Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – T

Glossary – T


  1. Table of Houses: A tool used in astrology to calculate the positions of the cusps of the astrological houses for a specific time and place, providing information about the areas of life influenced by the planets.
  2. Talisman: An object, often a piece of jewelry, inscribed or empowered with astrological symbols and intentions, believed to bring positive energy and protection to the wearer.
  3. Tarot Archetypes: Universal symbols and themes represented in the tarot cards, reflecting human experiences, emotions, and spiritual lessons.
  4. Tarot Court Cards: The sixteen cards in a tarot deck that represent personalities, characteristics, and roles, including the Pages, Knights, Queens, and Kings of each suit.
  5. Tarot Major Arcana: The twenty-two trump cards in a tarot deck, representing significant life themes, archetypal energies, and spiritual lessons.
  6. Tarot Minor Arcana: The fifty-six cards in a tarot deck that are divided into four suits (Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles), representing everyday experiences, challenges, and aspects of life.
  7. Tarot Numerology: The study of numbers and their symbolic meanings in relation to the cards of the tarot deck, providing additional insights and interpretations in tarot readings.
  8. Tarot Reading: The practice of using tarot cards to gain insights, guidance, and predictions about different aspects of life, such as love, career, and personal growth.
  9. Tarot Spread: A specific arrangement of tarot cards used for divination and gaining insights into different areas of life, such as love, career, or personal growth.
  10. Tarot: A deck of cards used in divination and fortune-telling. Each card represents different archetypes, experiences, and energies, providing insights into past, present, and future events.
  11. Taurus (Zodiac Sign): The second sign of the zodiac, symbolized by the bull. People born under this sign are known for their practicality, determination, and loyalty.
  12. Temple of the Stars: A metaphorical concept referring to the celestial bodies as sacred temples, believed to hold profound wisdom and guidance for those who study their movements.
  13. Temporal Astrology: The branch of astrology that explores the correlation between planetary movements and the flow of time, including timing events, cycles, and forecasting.
  14. Tension Aspect: An aspect in astrology that creates a sense of challenge, friction, and conflict between planets, encouraging growth, and transformation through overcoming obstacles.
  15. Terrestrial Planets: The inner planets of our solar system, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. They are characterized by their rocky composition.
  16. Tetrabiblios: A treatise on astrology written by the Hellenistic astrologer Claudius Ptolemy, covering various astrological topics and techniques.
  17. Thaumaturgy: A term used in astrology to describe the practice of performing miracles or supernatural acts through the manipulation of celestial energies and forces.
  18. The Great Attractor: A mysterious gravitational anomaly in the region of the Hydra-Centaurus superclusters, believed to exert a powerful and unexplained influence on the movement of galaxies, potentially influencing cosmic energies.
  19. Theosophical Society: An organization founded by Helena Blavatsky and others in 1875, dedicated to the study and dissemination of spiritual and esoteric knowledge, including astrology.
  20. Theosophy: A philosophical and spiritual movement founded by Helena Blavatsky, emphasizing the exploration of hidden knowledge, universal wisdom, and the interconnectedness of all beings.
  21. Theurgic Astrology: An approach to astrology that combines the principles of astrology with the practices of theurgy, a spiritual discipline focused on divine union and invoking higher forces.
  22. Theurgy: A spiritual practice focused on invoking and communicating with divine beings or higher energies for spiritual transformation, enlightenment, and the attainment of union with the divine.
  23. Thirteenth Zodiac Sign: Ophiuchus, a constellation often mistakenly referred to as the thirteenth zodiac sign due to its position along the ecliptic. However, it is not officially recognized in Western astrology.
  24. Tibetan Astrology: An ancient astrological system practiced in Tibet, integrating elements of Indian astrology, Chinese astrology, and the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.
  25. Tidal Astrology: A branch of astrology that studies the influence of tidal forces on human behavior, emotions, and health.
  26. Tidal Evolution: The gradual changes in the Earth-Moon system over time due to tidal forces, including the lengthening of the day, the Moon’s gradual retreat from Earth, and the stabilization of their orbital dynamics.
  27. Tidal Forces: The gravitational forces exerted by the Moon and the Sun, causing the rise and fall of tides on Earth, as well as affecting human emotions and behavior according to astrological beliefs.
  28. Tidal Interference: The phenomenon in astrology where the interactions of multiple planetary transits or aspects create complex and layered influences, amplifying or mitigating each other’s effects.
  29. Tidal Locking: A phenomenon where the same side of a celestial body, such as the Moon, constantly faces another body due to the gravitational interaction between them.
  30. Tidal Resonance: A phenomenon in astrology where the alignment of multiple planets or celestial bodies creates a resonating energy that amplifies or intensifies their individual influences.
  31. Tidal Rhythms: The cyclical patterns and fluctuations in energy and emotions believed to be influenced by the gravitational forces of celestial bodies, such as the Moon.
  32. Tidal Wave Theory: A concept in astrology suggesting that the alignment and positioning of celestial bodies can create energetic waves that influence events, trends, and human behavior on Earth.
