Glossary – I

  1. I Ching: An ancient Chinese divination text used in astrology.
  2. Iamblichus: An influential Neoplatonist philosopher and astrologer who lived in the 3rd century, known for his works on theurgy and astrology.
  3. Icarian: Pertaining to the myth of Icarus, symbolizing a daring and ambitious nature in astrology, sometimes leading to risks or downfall.
  4. Icarus: An asteroid in astrology symbolizing recklessness or an urge to explore uncharted territories.
  5. Icicle: An aspect in astrology that represents rigidity or detachment.
  6. Iconography: The symbolic representation of celestial bodies, signs, or astrological concepts through visual imagery.
  7. Ideal Chart: A theoretical birth chart used as a reference point for astrological analysis and comparison.
  8. Idealism: A trait associated with individuals who have an idealistic approach to life, influenced by astrology.
  9. Idealization: A psychological process that occurs when someone attributes excessively positive qualities to a person or situation, explored in astrology.
  10. Ideology: A set of beliefs or principles that shape an individual’s worldview, sometimes influenced by astrological factors.
  11. Idiosyncrasy: Unique or peculiar behavioral patterns or traits attributed to astrological influences or planetary aspects.
  12. Ignition Point: A term in astrology referring to the moment when a person’s life path or purpose is ignited or set into motion.
  13. Illumination: A state of spiritual or intellectual enlightenment associated with certain astrological configurations or transits.
  14. Illusion: A planetary aspect that can cause confusion or deceptive influences in astrology.
  15. Image Point: A sensitive point in a birth chart that represents a person’s self-image or how they present themselves to the world.
  16. Imagination: The creative faculty of the mind, which is influenced by astrological factors.
  17. Imbalance: A condition explored in astrology where certain planetary or elemental energies dominate or conflict within an individual’s chart, potentially causing challenges or disharmony.
  18. Impactful: Describing astrological influences or events that have a significant and lasting effect on an individual’s life or the collective consciousness.
  19. Impersonal: A term in astrology describing traits or influences that are detached from personal emotions or attachments.
  20. Impulsiveness: A characteristic associated with individuals whose astrological charts indicate a tendency to act without careful consideration.
  21. Imum Coeli (IC): The lowest point in a person’s birth chart, representing the foundation and roots of their life.
  22. Imum Coeli in Aries: An astrological configuration where the IC (Imum Coeli) is located in the zodiac sign of Aries, indicating a focus on personal identity and self-expression.
  23. Inanna: An ancient Sumerian goddess associated with love, fertility, and the planet Venus in astrology.
  24. Inca Astrology: The astrological system developed by the Inca civilization, which included the study of celestial movements and their impact on human life.
  25. Incantation: A ritualistic or magical chant or prayer used in astrology to invoke specific energies or seek divine guidance.
  26. Incarnation Chart: A specific type of birth chart used in astrology to explore past lives, karmic lessons, and soul evolution.
  27. Incarnation: The process of a soul being born into a physical body, often discussed in relation to astrology.
  28. Incense: Aromatic substances used in astrology to enhance spiritual practices and rituals.
  29. Inception: The beginning or initiation of a significant event, process, or phase in astrology, often associated with new ventures or endeavors.
  30. Inconjunct: An aspect in astrology that indicates a lack of connection or harmony between two planets.
  31. Incorporeal: A term used in astrology to describe energies or influences that are non-physical or spiritual in nature.
  32. Incremental: A term in astrology that describes gradual or incremental changes and developments in a person’s life, often influenced by planetary transits.
  33. Incubation: A period of gestation or development in astrology, representing a phase of internal growth and preparation before external manifestation.
  34. Indecisiveness: A trait associated with individuals whose astrological configurations indicate a struggle in making decisions or committing to a particular course of action.
  35. Index Finger: In palmistry and astrology, the index finger is associated with leadership, ambition, and self-confidence.
  36. India: A culturally rich and diverse country in South Asia, is renowned for its ancient traditions, historical heritage, and vibrant society.
  37. Indian Astrology: Also known as Vedic astrology or Jyotish, it is an astrological system originating from ancient India that incorporates the use of lunar mansions (Nakshatras) and the sidereal zodiac.
  38. Indigo Children: A concept in astrology and New Age beliefs that suggests certain individuals possess heightened spiritual abilities.
  39. Individuality: The unique qualities, characteristics, and identity of a person, often explored in astrology through the analysis of the natal chart.
  40. Individuated Self: The unique and authentic self that emerges through self-awareness, personal growth, and the integration of astrological influences.
  41. Individuation: A psychological process explored in astrology, where an individual develops a sense of self and distinct identity.
  42. Inebriation: A state of intoxication or altered consciousness associated with certain planetary transits in astrology.
  43. Inequality: A concept explored in astrology that addresses imbalances or disparities in various aspects of life.
  44. Inflection Point: A pivotal moment in an individual’s life or a significant shift in energy and direction indicated by astrological factors.
  45. Influence: The impact or effect that celestial bodies have on an individual’s character or life path, as studied in astrology.
  46. Influx: The arrival or influx of energies, influences, or celestial forces that impact individuals or the collective consciousness, as studied in astrology.
  47. Infortunes: In traditional astrology, the malefic planets Saturn and Mars, which are believed to bring difficulties, challenges, or misfortune.
  48. Ingress Chart: A horoscope created to analyze the astrological influences of a planet’s entry into a new zodiac sign.
  49. Ingress Point: The exact moment when a planet enters a new zodiac sign, used in predictive astrology to analyze the influence of planetary transitions.
  50. Ingress: The entry of a planet into a new zodiac sign, considered significant in astrology.
  51. Inheritance Line: An astrological concept that explores the hereditary or ancestral influences passed down through generations, including traits, talents, and challenges.
