep inside, we knew it back then too. The commitment felt more like an external obligation rather than a true drive from within.

And there’s nothing wrong with that. Perhaps we were not ready, or the thing we tried to commit ourselves to was not right for us, for various reasons.

But there are times in life when a heartfelt, true commitment is required. Venus, the planet of values, is in Leo now, helping us connect with our heart and what truly matters to us.

Full Moon In Capricorn – From 29° Capricorn To 0° Aquarius

The Full Moon in Capricorn is a beautifully aspected Full Moon – we only have supportive aspects, a sextile to Neptune and a trine to Mars.

This Full Moon has the potential to deliver, and deliver BIG. But it’s not for the faint of heart. It’s conjunct Pluto, and it’s a super tight conjunction.

It WILL be intense. It will require us to transform from the inside out. To really invite a new perspective into our lives (Aquarius).

It’s one thing to say “Now I’ve changed” “I’m going to do things differently from now on” and it’s another thing to actually do things differently. Change requires a genuine breakthrough. An honest invitation to a new way of being. A profound paradigm shift (Full Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius).

Thankfully, Mars at 0° Gemini – and trining the Full Moon – fully supports not only the Martian determination but also the fresh, beginner mindset (Mars at 0° degree) as well as the Gemini flexibility to approach things differently.

I truly feel this is one of the most important Full Moons we had in a long time. Not only because of all of the elements we already described, but because it activates some very important degrees of the zodiac that have been pivotal for our collective journey.

29° Capricorn is where Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter were positioned in 2020 during the pandemic, marking a significant moment of transformation and societal upheaval.

0° Aquarius is where a new 20-year Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycle started on December 21, 2020, marking the beginning of a 200-year Air era.

Pluto is now at this very same degree, applying pressure to the long-term agenda we set for ourselves back then.

Full Moon In Capricorn – Commit To What Really Matters

Having a Full Moon that connects these two significant degrees feels not only relevant but potentially historical.

This is the time to make an important commitment to something that really matters.

We are not talking about minor decisions. We are talking about very important commitments with the potential to significantly change your life.

There are not that many important commitments we can make in a lifetime. It’s committing to a partner. This commitment alone can shape the rest of our lives.

It’s committing to a health regimen. This can potentially lead to 10-20 years of improved health and more years to our life.

It’s committing to a career, a business, or a project, which has the potential to not only change our lives but leave a legacy for future generations.

At the Full Moon in Capricorn, what are you committing to?

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