  33. Tidal-Healing Astrology: A therapeutic approach to astrology that focuses on understanding and harnessing the healing power of tidal forces and celestial energies to promote well-being, balance, and personal growth.
  34. Time Acceleration: A concept in astrology that suggests a speeding up of events, experiences, and personal growth during certain periods, marked by intense planetary transits or energetic shifts.
  35. Time Capsule Technique: An astrological practice where a specific moment or chart is captured and preserved, serving as a reference point for future analysis and insights into astrological influences and patterns.
  36. Time Lords: A term used in Hellenistic astrology to refer to the rulership of specific time periods by different planets, believed to influence the events and experiences during that period.
  37. Time of Birth: The exact moment when an individual is born, considered crucial in constructing an accurate astrological chart and providing insights into their personality traits, life path, and potential experiences.
  38. Time Twins: Individuals who share the same birth date, year, and time, believed to have similar astrological influences and life experiences.
  39. Time Twins: Individuals who share the same birth date, year, and time, believed to have similar astrological influences and life experiences.
  40. Topocentric Astrology: An astrological system that takes into account the precise geographic location of an individual to determine the positions of the planets and their influence on the natal chart.
  41. Transcendent Astrologer: An astrologer who embraces a holistic and spiritually oriented approach to astrology, focusing on personal transformation, self-realization, and the integration of mind, body, and spirit.
  42. Transcendent Astrology: A holistic approach to astrology that seeks to transcend traditional astrological interpretations, emphasizing spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal transformation.
  43. Transcendent Love: A spiritual concept that encompasses unconditional love, compassion, and interconnectedness, transcending personal attachments and ego-driven desires.
  44. Transcendental Meditation: A technique introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that involves practicing meditation to achieve a state of deep relaxation, expanded awareness, and spiritual transcendence.
  45. Transcendental Meditation: A technique introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi that involves practicing meditation to achieve a state of deep relaxation and self-realization.
  46. Transcendental Planets and Spiritual Awakening: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are often associated with spiritual awakening, personal transformation, and transcending mundane realities in astrology.
  47. Transcendentalism: A philosophical and literary movement in the 19th century that emphasized the inherent goodness of humanity, the importance of intuition and individual spirituality, and the connection between the individual and nature.
  48. Transit Ascendant: The point in an astrological chart that represents the cusp of the first house, signifying the individual’s self-image, physical appearance, and how they project themselves to the world.
  49. Transit Chart: A chart created to study the planetary positions at a specific time, used to analyze the current influences and energies affecting an individual’s life.
  50. Transit Conjunct: When two or more planets align closely in the same zodiac sign during a transit, signifying a potent and impactful energy combining their influences.
  51. Transit Descendant: The point in an astrological chart that represents the cusp of the seventh house, indicating the energies and qualities associated with relationships, partnerships, and interactions with others.
  52. Transit House: The astrological house that a transiting planet occupies at a given time, indicating the area of life and experiences influenced by that planet’s energy.
  53. Transit Imum Coeli (IC): The point in an astrological chart that represents the cusp of the fourth house, indicating the foundations, roots, family, and innermost emotional core of an individual.
  54. Transit Inconjunct: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 150 degrees apart, signifying a need for adjustment, integration, and finding harmony between seemingly unrelated energies.
  55. Transit Mars: The movement of the planet Mars through the zodiac signs during its orbit, indicating energy, assertiveness, passion, and actions taken in various life areas.
  56. Transit Midheaven: The point in an astrological chart that represents the cusp of the tenth house, associated with career, public image, reputation, and one’s highest aspirations and achievements.
  57. Transit Neptune: The movement of the planet Neptune through the zodiac signs during its orbit, believed to bring about spiritual insights, inspiration, and illusions in various areas of life.
  58. Transit Opposition: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 180 degrees apart, creating a tension-filled energy that often requires balancing opposing forces and finding compromise.
  59. Transit Period: The duration during which a particular planet moves through a specific zodiac sign or house, exerting its influences on an individual’s life.
  60. Transit Quincunx: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 150 degrees apart, indicating a need for adjustment, adaptation, and finding a balance between seemingly conflicting energies.
  61. Transit Retrograde: When a planet appears to move backward in the sky relative to Earth during its transit, believed to bring about introspection, delays, and revisiting unresolved issues.
  62. Transit Saturn: The movement of the planet Saturn through the zodiac signs during its orbit, associated with lessons, discipline, structure, and the maturation process in various aspects of life.
  63. Transit Sextile: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 60 degrees apart, symbolizing opportunities, harmonious energy, and favorable circumstances.
  64. Transit Square: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 90 degrees apart, creating a challenging and dynamic energy, often associated with tension, conflicts, and lessons to be learned.
  65. Transiting Lunar Nodes: The movement of the Moon’s nodes through the zodiac signs, representing karmic lessons, soul growth, and significant life events during specific periods.
  66. Transits: The movement of planets through the zodiac signs, which influences and interacts with an individual’s natal chart, affecting their life events and experiences.
