Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – S

Glossary – S

  1. Sabian Symbols: A set of 360 symbolic images corresponding to each degree of the zodiac.
  2. Sagittarius: The ninth astrological sign of the zodiac represented by the archer.
  3. Saturn in Retrograde: The apparent backward movement of the planet Saturn as observed from Earth, which holds particular significance in astrological interpretations.
  4. Saturn in the Eighth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the eighth house of the natal chart, highlighting themes of transformation, shared resources, and deep emotional bonds.
  5. Saturn in the Eleventh House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the eleventh house of the natal chart, highlighting themes of friendships, social groups, and a disciplined approach to aspirations and ideals.
  6. Saturn in the Fifth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the fifth house of the natal chart, highlighting themes of creativity, self-expression, and discipline in matters of pleasure and romance.
  7. Saturn in the First House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the first house of the natal chart, indicating themes of self-discipline, responsibility, and a serious demeanor.
  8. Saturn in the Fourth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the fourth house of the natal chart, indicating themes of family, home, and a need for emotional security and stability.
  9. Saturn in the Ninth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the ninth house of the natal chart, emphasizing themes of higher education, travel, and a disciplined approach to beliefs and philosophies.
  10. Saturn in the Second House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the second house of the natal chart, highlighting themes of financial responsibility, practicality, and resource management.
  11. Saturn in the Seventh House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the seventh house of the natal chart, indicating themes of partnerships, relationships, and lessons in commitment and responsibility.
  12. Saturn in the Sixth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the sixth house of the natal chart, emphasizing themes of work, health, and a sense of duty and responsibility in daily life.
  13. Saturn in the Tenth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the tenth house of the natal chart, indicating themes of career, ambition, and a need for structure and authority in achieving goals.
  14. Saturn in the Third House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the third house of the natal chart, emphasizing themes of communication, learning, and discipline in mental pursuits.
  15. Saturn in the Twelfth House: The placement of the planet Saturn in the twelfth house of the natal chart, emphasizing themes of spirituality, subconscious patterns, and a need for solitude and self-reflection.
  16. Saturn Return: The astrological phenomenon when Saturn completes its first full orbit around the sun since a person’s birth.
  17. Saturn: The sixth planet from the sun and a celestial body associated with discipline and responsibility.
  18. Scorpio: The eighth astrological sign of the zodiac symbolized by the scorpion.
  19. Second House: Dhana Bhava
  20. Secondary Progressions: A technique in astrology that advances the birth chart one day for each year of life.
  21. Seventh House: The house in the birth chart associated with partnerships, marriage, and open enemies.
  22. Sextile: An astrological aspect that occurs when two planets are approximately 60 degrees apart, representing harmonious energy and opportunities for cooperation and positive outcomes.
  23. Sidereal Time: The time measured by the rotation of the Earth relative to the stars.
  24. Sidereal Zodiac: A zodiac system that considers the actual positions of the constellations in the sky
  25. Skepticism: An intellectual approach that questions or doubts claims, beliefs, or knowledge until sufficient evidence or reasoning is provided.
  26. Solar Arc Directions: A predictive technique in astrology that involves advancing the positions of the planets in the birth chart by a certain arc distance per year of life.
  27. Solar Arcs: A predictive technique in astrology that uses the progression of the sun’s position in the birth chart.
  28. Solar Eclipse: A celestial event that occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, obscuring the sun partially or fully.
  29. Solar Fire: A popular astrology software program used for chart calculations, interpretations, and other astrological analysis.
  30. Solar Houses: The twelve divisions of the astrological chart that represent different areas of life and correspond to specific zodiac signs.
  31. Solar Plexus Chakra: The third energy center in the body’s chakra system, located in the upper abdomen, associated with personal power, self-confidence, and willpower.
  32. Solar Return Chart: A chart cast for the exact moment when the sun returns to its natal position, providing insights into the themes and energies of the upcoming year.
  33. Solar Return: The moment when the sun returns to its exact position in the natal chart.
  34. Solar Signs: Another term for sun signs or the zodiac signs.
  35. Solar Transits: The movement of planets in the solar system as they pass through different zodiac signs and interact with an individual’s natal chart, influencing energies and experiences.
  36. Solstice: The point in the Earth’s orbit around the sun when the sun reaches its highest (summer solstice) or lowest (winter solstice) point in the sky, marking the beginning of the respective seasons.
