Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – N

Glossary – N

  1. Nadi Astrology: An ancient form of astrology practiced in South India, focusing on predictions based on the pulse of the client.
  2. Nadi Dosha: In Vedic astrology, a term referring to compatibility issues or challenges arising from certain combinations of birth charts.
  3. Nadi Granthas: Ancient texts in Nadi astrology that contain predictive information based on palm leaf manuscripts.
  4. Nadi: In Indian astrology, a term referring to the specific pulse points used in Nadi astrology for predictions.
  5. Nadir Angle: The measurement in degrees between the nadir and a particular celestial body or point in an astrological chart.
  6. Nadir Houses: The fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses in a birth chart, representing the deep and hidden aspects of life
  7. Nadir Opposition: When a celestial body in the sky is directly opposite the nadir point, indicating a significant influence on one’s personal foundation and emotional well-being.
  8. Nadir Point: The lowest point in the sky directly below an observer, representing a foundational aspect in a birth chart.
  9. Nadir: The point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer, opposite to the zenith.
  10. Nadir: The point on the celestial sphere directly below an observer, opposite to the zenith.
  11. Nakshatras: Ancient lunar mansions used in Hindu astrology to determine celestial influences on human lives and events.
  12. Natal Ascendant: The zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the time of an individual’s birth, representing their outward personality and physical appearance.
  13. Natal Chart: A map of the positions of the planets at the exact time and location of an individual’s birth, used in astrological analysis.
  14. Natal Mars: The position of the planet Mars in an individual’s birth chart, representing their energy, motivation, and assertiveness.
  15. Natal Mercury: The position of the planet Mercury in an individual’s birth chart, representing their communication style and intellectual abilities.
  16. Natal Moon: The position of the Moon in an individual’s birth chart, indicating their emotional nature and instincts.
  17. Natal Sun: The position of the Sun in an individual’s birth chart, representing their core identity and ego.
  18. Natal Venus: The position of the planet Venus in an individual’s birth chart, indicating their approach to love, relationships, and beauty.
  19. Native American Astrology: Astrological systems practiced by various Native American tribes, incorporating animal
  20. Natural Astrology: An approach to astrology that emphasizes the natural world, seasons, and cosmic cycles.
  21. Natural Elements: The four classical elements—earth, air, fire, and water—used in astrology to describe the qualities of zodiac signs and their influence.
  22. Natural Healing: Healing modalities and practices aligned with the principles of astrology and natural cycles, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  23. Natural House System: An astrological house system that divides the ecliptic into twelve equal sections, each starting from one of the twelve zodiac signs.
  24. Natural Remedies: Natural substances, practices, or rituals associated with astrological influences, believed to enhance well-being and balance planetary energies.
  25. Natural Rhythms: The cyclical patterns and rhythms found in nature and reflected in astrology, such as the changing seasons and lunar phases.
  26. Natural Zodiac: The zodiac belt comprising twelve signs, each associated with certain qualities, elements, and characteristics.
  27. Navagrahas: The Nine planets in Vedic astrology. i.e. Ravi (Sun), Chandra (Moon), Kuja (Mars), Budha (Mercury), Guru (Jupiter), Shukra (Venus), Shani (Saturn), Rahu (Lunar node – Noth) and Ketu (Lunar node – South).
  28. Navamsa Chart: A divisional chart in Vedic astrology that provides insights into the finer details of an individual’s life, particularly in relation to marriage and partnerships.
  29. Navigational Astrology: The use of celestial bodies and their positions for navigational purposes, particularly in ancient times.
  30. Nebula: A cloud of gas and dust in space, often where stars are born or dying.
  31. Nephology: The study of clouds and their formations, which can have symbolic interpretations in weather astrology.
  32. Neptune Retrograde: The apparent backward motion of the planet Neptune in its orbit, believed to intensify the introspective and spiritual aspects associated with Neptune.
  33. Neptune: The eighth planet from the Sun in our solar system, associated with imagination, spirituality, and dreams.
  34. New Age Astrology: A contemporary approach to astrology that incorporates spiritual and metaphysical concepts.
  35. New Moon: The lunar phase when the Moon is not visible from Earth, marking the beginning of a new lunar cycle.
  36. New Year Chart: An astrological chart cast for the exact time of the New Year, often used for predictive purposes.
  37. Night Horoscope: An astrological chart cast for a specific time during the night, providing insights into nocturnal influences and potential events.
  38. Night Sky Observation: The act of observing and studying celestial objects, such as stars, planets, and constellations, during the nighttime.
  39. Night Sky: The celestial expanse visible during nighttime, where stars, planets, and other celestial objects can be observed and studied astrologically.
  40. Nighttime Retreat: A period of introspection and reflection during the nighttime, often associated with spiritual growth and self-discovery.
  41. Nighttime Rituals: Sacred practices and ceremonies performed during the nighttime to connect with spiritual forces and cultivate inner peace.
  42. Nighttime Transits: Astrological transits that occur during the nighttime, indicating specific energetic influences and potential events.
  43. Nighttime Zodiac: The zodiac signs that are traditionally associated with nighttime births, representing their distinct qualities and characteristics.
