What exactly is Ketu?

Ketu In Vedic Astrology
Ketu In Vedic Astrology

Astrology is a fascinating field that has been around for centuries. It has given us insights into the mysteries of the universe and helped us understand ourselves better. One of the planets that is commonly discussed in astrology is Ketu. In this article, we will discuss what exactly Ketu is, what it does to a person, and how it can be used to discover our inner selves.

What exactly is Ketu and what does Ketu do to a person?

Ketu is one of the nine planets in Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotish. It is also known as the South Node of the Moon. Ketu is considered a shadow planet because it does not have a physical body. It is a point in space where the lunar orbit intersects with the ecliptic plane.

According to astrology, Ketu is believed to have a significant impact on a person’s life. It is associated with spiritual growth, enlightenment, and liberation. Ketu is also known to bring sudden changes in life, both positive and negative. It can bring about endings and new beginnings, making it a powerful planet in astrology.

Astrology 101: Understanding Ketu. What is Ketu planet called in English?

Ketu is known as the South Node of the Moon in English. It is also commonly referred to as the Dragon’s Tail. The name Ketu is derived from the Sanskrit word “Keta”, which means flag or banner. Ketu is often depicted as a headless torso in Indian mythology, representing detachment from the physical world and attachment to spiritual pursuits.

Shadow Planet
Shadow Planet

The Power of Ketu in Your Horoscope

In astrology, the position of Ketu in a person’s horoscope can reveal a lot about their personality and life. It is believed that Ketu’s placement in a certain house can indicate the areas of life where a person will experience sudden changes and transformations.

Ketu is also associated with spiritual growth and can indicate a person’s interest in occult sciences, mysticism, and spirituality. Its placement in a person’s horoscope can indicate their level of detachment from worldly pleasures and their desire for spiritual enlightenment.

Discovering Your Inner Self with Ketu

Ketu is believed to have a profound impact on a person’s spiritual journey. Its placement in a person’s horoscope can reveal their innermost desires, fears, and motivations. By understanding the power of Ketu and its influence in our lives, we can use it to discover our inner selves and achieve spiritual growth.

By exploring our Ketu placement in our horoscope, we can gain insights into our deepest desires and motivations. We can use this knowledge to align our lives with our true purpose and achieve greater happiness and fulfillment.

Ketu is a powerful planet in astrology that can bring about sudden changes and transformations in a person’s life. By understanding its influence and placement in our horoscope, we can use it to discover our inner selves and achieve spiritual growth. Keep exploring the mysteries of astrology and discover the secrets of the universe.