Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – W

Glossary – W

  1. Waning Ascendant: The Ascendant sign in a birth chart that is descending and moving away from the Midheaven, indicating the completion of a phase or cycle in self-expression.
  2. Waning Crescent Moon: The phase of the Moon when less than half of the illuminated portion is visible, occurring just before the new moon.
  3. Waning Decile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 324 degrees apart, indicating the need for introspection, self-reflection, and the refinement of personal goals and ambitions.
  4. Waning Gibbous Moon: The phase of the Moon when more than half but less than fully illuminated portion is visible, occurring just after the full moon.
  5. Waning Hemisphere: The section of a birth chart where the planets are located on the side opposite to the Ascendant, indicating the release and completion of energies and experiences.
  6. Waning Heptile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 308.6 degrees apart, indicating the need for adjustments, moderation, and finding balance in one’s endeavors.
  7. Waning Moon: The phase of the Moon when it is decreasing in illumination from full moon to new moon.
  8. Waning Node: A point in the Moon’s orbit where it moves from north to south of the ecliptic, indicating a descending path and the crossing point with the Sun’s path.
  9. Waning Octile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 315 degrees apart, indicating the need for releasing old patterns, resolving conflicts, and finding harmony within oneself and with others.
  10. Waning Opposition: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 180 degrees apart, indicating a sense of balance, opposition, and the need for integration.
  11. Waning Quadrature: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 270 degrees apart, indicating a sense of completion and the need for release.
  12. Waning Quintile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 288 degrees apart, indicating the need for refinement, adjustment, and the development of unique skills.
  13. Waning Semisextile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 30 degrees apart, indicating minor adjustments, growth, and cooperation.
  14. Waning Sesquiquadrate: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 135 degrees apart, indicating a sense of tension, adjustments, and the need for compromise.
  15. Waning Sextile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 300 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious blend of energies and opportunities for growth.
  16. Waning Triquintile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 216 degrees apart, indicating the need for adjustments, refinement, and the integration of unique talents and creative expression.
  17. War Horse Aspect: An intense and potentially challenging aspect in astrology that indicates conflict, struggle, and the need for courage and determination.
  18. Warlock: A term historically used to refer to a male practitioner of witchcraft, often associated with supernatural abilities and knowledge.
  19. Water Bearer: The symbol associated with the zodiac sign Aquarius, representing the pouring out of knowledge, humanitarianism, and innovation.
  20. Water Dragon: In Chinese astrology, a zodiac sign associated with the Dragon and the Water element. Water Dragons are known for their wisdom, intuition, and adaptability.
  21. Water Grand Cross: A configuration in astrology where four planets or celestial bodies form a square aspect in water signs, indicating a strong emphasis on emotional intensity, transformation, and healing.
  22. Water Grand Trine: A configuration in astrology where three planets or celestial bodies form an equilateral triangle in water signs, indicating a harmonious flow of emotions, intuition, and creativity.
  23. Water Houses: The houses in astrology that are associated with emotional and intuitive aspects of life, including the fourth, eighth, and twelfth houses.
  24. Water Signs: Astrological signs that are associated with the element of water, including Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. They are known for their emotional depth and sensitivity.
  25. Water Trine: An aspect in astrology that occurs when three celestial bodies form an equilateral triangle, indicating a harmonious flow of emotional energy and intuitive abilities.
  26. Waxing Ascendant: The Ascendant sign in a birth chart that is rising and moving toward the Midheaven, representing the individual’s outward personality and self-expression.
  27. Waxing Crescent Moon: The phase of the Moon when less than half of the illuminated portion is visible, occurring just after the new moon.
  28. Waxing Decile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 36 degrees apart, indicating the need for personal growth, self-discovery, and the manifestation of one’s aspirations.
  29. Waxing Gibbous Moon: The phase of the Moon when more than half but less than fully illuminated portion is visible, occurring just before the full moon.
  30. Waxing Hemisphere: The section of a birth chart where the planets are located on the side of the Ascendant, indicating the unfolding and development of energies and potentials.
  31. Waxing Heptile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 51.4 degrees apart, indicating opportunities for growth, expansion, and manifestation of goals and desires.
  32. Waxing Inconjunct: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 150 degrees apart, indicating a need for adjustment, flexibility, and integration of energies.
  33. Waxing Moon: The phase of the Moon when it is increasing in illumination from new moon to full moon.
  34. Waxing Node: A point in the Moon’s orbit where it moves from south to north of the ecliptic, indicating an ascending path and the crossing point with the Sun’s path.
  35. Waxing Octile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 45 degrees apart, indicating the need for adjustment, flexibility, and finding balance in relationships and endeavors.