  67. Transmigration of Souls: A belief in some spiritual and esoteric traditions that the soul can undergo multiple incarnations in different bodies or forms to learn, evolve, and attain higher states of consciousness.
  68. Trans-Neptunian Objects: Celestial bodies that orbit the Sun beyond the planet Neptune, such as Pluto, Eris, and Haumea, often associated with transformation, deep psychological processes, and collective evolution.
  69. Transpersonal Astrology: An approach to astrology that explores the connection between the individual and the larger cosmic, spiritual, and universal dimensions, emphasizing the soul’s evolution and higher consciousness.
  70. Transpersonal Planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, which are considered beyond the personal realm in astrology. They represent generational influences, transformation, and the collective unconscious.
  71. Transpersonal Psychology: A branch of psychology that explores and integrates spiritual, mystical, and transcendent experiences, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.
  72. Tree of Life: A symbol used in various mystical and esoteric traditions, representing the interconnectedness of all creation, spiritual growth, and the path to enlightenment.
  73. Triangle of Manifestation: A concept in astrology that represents the connection between the Ascendant, Sun, and Moon, considered significant in understanding one’s identity, purpose, and emotional well-being.
  74. Triangulation: A technique in astrology that involves analyzing the relationship and angles between three or more celestial bodies to gain deeper insights and interpretations.
  75. Triangulum: A small constellation in the northern sky, representing a triangle shape. It is one of the 48 constellations cataloged by Ptolemy.
  76. Trichotomy: A division of the zodiac signs into three categories based on their elemental qualities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable, representing different approaches to action, stability, and adaptability.
  77. Trident: A symbol often associated with Neptune, the Roman god of the sea, representing his authority and power over the waters.
  78. Trigon: A division of the zodiac consisting of three signs, forming an equilateral triangle, representing a harmonious and supportive relationship between the signs within the trigon.
  79. Trine Aspect Pattern: A configuration in astrology where three planets form a series of trines with each other, creating a harmonious and supportive energy flow.
  80. Trine Configuration: A planetary configuration in astrology where three planets form a series of trines with each other, creating a harmonious and supportive flow of energy.
  81. Trine: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 120 degrees apart, representing harmony, ease, and flow of energy between them.
  82. Triple Conjunction: A rare alignment in astrology where three planets come together in close proximity in the same zodiac sign, believed to have significant and far-reaching effects on world events and personal development.
  83. Triple Goddess: A concept in modern pagan and Wiccan traditions, representing the three aspects of the divine feminine: the maiden, the mother, and the crone.
  84. Triquetra: A symbol consisting of three interlocked loops, representing various concepts such as the Trinity in Christian symbolism and the triple aspects of the Goddess in Celtic traditions.
  85. Triskelion: A symbol consisting of three interlocking spirals or legs, representing concepts such as progress, cycles, and the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.
  86. Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn in Astrology: The Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn are important markers in astrology, representing the northernmost and southernmost points where the Sun reaches its zenith during the solstices.
  87. Tropic of Cancer: The latitude on Earth, approximately 23.5 degrees north of the equator, where the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky during the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere.
  88. Tropic of Capricorn: The latitude on Earth, approximately 23.5 degrees south of the equator, where the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky during the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
  89. Tropic of Definition: The degree of the zodiac where a planet transitions from one zodiac sign to another, playing a significant role in determining the precise positions of planets in an astrological chart.
  90. Tropical Astrology vs. Sidereal Astrology: A comparison between the two primary zodiac systems, where tropical astrology is based on the seasons and sidereal astrology is based on the constellations’ positions in the sky.
  91. Tropical Astrology: The branch of astrology that uses the tropical zodiac system, aligning the positions of the planets with the Earth’s seasons and the equinoxes.
  92. Tropical Year: The time it takes for the Sun to return to the same position in the sky as seen from Earth, approximately 365.24 days, forming the basis of our calendar system.
  93. Tropical Zodiac: The zodiac system based on the seasons, where the starting point is the vernal equinox. Most commonly used in Western astrology.
  94. True Node: Also known as the North Node, it represents the point where the Moon’s path intersects the ecliptic, indicating one’s karmic path, life lessons, and spiritual growth.
  95. True Sidereal Astrology: An approach to astrology that uses the actual positions of the stars and constellations as seen from Earth, rather than the precession-adjusted positions used in Western astrology.
  96. Trutine of Hermes: An ancient technique in astrology used to determine the most favorable time for a person to engage in sexual activity based on the positions of the Moon and Venus.
  97. Twelfth House Cusp: The point in the astrological chart where the twelfth house begins, indicating the beginning of the realm associated with the subconscious mind, spirituality, and hidden influences.
  98. Twelfth House Ruler: The planet that rules the twelfth house in an astrological chart, indicating the qualities and areas of life associated with the subconscious mind, spirituality, and hidden matters.
  99. Twelfth House: The twelfth sector of the astrological chart, representing the subconscious mind, spirituality, hidden strengths, and self-sabotaging tendencies.
  100. Twin Flame: A spiritual concept that refers to a soul connection between two individuals who are believed to be reflections of each other, sharing a deep bond and purpose in life.