  44. Ninth House Cusp: The starting point of the ninth house in a birth chart, representing higher learning, philosophy, and long-distance travel.
  45. Ninth House: The astrological house associated with higher education, philosophy, travel, and spirituality.
  46. Nirayana: The sidereal zodiac system used in Vedic astrology, based on the actual positions of the stars in the sky.
  47. Nocturnal Astrology: An approach to astrology that focuses on the symbolism and influences associated with nighttime and the Moon.
  48. Nocturnal Chart: A birth chart cast for a person born during the nighttime, where the Sun is below the horizon.
  49. Nocturnal Houses: The astrological houses that are below the horizon in a birth chart, representing the personal and internal aspects of life.
  50. Nocturnal Planets: Planets that are traditionally associated with nighttime, such as the Moon, Saturn, and Neptune, indicating their unique influences.
  51. Nocturnal Retreat: A period of introspection and reflection during the nighttime, often associated with spiritual growth and self-discovery.
  52. Nocturnal: Referring to activities or events that occur during the nighttime or relate to the Moon’s influence.
  53. Nodal Axis Activation: The heightened influence and emphasis placed on the lunar nodes in an individual’s life, indicating significant karmic lessons and life purpose.
  54. Nodal Axis Integration: The process of embracing and harmonizing the energies of the North Node and South Node in one’s life, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.
  55. Nodal Axis Progression: The gradual movement of the lunar nodes through the zodiac signs over time, indicating evolving life lessons and karmic influences.
  56. Nodal Axis Reversal: The phenomenon when the North Node and South Node switch signs, occurring approximately every 18.6 years.
  57. Nodal Axis Reversal: The phenomenon when the North Node and South Node switch signs, occurring approximately every 18.6 years.
  58. Nodal Axis Shift: The transition of the lunar nodes from one zodiac sign axis to another, occurring approximately every 18 months.
  59. Nodal Axis Synastry: The comparison and analysis of the lunar nodes in the birth charts of two individuals, offering insights into their karmic connection and compatibility.
  60. Nodal Axis: The line connecting the North Node and the South Node in an astrological chart, representing an individual’s karmic path.
  61. Nodal Return: The time when the transiting North Node or South Node returns to its natal position in a person’s birth chart.
  62. Node Axis Activation: The heightened influence and manifestation of the lunar nodes’ energy in an individual’s life, often accompanied by significant shifts or turning points.
  63. Node Axis Alignment: The alignment of the lunar nodes with other significant points or planets in an astrological chart, suggesting important life themes or karmic lessons.
  64. Node Axis Alignment: The alignment of the lunar nodes with other significant points or planets in an astrological chart, suggesting important life themes or karmic lessons.
  65. Node Axis Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the significance of the lunar nodes and their impact on an individual’s life.
  66. Node Axis Reversal: The phenomenon when the North Node and South Node switch signs, occurring approximately every 18.6 years.
  67. Node Axis Tension: When the North Node and South Node form challenging aspects in an astrological chart, indicating potential conflicts between personal growth and past patterns.
  68. Nodes of the Moon: The two points where the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic, known as the North Node and the South Node.
  69. North Lunar Node Activation: The period when the North Node becomes highly active in an individual’s life, often coinciding with significant events or shifts in destiny.
  70. North Lunar Node Conjunct: When the transiting North Node aligns closely with a planet or point in an individual’s birth chart, highlighting important life themes or relationships.
  71. North Lunar Node Opposition: When the transiting North Node is opposite a planet or point in an individual’s birth chart, indicating a need to balance opposing forces or integrate polarities.
  72. North Lunar Node Retrograde: The apparent backward motion of the transiting North Node, signifying a period for introspection, reflection, and reconsideration of life direction.
  73. North Lunar Node Square: When the transiting North Node forms a challenging square aspect with a planet or point in an individual’s birth chart, signifying tension and lessons in life direction
  74. North Lunar Node Transit: The period when the North Node traverses a specific zodiac sign, highlighting collective and individual growth.
  75. North Lunar Node Trine: When the transiting North Node forms a harmonious trine aspect with a planet or point in an individual’s birth chart, indicating support and ease in aligning with life purpose.
  76. North Lunar Node: See North Node.
  77. North Node: Also called the Ascending Node, it represents the point where the Moon’s path intersects the ecliptic from south to north in a birth chart.
  78. Nostradamus: A renowned 16th-century French astrologer, physician, and prophet known for his prophecies.
  79. Novile Aspect: An astrological aspect of 40 degrees, symbolizing inspiration, creative potential, and breaking new ground.
  80. Novile: An astrological aspect of 40 degrees, symbolizing inspiration, creative potential, and breaking new ground.
  81. Numerical Balance: The state of equilibrium achieved through understanding and integrating the various numerical influences in one’s life, creating harmony and alignment.
  82. Numerological Analysis: The study and interpretation of numerical patterns and their significance in personal or universal contexts.
  83. Numerological Archetypes: Universal patterns and themes represented by specific numbers, revealing deeper insights into the collective human experience.
  84. Numerological Balance: The state of equilibrium achieved through understanding and integrating the various numerical influences in one’s life, creating harmony and alignment.
