Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – J

Glossary – J

  1. Jaimini Astrology: A branch of Vedic astrology that focuses on the interpretation of planetary influences based on ancient texts by sage Jaimini.
  2. Jaimini Chara Dasha: A unique timing system in Jaimini astrology that reveals the major life events and periods of a person based on planetary positions in specific zodiac signs.
  3. Jaimini Sutramritam: A classical text in Jaimini astrology that delves into the deeper aspects of predictive astrology and planetary influences.
  4. Jaimini Sutras: A collection of aphorisms written by sage Jaimini, forming the basis of Jaimini astrology.
  5. Jala Tatva: The element of water in astrology, representing emotions, intuition, sensitivity, and the subconscious mind.
  6. Janam Kundali Milan: The process of matching and comparing birth charts for compatibility in marriage, assessing the harmony between two individuals.
  7. Janam Kundli: The Hindi term for a birth chart or horoscope.
  8. Janam Patri: The Hindi term for a birth chart or horoscope.
  9. Janma Bhava: The first house in a birth chart, also known as the Ascendant or Lagna, representing the self, physical body, and overall life path.
  10. Janma Kundali: A birth chart that maps the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth.
  11. Janma Lagna Lord: The ruling planet of the ascendant or rising sign in a birth chart, signifying the primary influences and qualities of the individual.
  12. Janma Lagna: The rising sign or ascendant in a birth chart, representing the individual’s physical appearance, demeanor, and first house influences.
  13. Janma Nakshatra Phala: The predictions and outcomes associated with the Nakshatra or lunar mansion in which the Moon was located at the time of birth
  14. Janma Nakshatra: The Nakshatra or lunar mansion in which the Moon was located at the time of birth, influencing personality traits and emotional patterns.
  15. Janma Rashi Lord: The ruling planet of the zodiac sign occupied by the Moon at the time of birth, exerting a significant influence on one’s emotions and instincts.
  16. Janma Rashi: The zodiac sign in which the Moon was located at the time of a person’s birth.
  17. Jataka Parijata: A renowned Sanskrit text on astrology written by Vaidyanatha Dikshita, providing detailed insights into predictive techniques and planetary influences.
  18. Jataka: A Sanskrit term for a birth chart or horoscope in Indian astrology.
  19. Jathagam: The Tamil term for a birth chart or horoscope in Indian astrology.
  20. Jathaka Porutham: A compatibility assessment system in Vedic astrology used to evaluate the compatibility of individuals for marriage.
  21. Jathaka Porutham: A compatibility assessment system in Vedic astrology used to determine the compatibility of individuals for marriage.
  22. Jhora Dasha System: A timing system in astrology that determines the planetary periods and sub-periods for predicting events and trends in a person’s life.
  23. Jhora Kundali: A horoscope or birth chart created using Jhora software.
  24. Jhora Kundli Analysis: The process of interpreting and analyzing a birth chart using Jhora software and various astrological techniques.
  25. Jhora Kundli Interpretation: The process of understanding and analyzing the various elements of a birth chart using Jhora software and astrological expertise.
  26. Jhora Kundli Matching: The process of comparing and analyzing birth charts for compatibility in marriage using Jhora software and astrological principles.
  27. Jhora Kundli Milan: The process of comparing and matching birth charts for compatibility in marriage using Jhora software.
  28. Jhora Panchang: An astrological almanac or calendar used for determining auspicious timings, planetary positions, and other astrological information.
  29. Jhora Panchang: An astrological almanac or calendar used for determining auspicious timings, planetary positions, and other astrological information.
  30. Jhora Pata: An astrological almanac or ephemeris used for determining planetary positions.
  31. Jhora Phala: The astrological predictions or outcomes derived from the analysis of a birth chart using Jhora software and astrological techniques.
  32. Jhora Software: A popular astrology software used for chart calculations and analysis.
  33. Jhora Transit: The movement of planets through different zodiac signs, influencing various aspects of life and triggering significant events.
  34. Jhora Yantra: An instrument or tool used in ancient astrology for making precise calculations and determining planetary positions.
  35. Jhora: A popular software program used for astrology calculations and chart generation.
  36. Jiva Karaka: The significator planet in Vedic astrology that represents the individual soul and influences one’s personality, desires, and actions.
