Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – U

Glossary – U

  1. Ubiquitous: Referring to a celestial body or influence that is present everywhere.
  2. Udana Vayu: In Vedic astrology and Ayurveda, one of the five vital airs or pranas associated with the throat chakra and the expression of one’s higher self.
  3. Udaya Lagna: The ascendant or rising sign in Vedic astrology, which represents the zodiac sign that is on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
  4. Udu Dasa: A unique timing technique in Vedic astrology that uses planetary periods based on the Moon’s position at birth to predict life events.
  5. Udumbu: A term in Vedic astrology referring to the significator or ruler of the sixth house, associated with health, obstacles, and enemies.
  6. Ugadi: The New Year festival celebrated in the Deccan region of India, based on the lunisolar calendar and significant for astrological predictions.
  7. Ujjaini System: An ancient Indian system of astrology originating from Ujjain, a city known for its contributions to astronomy and astrological calculations.
  8. Ulaanbaatar Time: The time standard used in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia.
  9. Ulcerous: A term in medical astrology used to describe a condition or affliction related to the stomach, intestines, or digestive system.
  10. Ulterior: Referring to hidden or undisclosed motives, intentions, or influences that may be present in astrological interpretations or readings.
  11. Ultrafocal: Describing a planet or point in the birth chart that is extremely focused and concentrated.
  12. Ultra-Progressed Chart: A technique in astrology that extends the progression of a birth chart to reveal deeper insights into one’s life path and events.
  13. Ultraviolet Light: A type of electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye but has effects on astrological phenomena.
  14. Umbral Eclipse: A type of eclipse where the Moon moves into the Earth’s umbra, resulting in a partial or total darkening of the lunar or solar disc.
  15. Unaspected Planet: A planet in a birth chart that does not form any significant aspects with other celestial bodies, which can indicate unique qualities or challenges.
  16. Unaspected: Indicating a planet or point in the birth chart that does not form any major aspects with other celestial bodies.
  17. Unconscious: The part of the mind that contains repressed or hidden thoughts, memories, and desires, often explored in astrology through the twelfth house and Neptune.
  18. Underworld Journey: A symbolic or metaphorical descent into the depths of the psyche or unconscious, often associated with Pluto and transformative experiences.
  19. Underworld: The realm associated with the subconscious, hidden, and mysterious aspects of life, often symbolized by Pluto or the eighth house.
  20. Undine Aspect: An aspect formed when two planets are in conjunction while also forming a quincunx aspect with a third planet or point in the birth chart.
  21. Undines: Elemental beings associated with water and emotions in some occult and astrological traditions.
  22. Undulating Aspect: A wavelike pattern formed by the alignment of planets or celestial bodies in a birth chart.
  23. Unearthly: Describing a quality or influence that is otherworldly or beyond the earthly realm.
  24. Unfixed Signs: The signs Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, which fall in the middle of the four seasons and are known for their stability and determination.
  25. Unfoldment: The gradual process of revealing one’s true nature and potential over time.
  26. Ungrounded: Referring to a person or energy that lacks stability, practicality, or connection to the physical world.
  27. Unhoused: A planet that is not located within any of the traditional astrological houses.
  28. Unison: The harmonious alignment of celestial bodies or energies, often indicating synergy and cooperation.
  29. Universal Houses: A system in astrology where the twelve houses are divided equally, representing universal themes and experiences applicable to all individuals.
  30. Universal Law: The principles or rules believed to govern the functioning of the universe, often explored through astrology as cosmic patterns and energies.
  31. Universal Time (UT): The time standard used as the basis for civil timekeeping worldwide, often used in astrological calculations.
  32. Unmanifested: Referring to energies or potentials that are present but not yet realized or expressed.
  33. Unobstructed: Describing a planet or point in the birth chart that is not influenced by other celestial bodies or aspects.
  34. Unveiling: The process of revealing or discovering hidden truths or insights within oneself or the cosmos.
  35. Uranian Astrology: A specialized branch of astrology that focuses on the study of Uranus and its influence on individuals and collective events.
  36. Uranian Planets: A group of hypothetical planets proposed by German astrologer Alfred Witte, including Cupido, Hades, Zeus, and Kronos, used in Uranian astrology.
  37. Uranus: The seventh planet from the Sun in the solar system, associated with innovation, revolution, and sudden change in astrology.
