Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – G

Glossary – G

  1. Galactic Alignment: An astronomical event that occurs when the Earth, the Sun, and the Galactic Center align along the same plane, believed to have transformative energies.

  2. Galactic Center Astrology: The study of astrological influences derived from the position of the Galactic Center in the birth chart, believed to represent cosmic energies.

  3. Galactic Center: The central point in the Milky Way galaxy, believed to have powerful energetic influences on astrology.

  4. Galactic Center: The central point in the Milky Way galaxy, believed to have powerful energetic influences on astrology.

  5. Galactic Equator: The imaginary line on the celestial sphere that corresponds to the plane of the Milky Way galaxy, used for astronomical measurements.

  6. Galactic Evolution: The study of how galaxies, including the Milky Way, form, change, and evolve over cosmic time, often associated with astrological cycles.

  7. Galactic Halo: A vast region surrounding the Milky Way galaxy, consisting of dark matter and old stars.

  8. Galactic Halo: A vast region surrounding the Milky Way galaxy, consisting of dark matter and old stars.

  9. Galactic Halo: A vast region surrounding the Milky Way galaxy, consisting of dark matter and old stars.

  10. Galactic Longitude: A coordinate system used in astronomy and astrology to measure positions of celestial objects along the plane of the Milky Way galaxy.

  11. Galactic Longitude: A coordinate system used in astronomy to measure positions of celestial bodies within the Milky Way galaxy.

  12. Galactic Longitude: A coordinate system used in astronomy to measure positions of celestial bodies within the Milky Way galaxy.

  13. Galactic Plane Crossing: The point where the ecliptic plane intersects with the plane of the Milky Way galaxy, believed to hold astrological significance.

  14. Galactic Plane Crossing: The point where the ecliptic plane intersects with the galactic plane.

  15. Galactic Plane Crossing: The point where the ecliptic plane intersects with the galactic plane

  16. Galactic Plane: The plane in which the majority of stars, including our sun, reside in the Milky Way galaxy.

  17. Galactic Plane: The plane in which the majority of stars, including our sun, reside in the Milky Way galaxy.

  18. Galactocentric: A reference frame centered on the galactic center, used to analyze planetary positions within the Milky Way galaxy.

  19. Ganymede: One of Jupiter’s moons and the largest moon in the solar system, associated with expansion, growth, and optimism.

  20. Ganymede: One of Jupiter’s moons and the largest moon in the solar system, associated with expansion, growth, and optimism.

  21. Gate of Horn and Ivory: In astrology, the concept of accessing true and accurate knowledge and wisdom through dreams and intuitive channels.

  22. Gauquelin Effect: A controversial statistical observation suggesting that certain planets have a greater influence in specific areas of life, such as sports or arts.

  23. Gauquelin Sectors: Twelve equal divisions of the birth chart used in statistical studies to analyze the distribution of planets in specific areas.

  24. Gauquelin Sectors: Twelve equal divisions of the birth chart used in statistical studies to analyze the distribution of planets in specific areas.

  25. Gemini Ascendant: The zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s outward appearance and first impressions.

  26. Gemini Ascendant: The zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s outward appearance and first impressions.

  27. Gemini Ascendant: The zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s outward appearance and first impressions.

  28. Gemini Descendant: The zodiac sign setting on the western horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s relationships and partnerships.

  29. Gemini Descendant: The zodiac sign setting on the western horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s relationships and partnerships.

  30. Gemini Midheaven: The point in the birth chart associated with career, reputation, and public image when Gemini is on the Midheaven cusp.

  31. Gemini Midheaven: The point in the birth chart associated with career, reputation, and public image when Gemini is on the Midheaven cusp.

  32. Gemini Midheaven: The point in the birth chart associated with career, reputation, and public image when Gemini is on the Midheaven cusp.

  33. Gemini Moon: A person with the Moon placed in the zodiac sign Gemini, indicating emotional curiosity, versatility, and intellectual pursuits.