  37. Jiva Yoga: An auspicious planetary combination in astrology that indicates spiritual inclination, self-realization, and liberation.
  38. Jivanmukta: A term in Vedic astrology referring to an enlightened being who has attained liberation while still living.
  39. Jivanmukti Yoga: A yogic path aimed at achieving liberation while living, transcending the limitations of the physical realm and realizing the true nature of existence.
  40. Jivatma Karaka: The significator planet in Jaimini astrology that represents the soul and indicates one’s desires, aspirations, and spiritual growth.
  41. Jivatma Karaka: The significator planet in Jaimini astrology that represents the soul and indicates one’s desires, aspirations, and spiritual growth.
  42. Jivatma Paramatma: The relationship between the individual soul (Jivatma) and the supreme soul (Paramatma) in spiritual and astrological contexts.
  43. Jivatma Sambandha: The relationship between the individual soul (Jivatma) and the divine or universal consciousness (Paramatma) in spiritual and astrological contexts.
  44. Jivatma Siddhi: The state of self-realization or spiritual enlightenment attained by the individual soul (Jivatma).
  45. Jivatma Sthana: The position of the significator planet in a birth chart, indicating the area of life where the individual’s desires and aspirations are focused.
  46. Jivatma: The individual soul or consciousness in Vedic astrology.
  47. Jnana Bhava: The fifth house in a birth chart, associated with intelligence, wisdom, higher knowledge, and spiritual pursuits.
  48. Jnana Bhumi: A metaphorical term meaning “land of knowledge,” symbolizing the realm of wisdom and enlightenment attained through spiritual practices.
  49. Jnana Drishti: The intuitive insight or higher knowledge gained through spiritual practices and the study of astrology.
  50. Jnana Shakti: The power of knowledge and wisdom associated with the intellect and intuitive understanding, represented by specific planetary influences in astrology.
  51. Jnana Yoga: A spiritual path in Hinduism focused on attaining enlightenment through knowledge, introspection, and self-realization.
  52. Jnanendriya: The five sensory organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin) in astrology, representing the channels through which knowledge and experience are gained.
  53. Joni Patry Astrology: The name of Joni Patry’s astrology website and online platform.
  54. Joni Patry YouTube: Joni Patry’s YouTube channel where she shares astrology-related videos and predictions.
  55. Joni Patry: An astrologer and author known for her work in Western astrology.
  56. Joytish: The Bengali term for astrology.
  57. Joytishacharya: A title given to an expert or master in the field of astrology.
  58. Juno: An asteroid in astrology, representing committed relationships, partnerships, and marriage.
  59. Jupiter (i): The biggest planet in our solar system and the fifth one counting from the sun.
  60. Jupiter (ii): The main god of ancient Rome, who was married to Juno. He was in charge of things like light, the sky, weather, the well-being of the state and the laws.
  61. Jupiter in Aquarius: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, emphasizing innovation, social progress, and humanitarian endeavors.
  62. Jupiter in Aquarius: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, emphasizing innovation, social progress, and humanitarian endeavors.
  63. Jupiter in Aries: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Aries, emphasizing enthusiasm, assertiveness, and dynamic growth.
  64. Jupiter in Cancer: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Cancer, emphasizing emotional growth, nurturing qualities, and domestic harmony.
  65. Jupiter in Capricorn: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, influencing ambition, discipline, and long-term goals.
  66. Jupiter in Gemini: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Gemini, enhancing communication skills, intellectual pursuits, and versatility.
  67. Jupiter in Leo: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Leo, emphasizing creativity, leadership abilities, and self-expression.
  68. Jupiter in Leo: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Leo, emphasizing creativity, leadership abilities, and self-expression
  69. Jupiter in Pisces: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Pisces, enhancing compassion, spirituality, and intuition.
  70. Jupiter in Sagittarius: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, emphasizing exploration, wisdom, and philosophical pursuits.
  71. Jupiter in Taurus: Refers to the placement of Jupiter in the zodiac sign of Taurus, emphasizing abundance, material stability, and sensual pleasures.
  72. Jupiter Retrograde: The apparent backward motion of Jupiter in its orbit, which is believed to have significant effects on personal and collective growth.
