Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – L

Glossary – L


  1. Labyrinth: A symbolic maze-like design that represents a journey of self-discovery, often associated with spiritual exploration and meditation.
  2. Lagna: Also known as the Ascendant, it is the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, representing their outer appearance, demeanor, and initial approach to life.
  3. Lapidary Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the interpretation and use of gemstones for healing and enhancing astrological energies.
  4. Latitude: The angular distance of a celestial object from the celestial equator, measured in degrees.
  5. Law of Attraction: A universal principle that states like attracts like, suggesting that positive or negative thoughts and energies attract corresponding experiences and manifestations in one’s life
  6. Leo (Zodiac Sign): The fifth astrological sign of the zodiac, represented by the lion, and associated with the element of fire.
  7. Leo Rising: Refers to individuals who have Leo as their ascendant or rising sign.
  8. Leo Sun: Refers to individuals who have their Sun sign in Leo, indicating the position of the Sun at the time of their birth.
  9. Libra (Zodiac Sign): The seventh astrological sign of the zodiac, represented by the scales, and associated with the element of air.
  10. Life Force Energy: The vital energy or spiritual force that animates living beings, also known as chi, prana, or qi.
  11. Life Path Number: In numerology, a number calculated from an individual’s birth date that represents their life purpose, personality traits, and spiritual journey.
  12. Life Purpose Astrology: The exploration of an individual’s unique talents, passions, and life mission through astrology.
  13. Life Purpose Reading: An astrological consultation or analysis that focuses on uncovering an individual’s life purpose, career path, and spiritual calling.
  14. Life Regression Therapy: A therapeutic approach that utilizes regression techniques to explore past lives, childhood memories, or significant experiences for healing and self-understanding.
  15. Light Body: The energetic or spiritual body that transcends the physical body, associated with higher consciousness and spiritual evolution.
  16. Light Language: A form of energetic communication using symbols, sounds, and frequencies, believed to transmit healing and spiritual information.
  17. Lightworker: An individual who consciously works with divine light and spiritual energies to bring healing, love, and positive transformation to themselves and others.
  18. Lilac Chakra: An ethereal or spiritual chakra located above the crown chakra, associated with divine connection, higher consciousness, and spiritual awakening.
  19. Lilith in Astrology: A term used to describe the position of the hypothetical point Lilith in an individual’s birth chart and its interpretation in astrology.
  20. Lilith: A hypothetical point in astrology representing a dark and primal feminine energy.
  21. Lilithian Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the interpretation and significance of the asteroid Lilith in a birth chart.
  22. Liminal Space: A psychological and spiritual concept referring to a state of transition, ambiguity, or in-betweenness, often associated with personal transformation and self-discovery.
  23. Liminal Space: A psychological and spiritual concept referring to a state of transition, ambiguity, or in-betweenness, often associated with personal transformation and self-discovery.
  24. Line of Apse: The imaginary line connecting the apsides (the points of closest and farthest distance between the Earth and the Sun) in an astrological chart.
  25. Line of Light: An imaginary line connecting a celestial object with a specific point or planet in an astrological chart.
  26. Line of Nodes: The imaginary line connecting the two Lunar Nodes in an astrological chart.
  27. Local Space Astrology: A branch of astrology that examines the spatial relationships between celestial bodies and specific locations on Earth to understand their influence on an individual’s life.
  28. Locus of Control: In astrology, the belief or understanding of where an individual perceives the source of control or power to be in their life—whether external (outer circumstances) or internal (personal choices and actions).
  29. Locus of Control: In astrology, the belief or understanding of where an individual perceives the source of control or power to be in their life—whether external (outer circumstances) or internal (personal choices and actions).
  30. Logos: In astrology, the rational and logical aspect of the mind, representing intellectual thought, communication, and expression.
  31. Longitude: In astrology, the angular distance of a celestial body from the Prime Meridian, used to determine its position in a birth chart.
  32. Lord of the Rings: Refers to the three outer planets in astrology—Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—which are associated with transformation, spiritual growth, and collective consciousness.
  33. Love Asteroids: Asteroids in astrology that are associated with love, romance, and relationships, such as Eros, Amor, and Aphrodite.
  34. Love Compatibility Report: A detailed analysis or report that assesses the compatibility and potential challenges in a romantic relationship based on astrological factors.
  35. Love Compatibility Report: A detailed analysis or report that assesses the compatibility and potential challenges in a romantic relationship based on astrological factors.
  36. Love Karma Release: A process or practice aimed at letting go of negative patterns, karmic attachments, and emotional baggage in order to create space for healthier relationships and personal growth.
  37. Love Karma: The concept that relationships and romantic experiences in this lifetime are influenced by past-life connections and karmic lessons.
  38. Love Magic: The use of rituals, spells, and magical practices to attract love, enhance relationships, or resolve love-related issues.
  39. Love Synastry: The comparison and analysis of two individuals’ birth charts to determine compatibility and relationship dynamics.
  40. Love Transit: The movement of planets through specific zodiac signs and houses that can influence love life and relationships.
  41. Luminaries: Referring collectively to the Sun and Moon in astrology, representing the conscious self (Sun) and the subconscious self (Moon), as well as vitality, identity, and emotional needs.
  42. Luminaries: Refers to the Sun and the Moon in astrology, symbolizing vital forces and the inner self, respectively.
  43. Luminary: A term used to describe the Sun and the Moon in astrology.
  44. Luminosity Principle: The concept in astrology that certain planets or celestial bodies exert a greater influence or radiate a stronger energy in a birth chart.
  45. Luminosity Principle: The concept in astrology that certain planets or celestial bodies exert a greater influence or radiate a stronger energy in a birth chart.
