Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – F

Glossary – F


  1. Face Reading: An astrological practice that interprets facial features and their relationship to an individual’s character and destiny.

  2. Face: A term used to describe one-twelfth part of a zodiac sign, consisting of 10 degrees.

  3. Falling Sign: The sign of the zodiac that begins at the cusp of the seventh house, representing partnerships and relationships.

  4. Fana: A term used in Sufi astrology to describe the dissolution of the ego and merging with the divine.

  5. Fated: The belief that certain events or outcomes are predetermined by cosmic forces or destiny.

  6. Female: The gender-related aspect of astrology, often associated with the receptive and intuitive qualities.

  7. Feminine Signs: The zodiac signs of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces, associated with nurturing, intuition, and receptivity.

  8. Feng Shui Astrology: The practice of combining astrology and Feng Shui principles to harmonize one’s living or working space.

  9. Feng Shui: A Chinese philosophical system that seeks to harmonize individuals with their environment, often applied in astrology.

  10. Fertility: The astrological concept related to the ability to conceive and bear children.

  11. Financial Astrology: The application of astrology to analyze and predict financial markets and economic trends.

  12. Firdaria: A system used in medieval astrology to divide a person’s life into periods ruled by specific planets, determining major life themes and influences.

  13. Fire and Air Ascendant Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by the rising sign in a fire sign and the descendant in an air sign, highlighting the tension between personal expression and social interactions.

  14. Fire and Air Descendant Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in an air sign, emphasizing the conflict between personal expression and intellectual compatibility in relationships.

  15. Fire and Air Descendant Square: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in an air sign, highlighting the tension between personal expression and intellectual compatibility in relationships.

  16. Fire and Air Descendant Trine: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in an air sign, representing a harmonious flow of personal expression and intellectual compatibility in relationships.

  17. Fire and Air Grand Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fire signs and one in an air sign, representing a harmonious flow of inspiration and ideas.

  18. Fire and Air Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fire and air signs, emphasizing the conflict between action and intellect.

  19. Fire and Air Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fire and air signs, emphasizing the conflict between action and intellect.

  20. Fire and Air Sextile: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by two planets or points, one in a fire sign and the other in an air sign, promoting inspiration, communication, and innovative thinking.

  21. Fire and Air Signs: The combination of zodiac signs that belong to the fire and air elements, representing a balance of passion, intellect, and communication.

  22. Fire and Air Square: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in square aspect, with one in a fire sign and the other in an air sign, emphasizing the tension between action and intellectual pursuits.

  23. Fire and Air Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fire signs and one in an air sign, indicating enthusiasm and intellectual synergy.

  24. Fire and Earth Ascendant Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by the rising sign in a fire sign and the descendant in an earth sign, emphasizing the challenge between individuality and practicality in relationships.

  25. Fire and Earth Descendant Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in an earth sign, emphasizing the challenge between individuality and practicality in relationships.

  26. Fire and Earth Descendant Square: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in an earth sign, emphasizing the challenge between individuality and practicality in relationships.

  27. Fire and Earth Descendant Trine: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in an earth sign, symbolizing a harmonious balance between individuality and practicality in relationships

  28. Fire and Earth Grand Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fire signs and one in an earth sign, symbolizing a balance between passion and practicality.

  29. Fire and Earth Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fire and earth signs, highlighting the challenge between passion and practicality.

  30. Fire and Earth Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fire and earth signs, highlighting the challenge between passion and practicality.

  31. Fire and Earth Sextile: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by two planets or points, one in a fire sign and the other in an earth sign, encouraging practical action and manifestation.

  32. Fire and Earth Signs: The combination of zodiac signs that belong to the fire and earth elements, representing a balance of action, creativity, and practicality.

  33. Fire and Earth Square: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in square aspect, with one in a fire sign and the other in an earth sign, emphasizing the challenge between passion and practicality.

  34. Fire and Earth Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fire signs and one in an earth sign, representing passion and practicality.