  34. Gemini Moon: A person with the Moon placed in the zodiac sign Gemini, indicating emotional curiosity, versatility, and intellectual pursuits.

  35. Gemini Moon: A person with the Moon placed in the zodiac sign Gemini, indicating emotional curiosity, versatility, and intellectual pursuits.

  36. Gemini Rising: The zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s appearance and personality traits.

  37. Gemini Rising: The zodiac sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, influencing the individual’s appearance and personality traits.

  38. Gemini Sun: A person with the Sun placed in the zodiac sign Gemini, indicating a focus on communication, intellectual pursuits, and adaptability.

  39. Gemini: The third astrological sign represented by the twins and associated with versatility, adaptability, and communication.

  40. Gemini-Cancer Cusp: The boundary between the zodiac signs Gemini and Cancer, associated with individuals born during a period of transition between the two signs.

  41. Gemstone Astrology: The use of gemstones to enhance or balance astrological energies based on their correspondences with specific zodiac signs or planets.

  42. Geocentric Astrology: A system of astrology that considers Earth as the center of the universe and interprets planetary movements from this perspective.

  43. Geocentric Astrology: A traditional form of astrology that considers Earth as the center of the cosmos and interprets planetary movements from this perspective.

  44. Geocentric: A system of astrology that considers Earth as the center of the universe.

  45. Geocentric: A system of astrology that considers Earth as the center of the universe.

  46. Geodetic Equator: A circle around the Earth, resulting from projecting the celestial equator onto the surface of the planet.

  47. Geodetic Equator: A circle around the Earth, resulting from projecting the celestial equator onto the surface of the planet.

  48. Geodetic Houses: An astrological house system that divides the Earth’s surface into twelve equal segments, with each house representing a different area of life.

  49. Geodetic Lines: Imaginary lines on the Earth’s surface connecting points of equal astrological significance, such as the equator and meridians.

  50. Geodetic Lines: Imaginary lines on the Earth’s surface connecting points of equal astrological significance, such as the equator and meridians.

  51. Geomancy: A divination practice that interprets patterns formed by throwing objects, such as rocks or bones, onto the ground.

  52. Geomancy: A divination practice that interprets patterns formed by throwing objects, such as rocks or bones, onto the ground.

  53. Geomantic Divination: A method of divination that involves interpreting patterns created by making marks or drawing lines in the earth or on a surface.

  54. Geomantic Figures: Sixteen symbols used in geomancy to represent different combinations of elemental forces and astrological influences.

  55. Geosynchronous Orbit: An orbit around the Earth in which a satellite remains in a fixed position relative to a specific point on the Earth’s surface.

  56. Gibbous Moon: The lunar phase occurring between the first quarter and full moon, characterized by a shape that is more than half but less than fully illuminated.

  57. Glyph: A symbol representing a zodiac sign, planet, or astrological aspect

  58. Glyph: A symbol representing a zodiac sign, planet, or astrological aspect.

  59. Gnostic Astrology: A branch of astrology that integrates esoteric and spiritual principles into the interpretation of the birth chart.

  60. Goddess Asteroids: A group of asteroids named after Greek and Roman goddesses, believed to represent feminine archetypes in astrology.

  61. Goddess Asteroids: A group of asteroids named after Greek and Roman goddesses, believed to represent feminine archetypes in astrology.

  62. Goddess Astrology: A form of astrology that emphasizes the archetypal energies and symbolism of goddesses from various mythologies in relation to the zodiac signs and planets.

  63. Golden Hour: In astrology, the hour of the day when the Sun is rising or setting, believed to have heightened spiritual or magical significance.

  64. Golden Rectangle: A harmonious geometric pattern formed by two intersecting rectangles with a ratio close to the golden ratio (approximately 1.618), representing balance and beauty.

  65. Good Fortune: Positive and fortunate events or circumstances in a person’s life, often attributed to the positioning of benefic planets in the birth chart.

  66. Grand Cardinal Cross: A cardinal cross involving all four cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), symbolizing dynamic challenges and initiation.