  73. Jupiter Transit: The movement of Jupiter from one zodiac sign to another, influencing various areas of life.
  74. Jupiter: The largest planet in our solar system, associated with expansion, growth, and abundance.
  75. Juxtaposition: The alignment or placement of celestial bodies in relation to one another, influencing the energy and interactions between them.
  76. Jwara Dasha: A predictive technique in Hindu astrology used to determine the timing of illness and recovery based on planetary influences.
  77. Jwara Prashna: The branch of astrology that deals with answering questions related to health and illnesses based on the time of inquiry and planetary influences.
  78. Jyeshta Devata: The deity associated with the Jyeshta Nakshatra, believed to bestow protection, strength, and auspiciousness.
  79. Jyeshta Nakshatra Lord: The ruling planet of the Jyeshta Nakshatra, governing the characteristics, attributes, and influences of this lunar mansion.
  80. Jyeshta Nakshatra: The Sanskrit name for the Jyeshtha Nakshatra.
  81. Jyeshta: The Hindi name for the Jyeshtha Nakshatra in Vedic astrology.
  82. Jyeshtha Devi: The presiding deity of the Jyeshtha Nakshatra, associated with protection and strength.
  83. Jyeshtha: The eighteenth Nakshatra (lunar mansion) in Vedic astrology, associated with power, courage, and leadership.
  84. Jyotirlinga: The twelve sacred shrines in Hinduism associated with Lord Shiva, representing cosmic energy and divine power.
  85. Jyotirmaay: A Sanskrit term meaning “full of light,” used to describe the profound knowledge and wisdom of astrology.
  86. Jyotirmaya Atma: A term signifying the radiant or luminous nature of the soul, reflecting its divine essence and connection to the cosmic light.
  87. Jyotirvid: A title given to a knowledgeable and accomplished astrologer, indicating mastery in the science of light (astrology).
  88. Jyotish: Vedic Astrology
  89. Jyotish Chakra: The astrological chart or wheel that represents the positioning of planets, signs, and houses in Vedic astrology.
  90. Jyotish Chakshu: A metaphorical term referring to the “eye of astrology,” symbolizing the deep insight and understanding gained through the study and practice of astrology.
  91. Jyotish Darshana: The philosophical aspect of astrology, delving into the deeper understanding of cosmic energies, destiny, and the interconnectedness of all things.
  92. Jyotish Ganana: The mathematical calculations and techniques used in astrology for chart interpretation, planetary positions, and predictive analysis.
  93. Jyotish Gemstones: Gemstones believed to harness the energies of specific planets in astrology, used for balancing planetary influences and enhancing positive traits.
  94. Jyotish Guru: A revered and knowledgeable astrologer who imparts teachings, guidance, and wisdom in the field of astrology.
  95. Jyotish Mandala: The astrological chart or wheel that displays the planetary positions, houses, and divisions used in the practice of astrology.
  96. Jyotish Margdarshan: Guidance and counseling provided by an astrologer to individuals seeking clarity, direction, and support in their lives.
  97. Jyotish Phaladesh: The branch of astrology that focuses on predicting future events, outcomes
  98. Jyotish Prashna: The branch of astrology that focuses on answering specific questions based on the time of inquiry, providing insights and guidance.
  99. Jyotish Ratna: A term used for individuals who have achieved expertise and mastery in the field of astrology.
  100. Jyotish Shastra Shiksha: The study and education of astrology, encompassing various topics like chart reading, predictive techniques, and remedial measures.
  101. Jyotish Shastra: The ancient Indian system of astrology, encompassing various branches such as horoscopy, predictive astrology, and remedial measures.
  102. Jyotish Shastracharya: A title given to those who have achieved advanced knowledge and proficiency in the field of astrology.
  103. Jyotish Upay: Remedial measures in astrology, such as gemstone recommendations, mantra recitation, and charitable acts, aimed at mitigating negative influences and enhancing positive outcomes.
  104. Jyotish Vastu: The application of astrological principles and guidelines in the field of architecture and space planning to enhance positive energies and harmony.
  105. Jyotish Vidya Bhavan: An institution dedicated to the teaching and promotion of Vedic astrology and related subjects.
  106. Jyotish Vidya: The Sanskrit term for the study and practice of astrology.
  107. Jyotish: Also known as Vedic astrology, it is the traditional system of astrology practiced in India.
  108. Jyotishi: A practitioner or astrologer who specializes in Jyotish or Vedic astrology.