  35. Fire and Water Ascendant Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by the rising sign in a fire sign and the descendant in a water sign, indicating a tension between passion and emotional harmony in relationships.

  36. Fire and Water Descendant Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in a water sign, highlighting the tension between passion and emotional connection in relationships.

  37. Fire and Water Descendant Square: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in a water sign, indicating a need for balance between passion and emotional connections in relationships.

  38. Fire and Water Descendant Trine: An astrological aspect formed by the descendant in a fire sign and the ascendant in a water sign, signifying a harmonious balance between passion and emotional connection in relationships.

  39. Fire and Water Grand Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fire signs and one in a water sign, signifying a balance between passion and intuition.

  40. Fire and Water Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fire and water signs, highlighting the tension between passion and emotion.

  41. Fire and Water Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fire and water signs, highlighting the tension between passion and emotion.

  42. Fire and Water Sextile: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by two planets or points, one in a fire sign and the other in a water sign, fostering a creative and emotional synergy.

  43. Fire and Water Signs: The combination of zodiac signs that belong to the fire and water elements, representing a balance of emotion, intuition, and inspiration.

  44. Fire and Water Square: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in square aspect, with one in a fire sign and the other in a water sign, highlighting the need for balance between passion and emotion.

  45. Fire and Water Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fire signs and one in a water sign, symbolizing passion and emotional depth.

  46. Fire Ascendant: A rising sign that falls within a fire sign (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), indicating a fiery and dynamic approach to life, with strong leadership qualities.

  47. Fire Element: One of the four elements in astrology, associated with the zodiac signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius.

  48. Fire Grand Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points in fire signs, creating a flow of energy and confidence in self-expression.

  49. Fire Signs: The zodiac signs of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, characterized by enthusiasm, passion, and creativity.

  50. Fire Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points in fire signs, indicating creativity, inspiration, and energy.

  51. Firefly Astrology: A unique form of astrology that draws inspiration from the behavior and symbolism of fireflies, focusing on themes of illumination, synchronicity, and enchantment in a person’s life

  52. First House: The astrological house that represents the self, physical appearance, and overall personality.

  53. Fixed Air: A term used in astrology to describe the intellectual and rational qualities associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius.

  54. Fixed Ascendant: A birth chart in which the rising sign falls in a fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius).

  55. Fixed Cross Tension: The inherent challenge and resistance experienced by individuals with planets or points in the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, requiring growth and transformation.

  56. Fixed Cross: The cross formed by the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, representing stability, determination, and loyalty.

  57. Fixed Earth: A term used in astrology to describe the practicality and grounded nature associated with the zodiac sign Taurus.

  58. Fixed Fire: A term used in astrology to describe the passionate and dynamic nature associated with the zodiac sign Leo.

  59. Fixed Grand Cross: A challenging astrological aspect formed by four planets or points, each located in a fixed sign.

  60. Fixed Grand Sextile: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by six planets or points, each located in a fixed sign, indicating exceptional talents and opportunities.

  61. Fixed Grand Trine: A harmonious astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, each located in a fixed sign, indicating stability and strength.

  62. Fixed Houses: The astrological houses that fall in the fixed signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, indicating areas of life where stability, determination, and persistence are prominent.

  63. Fixed Lunar Nodes: The points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic, representing karmic lessons and life direction, remaining in the same zodiac signs for extended periods.

  64. Fixed Opposition: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in opposing fixed signs, highlighting the need for balance and compromise.

  65. Fixed Sign Dominant: A term used to describe an individual with a majority of planets or points in fixed signs, indicating stability, determination, and resistance to change.

  66. Fixed Signs: The zodiac signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, known for their stability, determination, and resistance to change.

  67. Fixed Square: An astrological aspect formed by two planets or points in fixed signs, creating tension and challenges that require resolution.