  52. Inheritance: The traits, talents, or conditions passed down through generations, explored in astrology.
  53. Inner Circle: A group or community of individuals who share a deep interest or involvement in astrology and esoteric practices.
  54. Inner Self: The true essence or core of an individual’s being, explored through astrology.
  55. Inner Wheel: The inner circle of a natal chart that represents the houses and their corresponding areas of life.
  56. Innocence: A quality associated with certain astrological configurations, representing a pure or untarnished state of being.
  57. Inquisitive: A trait associated with individuals who possess a natural curiosity and a desire to explore and understand the world, often reflected in their astrological charts.
  58. Insight: A deep understanding or intuitive perception gained through astrological analysis or self-reflection.
  59. Insightful Astrology: An approach to astrology that emphasizes deep understanding, introspection, and the use of intuitive faculties to interpret and apply astrological principles.
  60. Inspiration: A divine or creative influence believed to be transmitted through astrology.
  61. Integration: The process of harmonizing and incorporating different aspects of oneself, explored in astrology as a path to personal growth and wholeness.
  62. Intellect: The mental capacity for reasoning, understanding, and knowledge, explored through astrological analysis.
  63. Intensity: A measure of the strength or power of an astrological influence or aspect.
  64. Interception: A condition in astrology when a sign is not found on any of the cusps in a birth chart, indicating hidden or internalized energies.
  65. Interconnectedness: The belief in the inherent connection and interdependence of all things, often emphasized in astrological philosophies.
  66. Intercultural Astrology: The study and integration of astrological practices and philosophies from different cultures and traditions.
  67. Intercusp: A term in astrology referring to a planet or celestial body located near the boundary between two zodiac signs, influencing traits from both signs.
  68. Intergalactic: A term in astrology that refers to influences or energies beyond the boundaries of our own galaxy, representing expansive and cosmic perspectives.
  69. Intrinsic: Referring to qualities, potentials, or tendencies that are inherent within an individual and revealed through astrology.
  70. Introspection: The act of self-reflection and examination of one’s thoughts, feelings, and motives, often encouraged in astrology as a means of self-discovery.
  71. Intuition Point: A hypothetical point in astrology that represents a person’s intuitive abilities or psychic potential.
  72. Intuition: The ability to understand or perceive something without relying on conscious reasoning, often associated with astrological guidance.
  73. Intuitive Astrologer: A practitioner of astrology who emphasizes intuitive insights, empathic understanding, and a holistic approach to interpreting and applying astrological principles.
  74. Intuitive Astrology: A form of astrology that relies on intuitive insights rather than strict technical analysis.
  75. Intuitive Healing: A healing practice that combines intuitive insights and astrological principles to facilitate emotional, spiritual, or physical well-being.
  76. Inverse: A term used in astrology to describe a relationship between two celestial bodies where their energies counterbalance or oppose each other.
  77. Inverted Triangle: A symbolic shape used in astrology to represent a specific configuration of planets or aspects that indicate challenges, transformation, or karmic lessons.
  78. Invocation of Planets: A ritual practice in astrology that involves calling upon the energies and guidance of specific planetary influences.
  79. Invocation: A ritual or prayer seeking the guidance or assistance of higher celestial forces, often employed in astrology.
  80. Involution: A concept in astrology that refers to the internal process of self-transformation and growth, often triggered by challenging planetary transits or life events.
  81. Iridology: An alternative practice that examines the iris of the eye to gain insight into a person’s physical and emotional health, sometimes associated with astrology.
  82. Iris: An asteroid in astrology representing communication, messages, and the rainbow bridge between realms
  83. Iriscope: A tool used in alternative medicine and astrology to examine the patterns and markings in the iris of the eye for diagnostic purposes.
  84. Iron: A mineral associated with the astrological symbolism of strength, endurance, and grounding.
  85. Irony: A concept explored in astrology that refers to unexpected or contradictory outcomes or situations in life, often attributed to planetary influences.
  86. Irregular Aspect: A planetary aspect in astrology that deviates from the traditional harmonious or challenging angles, creating unique dynamics and potentials.
  87. Isis: An asteroid in astrology representing the nurturing and motherly qualities in a person’s chart.
  88. Isolation: A state of being separated or detached from others, explored in astrology as a potential life theme.
  89. Isotope: In astrochemistry, isotopes play a role in understanding the elemental composition and energy balance of celestial bodies.
  90. Iteration: The repetition or recurrence of astrological cycles and patterns in a person’s life or in the larger cosmic context.
  91. Ithaca: A reference to the mythological Greek island mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey, symbolizing the journey of self-discovery and return, often explored in astrological interpretations.
  92. Ithyphallic: A term used in ancient astrology to describe deities or celestial bodies depicted with an erect phallus, symbolizing fertility, creativity, and divine power.
  93. Itinerant: A term in astrology describing celestial bodies that frequently change zodiac signs or positions in a birth chart.
  94. Ivory Tower: A metaphorical term used in astrology to describe a state of detachment or isolation from practical concerns, often associated with intellectual pursuits or spiritual exploration.
  95. Ivory: A symbol of purity and luxury in astrology, often associated with themes of beauty, grace, and elegance.
  96. Ivy: A plant associated with the astrological symbolism of growth, resilience, and tenacity.
  97. Ixion Complex: A psychological concept in astrology that explores themes of power, dominance, and destructive behavior.
  98. Ixion Complex: A psychological concept in astrology that explores themes of power, dominance, and destructive behavior.
  99. Ixion: A trans-Neptunian object in astrology associated with themes of power, control, and manipulation.
  100. Ixtlilton: An Aztec deity associated with astrology, agriculture, and artistic endeavors.
  101. Iyyar: The second month of the Hebrew calendar, sometimes referred to as the “Zodiac of Iyyar” in astrology.