  46. Luminosity: The brightness of a celestial object, such as a star, as seen from Earth.
  47. Luminous Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the exploration of spiritual enlightenment, inner radiance, and connection to divine energy.
  48. Luminous Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the exploration of spiritual enlightenment, inner radiance, and connection to divine energy.
  49. Luminous Being: A term used to describe an individual who radiates inner light, wisdom, and spiritual awareness.
  50. Lunar Arc: The distance covered by the Moon in a specific time period, typically used in predictive techniques to analyze changes and developments.
  51. Lunar Divination: The practice of using the Moon’s cycles, phases, and positions to gain insight and guidance through divinatory methods such as tarot, runes, or scrying.
  52. Lunar Divination: The practice of using the Moon’s cycles, phases, and positions to gain insight and guidance through divinatory methods such as tarot, runes, or scrying.
  53. Lunar Eclipse: A celestial event that occurs when the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Moon to temporarily darken.
  54. Lunar Essences: Energetic remedies derived from the essence of plants or natural elements, used to enhance emotional well-being and spiritual alignment.
  55. Lunar Influence: The effects or influences that the Moon is believed to have on human behavior and emotions.
  56. Lunar Mansions Calendar: A calendar system based on the movement of the Moon through the 27 lunar mansions or nakshatras.
  57. Lunar Mansions Calendar: A calendar system that divides the year into segments based on the movement of the Moon through the lunar mansions or nakshatras.
  58. Lunar Mansions System: A system used in traditional astrology that divides the zodiac into 28 segments or “mansions,” each associated with specific qualities and influences.
  59. Lunar Mansions Talisman: An astrologically charged object or charm created during a specific lunar mansion or nakshatra, believed to carry the energetic qualities and blessings associated with that mansion.
  60. Lunar Mansions Talisman: An astrologically charged object or charm created during a specific lunar mansion or nakshatra, believed to carry the energetic qualities and blessings associated with that mansion.
  61. Lunar Mansions: Also known as Nakshatras, these are 27 divisions of the zodiac that the Moon transits over the course of a lunar month.
  62. Lunar Node: Also known as the Moon’s Node or the Lunar Nodal Axis, it refers to the points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic.
  63. Lunar Nodes Activation: The activation or stimulation of the lunar nodes through planetary transits or progressions, often indicating significant life shifts, karmic lessons, and soul growth.
  64. Lunar Nodes Activation: The activation or stimulation of the lunar nodes through planetary transits or progressions, often indicating significant life shifts, karmic lessons, and soul growth.
  65. Lunar Nodes Axis: The axis formed by the North Node and South Node in an astrological chart.
  66. Lunar Nodes Cycle: The approximately 18.6-year cycle during which the Lunar Nodes complete a full revolution around the zodiac, signifying significant shifts and life lessons.
  67. Lunar Phases Jewelry: Jewelry that incorporates symbols or gemstones associated with the different phases of the Moon, believed to enhance intuition and lunar energies.
  68. Lunar Phases Ritual: A ceremonial practice that harnesses the energies of the different phases of the Moon for intention-setting, manifestation, and spiritual connection.
  69. Lunar Phases Ritual: A ceremonial practice that harnesses the energies of the different phases of the Moon for intention-setting, manifestation, and spiritual connection.
  70. Lunar Phases: The changing appearances of the Moon as it moves through its monthly cycle, including New Moon, Crescent Moon, First Quarter, Gibbous Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon, each associated with specific energies and intentions.
  71. Lunar Progressions: A predictive technique in astrology that involves progressing the Moon in a birth chart to gain insights into emotional and personal developments.
  72. Lunar Return: A predictive technique in astrology that focuses on the moment when the Moon returns to its natal position in an individual’s birth chart.
  73. Lunar Rituals: Ceremonies or practices that align with the phases of the Moon for intention-setting, manifestation, and spiritual connection.
  74. Lunar Transit: The movement of the Moon through the zodiac signs, influencing emotions, moods, and sensitivity, as well as highlighting specific areas of life for focus and growth.
  75. Lunar Transit: The movement of the Moon through the zodiac signs.
  76. Lunar Year: The time it takes for the Moon to complete a full orbit around the Earth, approximately 354 days.
  77. Lunar Zodiac: A system that divides the zodiac into 27 equal segments based on the Moon’s daily motion, used in Vedic astrology to determine the Moon’s position at birth and its influence on an individual’s life.
  78. Lunar Zodiac: The division of the zodiac into twelve equal parts based on the Moon’s position at the time of an individual’s birth.
  79. Lunation Chart: A chart constructed for the exact moment of a New Moon or Full Moon, providing insights into the energetic themes and potential manifestations for the lunar cycle.
  80. Lunation Chart: A horoscope or birth chart cast for the exact moment of a New Moon, providing insights into the upcoming lunar cycle.
  81. Lunation Meditation: A meditation practice aligned with the lunar phases to facilitate inner reflection, intention-setting, and emotional healing.
  82. Lunation Meditation: A meditation practice aligned with the phases of the Moon to facilitate inner reflection, intention-setting, and emotional healing.
  83. Lunation Meditation: A meditation practice aligned with the phases of the Moon to facilitate inner reflection, intention-setting, and emotional healing.
  84. Lunation: The time between two consecutive New Moons, approximately 29.5 days.
  85. Lunisolar Calendar: A calendar system that combines both lunar and solar cycles to determine the dates and timing of events and celebrations.
  86. Lunisolar Calendar: A calendar system that combines both lunar and solar cycles to determine the dates and timing of events and celebrations.
  87. Lunisolar Calendar: A calendar system that combines both lunar and solar cycles to determine the dates of the year.
  88. Lunisolar Year: A calendar system that combines both lunar and solar cycles to determine the length of a year.