  67. Grand Cardinal Cross: A cardinal cross involving all four cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), symbolizing dynamic challenges and initiation.

  68. Grand Cross: A planetary alignment where four planets form a square aspect with each other, creating a cross-like pattern in the birth chart.

  69. Grand Cross: A planetary alignment where four planets form a square aspect with each other, creating a cross-like pattern in the birth chart.

  70. Grand Earth Trine: A grand trine composed of three earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), symbolizing practicality, stability, and material manifestation.

  71. Grand Earth Trine: A grand trine composed of three earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), highlighting practicality, stability, and material success.

  72. Grand Earth Trine: A grand trine composed of three earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), highlighting practicality, stability, and material success.

  73. Grand Earth Trine: A grand trine composed of three earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), highlighting practicality, stability, and material success.

  74. Grand Fire Trine: A grand trine composed of three fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), representing passion, inspiration, and assertiveness in the birth chart.

  75. Grand Fire Trine: A grand trine composed of three fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), emphasizing enthusiasm, creativity, and passion.

  76. Grand Fire Trine: A grand trine composed of three fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), emphasizing enthusiasm, creativity, and passion.

  77. Grand Fire Trine: A grand trine composed of three fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), emphasizing enthusiasm, creativity, and passion.

  78. Grand Mutable Cross: A mutable cross involving all four mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), signifying adaptability and change.

  79. Grand Mutable Cross: A planetary alignment where four planets form a square aspect with each other, creating a cross-like pattern, emphasizing adaptability and change.

  80. Grand Sextile: An astrological configuration where six planets form a hexagon in the birth chart, symbolizing harmony and potential.

  81. Grand Sextile: An astrological configuration where six planets form a hexagon in the birth chart, symbolizing harmony and potential.

  82. Grand Trine: A harmonious aspect pattern in which three planets form an equilateral triangle in the birth chart, indicating ease and flow.

  83. Grand Water Trine: A grand trine composed of three water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), representing emotional sensitivity, intuition, and psychic abilities.

  84. Grand Water Trine: A grand trine composed of three water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), enhancing emotional sensitivity and intuition.

  85. Grand Water Trine: A grand trine composed of three water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), enhancing emotional sensitivity and intuition.

  86. Grand Water Trine: A grand trine composed of three water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces), enhancing emotional sensitivity and intuition.

  87. Great Attractor: A mysterious gravitational anomaly in the direction of the Hydra-Centaurus supercluster, influencing cosmic forces.

  88. Great Attractor: A mysterious gravitational anomaly in the direction of the Hydra-Centaurus supercluster, influencing cosmic forces.

  89. Great Circle: A circle on the celestial sphere whose center coincides with the center of the Earth, used to determine planetary positions in astrology.

  90. Great Circles of Declination: Imaginary circles on the celestial sphere that intersect at the poles and represent different latitudes or declination zones.

  91. Great Conjunction: The conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that occurs approximately every 20 years, marking significant shifts and societal changes.

  92. Great Malefic: A term used to describe Saturn, one of the planets traditionally associated with challenges, restrictions, and lessons in astrology.

  93. Great Year: A period of approximately 26,000 years, believed to be the time it takes for the precession of the equinoxes.

  94. Great Year: A period of approximately 26,000 years, believed to be the time it takes for the precession of the equinoxes.

  95. Great Year: A period of approximately 26,000 years, believed to be the time it takes for the precession of the equinoxes.

  96. Green Witchcraft: A spiritual path that blends astrology, herbalism, and nature-based practices to connect with the Earth’s cycles and energies.

  97. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): The mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, used as a reference for timekeeping worldwide.

  98. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT): The mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, used as a reference for timekeeping worldwide.

  99. Grounding: The practice of connecting with the Earth’s energy to achieve balance and stability, often used in astrology to enhance the effectiveness of planetary energies.

  100. Guardian Angel: A spiritual being believed to protect and guide an individual throughout their life, often associated with specific zodiac signs or planetary influences.

  101. Guru: Name used for Jupiter in Vedic Astrology