Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – M

Glossary – M

  1. Macrocosm: Refers to the vast and interconnected universe or the larger cosmic reality that encompasses all existence and phenomena.
  2. Magi Astrology Love Matches: The analysis of compatibility and potential harmonious connections between individuals based on Magi Astrology principles, emphasizing love and relationships.
  3. Magi Astrology: A specialized branch of astrology that focuses on the principles of alignment and synchronicity to analyze personal relationships and events.
  4. Magi Planets: A term used in Magi Astrology to refer to specific celestial bodies that hold significant influence in relationship analysis, such as Chiron, Juno, Vesta, and others.
  5. Magi Society: An organization founded by astrologers dedicated to researching and promoting Magi Astrology principles, emphasizing relationships and financial astrology.
  6. Mahadasha: A term used in Vedic astrology to refer to the major planetary period lasting for several years, which influences various aspects of a person’s life.
  7. Major Aspect: An important angular relationship between two planets in a natal chart, such as conjunction, opposition, square, trine, or sextile, which significantly affects the individual’s life.
  8. Mansions of the Moon: Also known as Lunar Mansions or Nakshatras, these are the 28 divisions of the moon’s orbit used in Vedic astrology to determine specific influences on an individual’s life.
  9. Mars in Aquarius: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, highlighting a strong sense of individuality, a rebellious spirit, and a drive for social change and innovation.
  10. Mars in Aries: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Aries, emphasizing courage, assertiveness, and a pioneering spirit, with a strong drive for individuality and independence.
  11. Mars in Cancer: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Cancer, emphasizing protective instincts, emotional drive, and a strong attachment to the past and family roots.
  12. Mars in Capricorn: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, highlighting ambition, discipline, and a strong work ethic, with a focus on long-term goals and strategic action.
  13. Mars in Gemini: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Gemini, highlighting quick thinking, communication skills, and a versatile and energetic approach to taking action.
  14. Mars in Leo: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Leo, enhancing courage, creativity, and a strong desire for recognition and self-expression.
  15. Mars in Libra: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Libra, highlighting a diplomatic and cooperative approach to taking action, with an emphasis on fairness and compromise.
  16. Mars in Pisces: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Pisces, emphasizing a compassionate and idealistic approach to taking action, with a focus on creativity, spirituality, and healing.
  17. Mars in Sagittarius: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, emphasizing a bold and enthusiastic approach to taking action, a love for adventure, and a strong sense of personal freedom.
  18. Mars in Scorpio: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, emphasizing intense passion, determination, and a powerful drive for transformation and control.
  19. Mars in Taurus: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Taurus, emphasizing determination, endurance, and a slow but steady approach to taking action, with a focus on practicality and tangible results.
  20. Mars in Virgo: The placement of Mars in the zodiac sign of Virgo, emphasizing precision, efficiency, and a strong work ethic, with a focus on practicality and service.
  21. Mars Retrograde Cycle: The period during which Mars appears to move in retrograde motion, lasting approximately every two years and influencing motivation, ambition, and outward energy.
  22. Mars Retrograde: The apparent backward motion of Mars in its orbit as observed from Earth, believed to influence assertiveness, motivation, and action-oriented endeavors.
  23. Mars Sign: The zodiac sign in which Mars is positioned in a natal chart, indicating one’s assertiveness, drive, and approach to taking action.
  24. Mars: The fourth planet from the Sun and associated with energy, passion, and assertiveness in astrology.
  25. Mars-Jupiter Square: A square aspect between Mars and Jupiter in a natal chart, representing a combination of assertiveness, ambition, and enthusiasm, but also a potential for excessive energy or impatience
  26. Mars-Pluto Aspect: An aspect formed between Mars and Pluto in a natal chart, indicating intense energy, power struggles, and transformational experiences in one’s life.
  27. Mars-Saturn Conjunction: A conjunction between Mars and Saturn in a natal chart, indicating discipline, perseverance, and a strong work ethic, but also potential frustration or obstacles in achieving goals.
  28. Mercury in Aquarius: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, enhancing innovative thinking, intellectual independence, and a humanitarian and unconventional approach to communication.
  29. Mercury in Cancer: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Cancer, enhancing emotional intelligence, intuition, and a nurturing and empathetic approach to communication.
  30. Mercury in Capricorn: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, enhancing practicality, ambition, and a disciplined and strategic approach to communication and learning.
  31. Mercury in Gemini: The placement of Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, in its home sign, enhancing communication skills, curiosity, and intellectual versatility.
  32. Mercury in Gemini: The placement of Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, in its home sign, enhancing communication skills, curiosity, and intellectual versatility.