  38. Uranus-Neptune Conjunction: A rare alignment occurring approximately every 171 years when Uranus and Neptune form a conjunction, symbolizing collective changes and societal shifts.
  39. Urban Astrology: The application of astrology to urban environments, exploring how celestial energies and planetary alignments influence cities and their inhabitants.
  40. Urban Shamanism: A contemporary spiritual practice combining elements of shamanism and modern urban lifestyles, often incorporating astrology and other metaphysical tools.
  41. Urdhva Mukha: A Sanskrit term used in Vedic astrology to describe the direct or forward motion of a planet after a period of retrogradation.
  42. Urdhva Pada: The first pada or quarter of the Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra, associated with spirituality, healing, and psychic abilities.
  43. Urge Point: A sensitive point in a birth chart associated with personal motivation, drive, and desires, often determined by the position of Mars or its aspects.
  44. Uroscopy: An ancient astrological practice of diagnosing health conditions by examining the color, clarity, and other characteristics of a person’s urine.
  45. Ursa Major: Also known as the Big Dipper or Great Bear, a prominent constellation in the northern celestial hemisphere.
  46. Ursa Minor: Also known as the Little Dipper or Little Bear, a constellation located close to the North Celestial Pole.
  47. Usage Day: A term used in Indian astrology to determine the benefic or malefic qualities of a particular day.
  48. Use of Antiscia: A technique in astrology that involves studying the symmetrical relationships between degrees of the zodiac.
  49. Uthiram: The eleventh nakshatra or lunar mansion in Vedic astrology, associated with creativity, leadership, and self-expression.
  50. Utopian: Describing an idealistic or visionary concept, often associated with progressive and forward-thinking ideas.
  51. Utpala Yoga: A planetary combination or yoga in Vedic astrology that indicates financial gains, abundance, and prosperity in one’s life.
  52. Utpanna: A Sanskrit term used in Vedic astrology to describe the rising or ascending of a planet or celestial body.
  53. Utpatadi Yoga: A planetary combination in Vedic astrology associated with sudden and unexpected events or upheavals in one’s life.
  54. Utpatti Kundali: A birth chart or horoscope that depicts the planetary positions at the time of an individual’s birth, used in Vedic astrology for analysis and predictions.
  55. Utpatti: A Sanskrit term used in astrology to indicate the birth or emergence of a planet, celestial body, or cosmic energy.
  56. Utricularia Aspect: A rare and specific aspect formed when two celestial bodies are in conjunction while also forming a trine or sextile aspect with a third planet or point in the birth chart.
  57. Utsaha Bala: A strength or energy associated with the enthusiasm, determination, and willpower of a planet in Vedic astrology.
  58. Utsarjana: A Sanskrit term used in Vedic astrology to describe the setting or setting of a planet or celestial body.
  59. Utsarpini: In Jain astrology, a period of time characterized by increasing prosperity, happiness, and enlightenment.
  60. Utsava Bhumi: A sacred land or place associated with astrological significance, often believed to have unique energetic qualities and auspicious influences.
  61. Utsava Hasta: A specific hand gesture or mudra associated with astrological rituals, often used during planetary propitiation ceremonies or worship.
  62. Utsava Hora: A divisional chart in Vedic astrology that focuses on analyzing one’s wealth, assets, and financial prosperity.
  63. Utsava Lagna: A technique in Vedic astrology that calculates an alternative ascendant or rising sign for specific purposes, such as electional astrology or event timing.
  64. Utsava Mandapam: A ceremonial hall or space dedicated to astrological rituals, celebrations, and gatherings, often adorned with astrological symbols and artwork.
  65. Utsava Murthy: A deity or representation of a celestial body worshipped during festive or auspicious occasions in Hindu astrology and traditions.
  66. Utsava Nakshatra: A specific lunar mansion or asterism that is considered auspicious for conducting festive ceremonies, events, or important undertakings.
  67. Utsava Pada: The fourth pada or quarter of the Mrigashirsha nakshatra, associated with exploration, curiosity, and intellectual pursuits.
  68. Utsava Tithi: A special lunar day associated with celebrations, ceremonies, and festivities, often considered auspicious for initiating new endeavors.
  69. Utsava Vamsha: A lineage or genealogy associated with astrologers, spiritual teachers, or individuals known for their astrological knowledge and contributions.
