Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – E

Glossary – E

  1. Earth Grand Cross: A configuration in which four planets form a square or a cross in Earth signs.

  2. Earth Grand Trine: A configuration in which three planets form an equilateral triangle in Earth signs.

  3. Earth Houses: The astrological houses (second, sixth, and tenth) associated with material wealth, health, and career.

  4. Earth Magic: Rituals, spells, and practices that connect with the Earth element for grounding and manifestation.

  5. Earth Sign: One of the four zodiac signs associated with the element of Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

  6. Earth Trine: A harmonious aspect formed when three planets are 120 degrees apart in Earth signs.

  7. Earth-House Stellium: A concentration of three or more planets in Earth houses, emphasizing practicality and material matters.

  8. Earthly Branches: A system of 12 animal signs used in Chinese astrology to represent years.

  9. Earth-Moon Connection: The energetic relationship between the Earth and the Moon, influencing emotions and cycles.

  10. Earthquake Point: A sensitive point in the birth chart associated with upheavals, transformations, and unexpected events.

  11. Earth-Sun Opposition: The aspect formed when the Earth and the Sun are directly opposite each other in the zodiac.

  12. Earth-Venus Synastry: Astrological compatibility and dynamics between two individuals’ Earth and Venus placements.

  13. Earth-Water Compatibility: The compatibility and dynamics between individuals with dominant Earth and Water placements in their charts.

  14. East Point: A sensitive point in the birth chart associated with self-realization and personal growth.

  15. Eastern Astrology: Astrological systems originating from Eastern cultures, such as Chinese and Vedic astrology.

  16. Eastern Horizon: The line where the sky appears to meet the Earth’s surface on the eastern side.

  17. Eccentricity: A measure of how elongated an elliptical orbit is, affecting the speed and intensity of a planet’s movement.

  18. Eclipse: The alignment of celestial bodies in which one body partially or completely blocks the light of another.

  19. Eclipses of Destiny: Eclipses that strongly influence a person’s life and indicate major life changes.

  20. Ecliptic Anomaly: The angular distance between a planet’s actual position on the ecliptic and its expected position.

  21. Ecliptic Coordinate System: A coordinate system based on the position of the Sun on the ecliptic.

  22. Ecliptic Ingress: The moment when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, marking a shift in its energies and influences.

  23. Ecliptic Latitude: The angular distance of a celestial body above or below the ecliptic plane, measured in degrees.

  24. Ecliptic Longitude: The angular distance of a celestial body along the ecliptic, measured in degrees.

  25. Ecliptic Meridian: The great circle on the celestial sphere passing through the celestial poles and the observer’s zenith.

  26. Ecliptic Nodes: The points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic, associated with eclipses.

  27. Ecliptic Obliquity: The angle between the celestial equator and the ecliptic due to Earth’s axial tilt.

  28. Ecliptic Parallax: The apparent shift in the position of a celestial body caused by the observer’s position on Earth.

  29. Ecliptic Plane: The plane formed by the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

  30. Ecliptic Precession: The gradual shift of the Earth’s axis, causing the vernal equinox point to move along the ecliptic.

  31. Ecliptic: The apparent path of the Sun in the sky throughout the year.

  32. Ego: The conscious mind or self-identity of an individual, influenced by astrological factors.

  33. Eighth House Cusp: The beginning point of the eighth house in a birth chart.

  34. Eighth House: The astrological house associated with transformation, shared resources, and sexuality.

  35. Elemental Affinity: The natural inclination or compatibility of an individual towards a particular element in astrology.

  36. Elemental Alchemy: The symbolic transformation and transmutation of energies represented by the elements in astrology.

  37. Elemental Archetypes: Universal patterns and symbols associated with the elements in astrology.

  38. Elemental Astrocartography: The study of how different locations on Earth align with astrological elements and energies.

  39. Elemental Astrotherapy: The use of elemental energies and astrology in therapeutic practices for healing and personal growth.

  40. Elemental Awakening: The process of becoming aware of and attuning to the elemental forces within oneself and the universe.

  41. Elemental Balance: The distribution of the four elements in a birth chart, influencing personality traits and characteristics.

  42. Elemental Balancing: The process of harmonizing and balancing the energies of the four elements within oneself.

  43. Elemental Compatibility: The harmony or conflict between the elemental energies of two individuals.

  44. Elemental Correspondences: Symbolic associations between the elements, planets, signs, and other astrological factors.

  45. Elemental Decanate: Each zodiac sign divided into three decanates, associated with different elemental influences.

  46. Elemental Divination: The use of elemental symbolism and energies in divinatory practices, such as tarot or rune readings.

  47. Elemental Empowerment: The process of aligning with and harnessing the energies of the elements

  48. Elemental Forces: The fundamental energies and qualities represented by the elements in astrology.

  49. Elemental Forecasting: Using astrological elements and energies to predict and analyze future events and trends.

  50. Elemental Healing: The use of astrological principles and elemental energies for promoting physical and emotional well-being.