  68. Fixed Star Algol: A notable fixed star in the constellation Perseus, associated with intense transformative energy and considered both powerful and challenging in astrology.

  69. Fixed Star Antares: A bright red star in the constellation Scorpius, associated with intensity, passion, and courage, often seen as a significant influence in astrology.

  70. Fixed Star Arcturus: A prominent star in the constellation Bootes, associated with success, abundance, and spiritual guidance, often seen as a positive influence in astrology.

  71. Fixed Star Astrology: The branch of astrology that focuses on the influence and interpretation of fixed stars.

  72. Fixed Star Castor: One of the twin stars in the constellation Gemini, associated with intellect, communication, and versatility, often indicating diverse talents and interests.

  73. Fixed Star Conjunction: An astrological aspect formed when a planet aligns closely with a fixed star, indicating a significant and potent influence in the birth chart.

  74. Fixed Star Mythology: The stories, legends, and symbolism associated with specific fixed stars, providing insights into their astrological interpretations.

  75. Fixed Star Pollux: The other twin star in the constellation Gemini, associated with diplomacy, adaptability, and artistic expression, often symbolizing harmonious relationships and social skills.

  76. Fixed Star Regulus: A royal fixed star in the constellation Leo, associated with leadership, success, and recognition, often considered auspicious in astrology.

  77. Fixed Star Sirius: The brightest star in the night sky, located in the constellation Canis Major, associated with power, intuition, and spiritual insight in astrology.

  78. Fixed Star Spica: A bright star in the constellation Virgo, associated with purity, healing, and wisdom, often symbolizing gifts and talents in astrology.

  79. Fixed Star Vega: A prominent fixed star in the constellation Lyra, associated with artistic talent, creativity, and intellectual pursuits in astrology.

  80. Fixed Stars in Astrology: The study of the influence and interpretation of specific stars within the constellations, used to gain deeper insights into natal charts.

  81. Fixed Stars: Celestial objects outside our solar system with fixed positions in the sky, considered significant in astrology.

  82. Fixed T-Square: A challenging astrological aspect formed by three planets or points, with two in fixed signs and one in an opposing sign.

  83. Fixed Water: A term used in astrology to describe the emotional stability and depth associated with the zodiac sign Scorpio.

  84. Flame Reading: A divinatory practice where patterns and shapes formed by a candle’s flame are interpreted for insights.

  85. Flower Astrology: The practice of assigning specific flowers to zodiac signs or birth months based on their symbolic meanings and qualities.

  86. Flower Remedies: Astrologically derived remedies made from flowers and used for emotional healing and well-being.

  87. Focal Planet: A planet in a birth chart that receives several aspects and has a strong influence on the individual’s life.

  88. Focal Point: A significant celestial object or point in a birth chart that attracts attention and influences the individual’s life.

  89. Forecast: A prediction or analysis of future events based on astrological principles and planetary movements.

  90. Fortuna: An Arabic Part or point in astrology that represents an individual’s fortune and luck.

  91. Fortune Teller: A person who practices divination techniques, including astrology, to provide insights and predictions about an individual’s future.

  92. Fortune: The general term used to describe luck, destiny, or fate in relation to astrology.

  93. Foundation Chart: A birth chart created for the inception or establishment of an event, organization, or project.

  94. Fourth House: The astrological house that represents home, family, roots, and one’s emotional foundation.

  95. Full Moon Eclipse: A lunar eclipse that occurs during a full moon, amplifying its transformative and powerful energy.

  96. Full Moon Ritual: Ceremonies or practices performed during the full moon phase to harness its energy for manifestation or release.

  97. Full Moon: The lunar phase when the Moon is completely illuminated, symbolizing culmination and fulfillment.

  98. Fundamental Astrology: The core principles and basic concepts of astrology, including the zodiac signs, houses, and aspects.

  99. Future: The events and circumstances that are yet to occur, often explored and predicted through astrological practices.