  37. Soul Astrology: An approach to astrology that focuses on the soul’s journey, purpose, and evolution through various lifetimes.
  38. Soul Mate: A person with whom one has a deep and profound connection, often associated with a sense of spiritual affinity and mutual growth.
  39. Soul Purpose: The spiritual mission or path that an individual is believed to have in this lifetime, often indicated through astrological indicators.
  40. South Node: Also known as the Descending Node, it is a point in an individual’s birth chart representing past karmic patterns, talents, and experiences carried from previous lifetimes.
  41. Space Weather: The study of the impact of solar and cosmic events on Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere.
  42. Speculum: A tool used in traditional astrology to determine the position of the planets in the sky.
  43. Spherical Astrology: A form of astrology that uses a three-dimensional representation of the birth chart.
  44. Spirit Guide: A non-physical entity or presence believed to offer guidance, support, and wisdom to individuals on their spiritual journey, often associated with specific astrological signs or placements.
  45. Spirituality: The exploration and cultivation of one’s connection to the divine, higher self, and transcendent aspects of existence, often involving personal beliefs, practices, and experiences.
  46. Spring Equinox: The point in time when the sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere.
  47. Square: An astrological aspect that occurs when two planets are approximately 90 degrees apart, representing tension, challenges, and opportunities for growth.
  48. Stationary: A term used to describe a planet that appears to be motionless in the sky before changing direction.
  49. Stellium in Aquarius: An influential arrangement of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, intensifying Aquarian traits like innovation, independence, and humanitarianism.
  50. Stellium in Aries: An impactful grouping of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Aries, enhancing Aries traits such as assertiveness, courage, and initiative.
  51. Stellium in Cancer: An influential cluster of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Cancer, amplifying Cancerian traits like nurturing, sensitivity, and emotional depth.
  52. Stellium in Capricorn: A powerful arrangement of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, amplifying Capricornian traits such as ambition, discipline, and practicality.
  53. Stellium in Capricorn: A significant concentration of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, intensifying Capricornian traits like ambition, discipline, and practicality.
  54. Stellium in Gemini: A notable concentration of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Gemini, intensifying Gemini qualities like adaptability, communication, and intellectual curiosity.
  55. Stellium in Leo: A significant configuration of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Leo, amplifying Leo’s qualities such as creativity, leadership, and self-expression.
  56. Stellium in Libra: An influential arrangement of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Libra, magnifying Libran characteristics such as diplomacy, harmony, and relationship skills.
  57. Stellium in Pisces: An influential grouping of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Pisces, amplifying Piscean qualities such as empathy, intuition, and imagination.
  58. Stellium in Sagittarius: An impactful configuration of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius, enhancing Sagittarian characteristics such as adventure, optimism, and philosophical pursuits.
  59. Stellium in Scorpio: A significant grouping of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Scorpio, magnifying Scorpio’s qualities such as passion, intensity, and transformation.
  60. Stellium in Taurus: A powerful alignment of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Taurus, enhancing Taurus’s characteristics like stability, sensuality, and determination.
  61. Stellium in Virgo: A significant configuration of three or more planets in the zodiac sign of Virgo, intensifying Virgoan traits like organization, analysis, and attention to detail.
  62. Stellium: A concentration of three or more planets in a single astrological sign or house.
  63. Sun Sign: The zodiac sign in which the sun was positioned at the time of an individual’s birth, often associated with core personality traits.
  64. Sun: The central celestial body in the solar system, associated with self-expression and vitality.
  65. Sun-Moon Midpoint: The point exactly halfway between the positions of the sun and the moon in an individual’s birth chart, representing a blending of conscious and unconscious energies.
  66. Supermoon: A full moon or new moon that coincides with the moon’s closest approach to Earth in its elliptical orbit, appearing larger and brighter in the sky.
  67. Synastry: The comparison and analysis of two or more birth charts to assess the compatibility and dynamics between individuals, often used in the context of relationships.
  68. Synchronicity: The occurrence of meaningful coincidences that cannot be explained through conventional cause-and-effect relationships, often seen as signs of alignment and connection.
  69. System of Divination: A method or practice used to gain insight or knowledge about the future or hidden aspects of life through supernatural or intuitive means.