  51. Elemental Integration: The process of harmonizing and integrating the energies of the elements within oneself, leading to a balanced and whole experience of life

  52. Elemental Intuition: The intuitive understanding and connection with the elemental energies in astrology.

  53. Elemental Magic: The use of elemental energies and correspondences for magical purposes in astrology.

  54. Elemental Meditation: A meditative practice that focuses on connecting with and balancing the elemental energies within oneself.

  55. Elemental Signature: The dominant element or combination of elements in a birth chart, shaping the individual’s personality.

  56. Elemental Symbols: Archetypal representations associated with the elements in astrology, often used in charts and diagrams.

  57. Elemental Synchronization: The harmonization and alignment of one’s energetic frequencies with the elemental forces.

  58. Elemental Talisman: An astrologically charged object or symbol representing a specific element for personal empowerment.

  59. Elemental Timing: The use of astrological elements to determine auspicious or favorable times for specific activities.

  60. Elemental Transits: The movement of planets through different elemental energies, influencing collective and individual experiences.

  61. Elemental Triplicities: Divisions of the zodiac signs into groups of three based on their element.

  62. Elemental Yin-Yang: The interplay of yin and yang energies within the elemental forces of astrology.

  63. Elements: The four fundamental forces in astrology—Fire, Earth, Air, and Water—associated with different qualities and energies.

  64. Elevation Angle: The angle formed by the horizon and a planet or celestial body above it.

  65. Elevation: The angular distance of a celestial body above the horizon.

  66. Elliptical Orbit: An orbital path in the shape of an ellipse, followed by some celestial bodies.

  67. Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and manage emotions, influenced by astrological factors.

  68. Enigma: A mysterious or puzzling astrological phenomenon that challenges conventional interpretations.

  69. Ephemeral Ascendant: The ascending sign in a temporary chart cast for a specific event or moment.

  70. Ephemeral Planets: Trans-Neptunian objects and asteroids used in astrological interpretation.

  71. Ephemeral: A term used to describe celestial bodies that move quickly through the zodiac.

  72. Ephemerides Calculation: The process of computing the positions of celestial bodies for a specific time period.

  73. Ephemeris: A table or book that shows the positions of celestial bodies at specific times.

  74. Equatorial Ascendant: The point on the ecliptic rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.

  75. Equatorial Coordinate System: A coordinate system based on the celestial equator and the celestial poles.

  76. Equatorial System: A coordinate system based on the celestial equator and the Earth’s equator, used in astronomy and navigation.

  77. Equilibrium Point: A sensitive point in the birth chart associated with finding balance and harmony in life.

  78. Equilibrium: A state of balance and harmony within oneself and the universe, often sought through astrological understanding.

  79. Equinox: The two points in the year when the length of day and night are approximately equal.

  80. Eros and Psyche: An astrological point representing the union of love, passion, and soul in relationships.

  81. Eros: An asteroid in astrology associated with passion, desire, and erotic energy.

  82. Esoteric Astrology: The branch of astrology that focuses on the spiritual aspects and evolution of the soul.

  83. Esoteric Knowledge: Spiritual and mystical teachings related to astrology and its deeper meanings.

  84. Essence: The fundamental nature or core identity of an individual, often analyzed through astrology.

  85. Essential Debility: The weaknesses or challenges that a planet experiences when placed in a particular sign or house.

  86. Essential Dignities: The strengths or weaknesses of a planet in a particular sign or house.

  87. Ethereal Body: The subtle energetic counterpart of the physical body, influenced by astrological factors.

  88. Ethereal: A term used to describe the intangible, spiritual, or mystical aspects of astrology and celestial bodies.

  89. Eurydice: An asteroid in astrology associated with healing, forgiveness, and transformation.

  90. Event Chart: A chart cast for a specific event, such as a wedding or the start of a business

  91. Eventful Chart: A birth chart with significant planetary placements and configurations indicating a life full of events and changes.

  92. Eventful Transits: Planetary movements and aspects that bring significant events and changes in one’s life.

  93. Exact Aspect: An aspect formed between two planets at an exact degree and minute.

  94. Exaltation: A sign in which a planet is believed to be highly empowered and its energies are heightened.

  95. Exalted Degree: The specific degree within a sign where a planet is considered to be at its highest strength and potency.

  96. Exalted Planet: A planet that is in its highest state of dignity and power in a specific sign.

  97. Excess Energy: A surplus of planetary or elemental energy in a birth chart, influencing intensity and power.

  98. Excess: An astrological condition where a planet or energy is overly emphasized or dominant.

  99. Existence: Signifies the state or fact of being alive or present, encompassing the entirety of one’s being and the fabric of reality itself.
  100. Exoteric Astrology: The branch of astrology that focuses on the external, observable aspects of a person’s life.

  101. External Planets: Outer planets beyond Saturn (Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) that influence collective and generational trends.