  33. Mercury in Leo: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Leo, enhancing self-expression, creativity, and a confident and charismatic approach to communication and decision-making.
  34. Mercury in Libra: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Libra, enhancing diplomatic skills, harmony-seeking tendencies, and a balanced approach to communication and decision-making.
  35. Mercury in Pisces: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Pisces, enhancing intuition, imagination, and a sensitive and empathetic approach to communication and understanding.
  36. Mercury in Retrograde Shadow: The period before and after the actual retrograde motion of Mercury when its influence starts to be felt and continues to linger, often associated with communication issues and technological glitches.
  37. Mercury in Sagittarius: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, enhancing expansive thinking, philosophical insights, and a love for adventure and exploration.
  38. Mercury in Scorpio: The placement of Mercury in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, enhancing depth of perception, investigative skills, and a penetrating and intense communication style.
  39. Mercury in Virgo: The placement of Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, in its home sign, emphasizing analytical thinking, attention to detail, and a practical approach to communication.
  40. Mercury Retrograde Cycle: The recurring period when Mercury appears to move in retrograde motion, associated with communication challenges, travel disruptions, and reassessment of plans.
  41. Mercury Retrograde Shadow Period: The period before and after the actual retrograde motion of Mercury when its influence starts to be felt and continues to linger, often associated with communication issues and technological glitches.
  42. Mercury Retrograde: A phenomenon when Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit, associated with communication mishaps, travel delays, and technological glitches.
  43. Mercury Sign: The zodiac sign in which Mercury is located in a natal chart, influencing communication style, thought processes, and intellectual pursuits.
  44. Mercury: The innermost planet in the solar system and symbolizes communication, intellect, and mental agility in astrology.
  45. Mercury-Neptune Aspect: An aspect formed between Mercury and Neptune in a natal chart, suggesting heightened intuition, artistic abilities, and a dreamy or imaginative mind.
  46. Microcosm: Refers to a smaller-scale representation or reflection of the larger world or universe, often used to describe individual beings or systems.
  47. Midheaven Conjunct Ascendant: A powerful aspect in astrology where the Midheaven point aligns with the Ascendant point, emphasizing one’s career path and public image.
  48. Midheaven in Aquarius: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, suggesting a career path involving innovation, technology, social causes, or humanitarian pursuits, with an emphasis on progressive and forward-thinking ideals.
  49. Midheaven in Cancer: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Cancer, highlighting a nurturing and emotionally attuned approach to career, with an emphasis on creating a sense of security and belonging.
  50. Midheaven in Capricorn: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, suggesting a practical and ambitious approach to career, with an emphasis on long-term goals, authority, and leadership.
  51. Midheaven in Gemini: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Gemini, suggesting a career path involving writing, journalism, teaching, or any field that requires effective communication and intellectual agility.
  52. Midheaven in Gemini: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Gemini, indicating a versatile and communicative approach to career, with an emphasis on networking and intellectual pursuits.
  53. Midheaven in Leo: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Leo, suggesting a strong desire for recognition, leadership abilities, and a creative and expressive approach to career.
  54. Midheaven in Libra: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Libra, highlighting a desire for harmony, cooperation, and diplomacy in career pursuits, with an emphasis on partnerships
  55. Midheaven in Pisces: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Pisces, suggesting a career path involving creativity, spirituality, healing, or working in the arts, with an emphasis on compassion and intuition.
  56. Midheaven in Sagittarius: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, suggesting a career path involving travel, higher education, philosophy, or teaching, with an emphasis on broadening horizons and seeking truth.
  57. Midheaven in Scorpio: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, suggesting a deep and transformative approach to career, with an emphasis on research, psychology, or investigative pursuits.
  58. Midheaven in Taurus: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Taurus, suggesting a career path involving finance, business, or the arts, with an emphasis on stability, reliability, and building tangible resources.
  59. Midheaven in Taurus: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Taurus, suggesting a practical, reliable, and determined approach to career and success.
  60. Midheaven in Virgo: The placement of the Midheaven point in the zodiac sign of Virgo, suggesting a meticulous and detail-oriented approach to career, with an emphasis on service, health, or analytical pursuits.
  61. Midheaven Sign: The zodiac sign located at the Midheaven point in a natal chart, influencing career aspirations, public image, and life direction.
  62. Midheaven: Also known as MC, it represents the highest point in a natal chart and signifies one’s career, reputation, and public image.
  63. Midpoint Astrology: A method in astrology that calculates the midpoints between two celestial bodies or sensitive points to analyze their combined influence.
  64. Midpoint Chart: A specific type of astrological chart that focuses on the midpoints between planets and sensitive points, providing detailed information about planetary interactions and influences.