  85. Numerological Chart: A chart that assigns numerical values to letters and numbers, used in numerology to gain insights into an individual’s personality and life path.
  86. Numerological Compatibility: The assessment of compatibility between individuals based on their numerological profiles and their potential for harmonious relationships.
  87. Numerological Cycle: The progression of numbers from 1 to 9, representing different stages and themes in one’s life journey.
  88. Numerological Destiny: The overarching life purpose or path that an individual is believed to fulfill, as interpreted through their numerological chart.
  89. Numerological Divination: The practice of using numerological calculations and symbolism to gain insights into future events and outcomes.
  90. Numerological Essence: The underlying energetic vibration associated with a person, place, or event, determined through numerological calculations.
  91. Numerological Essence: The underlying energetic vibration associated with a person, place, or event, determined through numerological calculations.
  92. Numerological Expression: The outward manifestation and representation of an individual’s numerological characteristics and qualities.
  93. Numerological Forecast: A predictive analysis based on numerological calculations, providing insights into upcoming opportunities, challenges, and overall trends.
  94. Numerological Guidance: The use of numerology to provide direction, clarity, and guidance in making decisions and navigating life’s challenges.
  95. Numerological Insight: Deep understanding and awareness gained through the interpretation and analysis of numerical patterns and vibrations.
  96. Numerological Intuition: The heightened ability to access intuitive insights and guidance through the interpretation of numerical patterns and vibrations.
  97. Numerological Life Path: The main purpose or path that an individual is believed to follow based on their numerological calculations.
  98. Numerological Potential: The inherent possibilities and talents indicated by an individual’s numerological chart, reflecting their unique strengths and opportunities.
  99. Numerological Power Days: Specific dates that align with favorable numerical vibrations, believed to amplify manifestation, intuition, and personal power.
  100. Numerological Progression: The unfolding and development of an individual’s numerological influences and potentials over time
  101. Numerological Signature: The unique energetic imprint associated with an individual based on their numerological calculations, reflecting their innate qualities and potential.
  102. Numerological Symbolism: The symbolic meanings associated with specific numbers and their combinations, used to interpret messages and synchronicities in daily life.
  103. Numerological Symbolism: The symbolic meanings associated with specific numbers and their combinations, used to interpret messages and synchronicities in daily life.
  104. Numerological Synchronicity: Meaningful coincidences or patterns that align with specific numbers or numerical sequences, reflecting a deeper interconnectedness.
  105. Numerological Transformation: The process of personal growth and evolution facilitated through understanding and embracing one’s numerological patterns and lessons.
  106. Numerological Vibrations: The energetic frequencies associated with specific numbers, believed to influence personality traits, events, and life circumstances.
  107. Numerology: A metaphysical discipline that studies the numerical significance of names, dates, and events.
  108. Numerology: A metaphysical discipline that studies the numerical significance of names, dates, and events.
  109. Numinous Astrology: An approach to astrology that explores the mystical and spiritual dimensions of astrological symbols and their effects.
  110. Numinous Energy: A sacred and mystical force believed to permeate the universe, influencing spiritual experiences and synchronicities.
  111. Numinous: Describing something that evokes a sense of the divine or spiritual, often associated with mystical experiences.
  112. Numinous: Describing something that evokes a sense of the divine or spiritual, often associated with mystical experiences.
  113. Nurturing Sign: A zodiac sign known for its caring, protective, and nurturing qualities, often associated with the element of water or the Moon.
  114. Nurturing Sign: A zodiac sign known for its caring, protective, and nurturing qualities, often associated with the element of water or the Moon.
  115. Nurturing Sign: A zodiac sign known for its caring, protective, and nurturing qualities, often associated with the element of water or the Moon.
  116. Nurturing: A characteristic associated with the Moon, representing emotional support, caring, and protection.
  117. Nurturing: A characteristic associated with the Moon, representing emotional support, caring, and protection.
  118. Nurturing: A characteristic associated with the Moon, representing emotional support, caring, and protection.
  119. Nut: In Egyptian mythology, the goddess of the sky, often depicted as a woman arching over the Earth with her body.
  120. Nutation: A small periodic wobble or oscillation in the Earth’s axis of rotation caused by the gravitational influence of the Moon and the Sun.
  121. Nutation: A small periodic wobble or oscillation in the Earth’s axis of rotation caused by the gravitational influence of the Moon and the Sun.
  122. Nutation: A small periodic wobble or oscillation in the Earth’s axis of rotation caused by the gravitational influence of the Moon and the Sun.
  123. Nycthemeron: A term used in astrology to describe a 24-hour period comprising both day and night, representing a complete cycle.
  124. Nycthemeron: A term used in astrology to describe a 24-hour period comprising both day and night, representing a complete cycle.
  125. Nyctophobia: The fear of darkness or nighttime, which can impact an individual’s astrological preferences and tendencies.
  126. Nymph: In Greek mythology, a spirit associated with nature and often connected to water or specific locations.
  127. Nymph: In Greek mythology, a spirit associated with nature and often connected to water or specific locations.
  128. Nymph: In Greek mythology, a spirit associated with nature and often connected to water or specific locations.