  70. Utsava Varga: The divisional charts used in Vedic astrology to examine specific areas of life, such as career, relationships, and spiritual growth.
  71. Utsava Vritta: A cyclic pattern or rhythm associated with celestial movements and planetary positions, often used for timing auspicious events in astrology.
  72. Utsava Yantra: A sacred geometric diagram used in astrological rituals and ceremonies to invoke specific planetary energies, blessings, or divine protection.
  73. Utsava Yoga: A favorable planetary combination in Vedic astrology that indicates celebrations, auspicious events, and joyous occasions in one’s life.
  74. Utsava: A term in Hindu astrology referring to a festive or auspicious occasion, often associated with planetary alignments.
  75. Utsavastha: A term used in Hindu astrology to denote a specific planetary state where a planet is strong, dignified, and capable of producing positive results.
  76. Utsrishtikala: A Sanskrit term in Vedic astrology referring to an auspicious period or time interval for conducting important events or ceremonies.
  77. Utsukabharana: A term in Vedic astrology that refers to a specific astrological ornament or gemstone believed to bring good luck, protection, or astrological benefits.
  78. Utsukachara Yoga: A planetary combination in Vedic astrology associated with enthusiasm, adventurousness, and the pursuit of happiness and pleasure.
  79. Utsukata Sthana: A specific location or place that holds astrological significance, believed to amplify or resonate with particular planetary energies or influences.
  80. Utsukata: A Japanese term used in astrology to describe the state of anticipation, excitement, or eagerness for future events or possibilities.
  81. Uttama Graha: A planet in its highest degree of exaltation, indicating great strength, positive influence, and favorable outcomes in astrological interpretations.
  82. Uttara Ashadha: The twenty-first nakshatra or lunar mansion in Vedic astrology, associated with victory, determination, and achievement.
  83. Uttara Bhadrapada: The twenty-sixth nakshatra or lunar mansion in Vedic astrology, associated with spirituality, healing, and compassion.
  84. Uttara Kalamrita: A classic Sanskrit text on Vedic astrology written by Kalidasa, providing insights into various astrological principles and techniques.
  85. Uttara Nakshatra: The group of nakshatras comprising Uttara Phalguni, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Uttara Shada.
  86. Uttara Pada: The second pada or quarter of the Uttara Phalguni nakshatra, associated with devotion, spirituality, and righteousness.
  87. Uttara Phalguni: The twelfth nakshatra or lunar mansion in Vedic astrology, associated with creativity, romance, and self-expression.
  88. Uttara Shada: The twenty-first nakshatra or lunar mansion in Vedic astrology, associated with leadership, courage, and ambition.
  89. Uttara Sphuta: A calculation in Vedic astrology that determines the rising point of a zodiac sign and is used in various predictive techniques.
  90. Uttaradimutt Panchanga: A popular Hindu almanac or calendar used in Vedic astrology, providing daily planetary positions, auspicious timings, and other astrological information.
  91. Uttarakalamrita: A comprehensive Sanskrit text on astrology written by Kalidasa, covering various aspects of natal astrology, timing of events, and more.
  92. Uttarakhand Astrology: A regional system of astrology practiced in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, incorporating local cultural beliefs and astrological techniques.
  93. Uttharayan: The period from the winter solstice to the summer solstice when the Sun is in the northern hemisphere, considered auspicious in Vedic astrology.
  94. Utthita Bhanga: A term in Vedic astrology that refers to the cancellation or modification of certain astrological effects due to specific planetary alignments or influences
  95. Utthita Pada: The second pada or quarter of the Swati nakshatra, associated with balance, diplomacy, and seeking harmonious solutions.
  96. Utthita Trikonasana: A yoga pose known as the Extended Triangle Pose, believed to activate and align the energy centers in the body, according to yogic and astrological principles.
  97. Utthita Vrksasana: A yoga pose known as the Extended Tree Pose, symbolizing stability, grounding, and balance, and associated with the energy of the Earth element in astrology.
  98. Uvarovite Garnet: A gemstone associated with the sign of Aquarius in astrology, believed to enhance intuition, visionary abilities, and spiritual growth.
  99. Uvula Aspect: An aspect formed when two planets are in conjunction while also forming a square aspect with a third planet or point in the birth chart.
  100. Uxorious: A term in astrology that describes a person who is excessively submissive or devoted to their spouse or romantic partner.