  65. Midpoint: A point calculated by finding the halfway mark between two celestial bodies or sensitive points in a natal chart, used to assess the potential interaction and influence between them.
  66. Minor Aspect: A less powerful angular relationship between two planets in a natal chart, such as quincunx or semi-sextile, which subtly influences the individual’s life.
  67. Moon in Aquarius: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, emphasizing a need for independence, intellectual stimulation, and a humanitarian and unconventional approach to emotions.
  68. Moon in Aries: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Aries, indicating assertiveness, independence, and a need for action and excitement in emotional expression.
  69. Moon in Cancer: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer, indicating emotional sensitivity, nurturing qualities, and a strong connection to family and home.
  70. Moon in Cancer: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Cancer, emphasizing emotional sensitivity, nurturing qualities, and a strong connection to family and home.
  71. Moon in Capricorn: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, indicating emotional maturity, a strong sense of responsibility, and a drive for success and achievement.
  72. Moon in Gemini: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Gemini, emphasizing a need for mental stimulation, variety, and adaptability in emotional expression.
  73. Moon in Leo: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo, emphasizing a need for recognition, self-expression, and a warm-hearted, dramatic nature.
  74. Moon in Libra: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Libra, emphasizing a need for balance, harmony, and cooperation in relationships, as well as a strong sense of fairness and justice.
  75. Moon in Pisces: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Pisces, indicating heightened sensitivity, empathy, and a deep connection to the spiritual and subconscious realms.
  76. Moon in Scorpio: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, indicating intense emotions, depth of intuition, and a transformative nature.
  77. Moon in Scorpio: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, indicating intense emotions, deep intuition, and a transformative nature.
  78. Moon in Taurus: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus, indicating emotional stability, a love for comfort and material pleasures, and a strong connection to nature and the senses.
  79. Moon in Virgo: The placement of the Moon in the zodiac sign of Virgo, indicating a practical and analytical approach to emotions, attention to detail, and a need for order and organization.
  80. Moon Nodes: The Lunar Nodes, including the North Node (also known as the Dragon’s Head) and the South Node (Dragon’s Tail), represent points where the Moon’s orbit intersects with the ecliptic. They are associated with karmic lessons and life’s purpose.
  81. Moon Phase: The different stages or shapes of the Moon as observed from Earth, indicating specific energies and themes associated with each phase.
  82. Moon Phases Astrology: The study of astrology based on the different phases of the Moon and their influence on human behavior, emotions, and life events.
  83. Moon Phases Calendar: A calendar or chart that displays the different phases of the Moon throughout a given year, providing insights into lunar energies and their timing.
  84. Moon Sign Compatibility: The assessment of compatibility between two individuals based on their Moon signs, indicating emotional compatibility and understanding.
  85. Moon Sign: The zodiac sign where the Moon was positioned at the time of an individual’s birth, indicating their emotional nature, instincts, and basic needs.
  86. Moon Void of Course: A period in astrology when the Moon makes its last major aspect with another planet before changing zodiac signs, suggesting a time of rest, reflection, and less favorable outcomes for new endeavors.
  87. Moon: The natural satellite of Earth and considered one of the most significant celestial bodies in astrology, representing emotions, instincts, and the subconscious mind.
  88. Morning Ascendant: The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of a person’s birth, also known as the Ascendant or the Rising Sign.
  89. Morning Star: Refers to the planet Venus when it appears in the eastern sky just before sunrise, symbolizing beauty, harmony, and love in astrology.
  90. Mrigashira: The Fifth of the 27 Nakshatras.
  91. Mundane Astrology: A branch of astrology that deals with the analysis of world events, politics, and social trends on a global scale.
  92. Mundane Houses: The twelve houses in astrology that represent different areas of society and collective experiences, including government, education, travel, and more.
  93. Mutable Grand Cross: A challenging configuration in astrology formed by four planets in the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces), creating tension, adaptability, and the need for balance.
  94. Mutable Grand Trine: A harmonious configuration in astrology formed by three planets in the mutable signs, creating a flow of adaptable and versatile energy.
  95. Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are the four mutable signs in astrology, known for their adaptability, flexibility, and changeability.
  96. Mutable T-Square: A challenging astrological configuration formed by three planets, with two of them in opposition and the third forming squares to them, creating tension and the need for adaptability.
  97. Mutual Aspect: A situation where two planets form an aspect with each other, influencing each other’s energy and creating a dynamic interaction between them.
  98. Mutual Reception: A condition in astrology where two planets are placed in each other’s ruling signs, enhancing their influence and creating a harmonious connection between them.
  99. Mutual Reception: A condition in astrology where two planets are placed in each other’s ruling signs, enhancing their influence and creating a harmonious connection between them.