  36. Waxing Opposition: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 180 degrees apart, indicating a sense of balance, opposition, and the need for integration.
  37. Waxing Quadrature: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 90 degrees apart, indicating a sense of tension and the need for adjustment or action.
  38. Waxing Quintile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 72 degrees apart, indicating creative inspiration, innovation, and unique talents.
  39. Waxing Sextile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 60 degrees apart, indicating opportunities for growth, cooperation, and creative expression.
  40. Waxing Square: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 90 degrees apart, indicating a sense of tension, challenges, and the need for action or adjustment.
  41. Waxing Trine: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 120 degrees apart, indicating a harmonious flow of energies and favorable circumstances.
  42. Waxing Triquintile: An aspect in astrology that occurs when two celestial bodies are 144 degrees apart, indicating the need for creative expression, spiritual growth, and the development of unique talents.
  43. Waxing Yod: An aspect pattern in astrology that forms a Y-shaped configuration, involving three planets or celestial bodies, indicating a significant turning point, a need for adjustment, and potential opportunities for growth.
  44. Western Astrologer: An astrologer who practices and follows the principles and techniques of Western astrology, using the zodiac signs and the relationship of celestial bodies to interpret and analyze birth charts.
  45. Western Astrology: The branch of astrology that is widely practiced in Western countries, based on the zodiac signs and the relationship of celestial bodies at the time of birth.
  46. Western Zodiac: The system of astrology that divides the ecliptic into twelve equal parts, each representing one of the zodiac signs.
  47. Wheel of Ascendants: The circle in astrology that represents the twelve Ascendant signs, indicating the zodiac sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth.
  48. Wheel of Astrology: The circular representation of the zodiac signs and houses in astrology, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, cosmic influences, and the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence.
  49. Wheel of Destiny: The idea that one’s life experiences and events are influenced by a higher purpose or cosmic plan, suggesting that there is a predetermined path or destiny for each individual.
  50. Wheel of Elements: A representation of the four classical elements—earth, air, fire, and water—in astrology, symbolizing the foundational energies and qualities that influence the zodiac signs and their characteristics.
  51. Wheel of Fortune: In astrology, the concept that emphasizes the cyclic nature of life, where events and circumstances change and evolve in a continuous cycle of growth and transformation.
  52. Wheel of Houses: A circular diagram that represents the twelve houses in astrology, which indicate different areas of life and their significance in a birth chart.
  53. Wheel of Karma: The belief in astrology and various spiritual traditions that one’s actions and choices in this life influence future experiences and outcomes, reflecting the concept of cause and effect.
  54. Wheel of Life: A concept in astrology that represents the continuous cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, symbolizing the interconnectedness of all living beings and their evolution.
  55. Wheel of the Zodiac: A circular diagram representing the 12 zodiac signs and their corresponding positions in relation to Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
  56. Wheel of Transcendence: A spiritual concept in astrology that represents the journey of the soul, moving beyond the limitations of the physical world and attaining higher levels of consciousness and enlightenment.
  57. White Magic: The practice of using magic and rituals for positive and benevolent purposes, such as healing, protection, and spiritual growth, often associated with Wiccan and New Age traditions.
  58. White Moon Selena: In astrology, a point representing the Moon’s orbital path around the Earth, used in some astrological calculations and interpretations.
  59. White Moon: The point in the Moon’s orbit where it is farthest from Earth, also known as apogee.
  60. Wicca: A modern Pagan religious movement that incorporates elements of witchcraft, nature worship, and reverence for the divine feminine.
  61. Wildcard Aspect: An unexpected or unconventional aspect in astrology that brings about unique opportunities, challenges, or shifts in life circumstances.
  62. Wind Chimes: An object often used in Feng Shui and associated with positive energy flow, relaxation, and harmony, reflecting the influence of wind as an element in astrology.
  63. Wind Signs: Astrological signs that are associated with the element of air, including Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. They are known for their intellectual nature, communication skills, and social adaptability.
  64. Winter Astrology: The branch of astrology that focuses on the astrological influences and symbolism associated with the winter season, including the zodiac signs, planetary alignments, and their effects on individuals and events.
  65. Winter Circle: A pattern formed by a group of bright stars in the winter sky, including Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Castor, Capella, and Aldebaran, often associated with the winter season in astrology.
  66. Winter Equinox: The point in time when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky during the winter season, marking the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
  67. Winter Signs: Astrological signs that fall during the winter season in the Southern Hemisphere, including Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.
  68. Winter Signs: Astrological signs that fall during the winter season in the Northern Hemisphere, including Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.
  69. Winter Solstice Alignment: The alignment of the Sun with specific celestial points during the winter solstice, symbolizing the transition from darkness to light and the rebirth of the Sun.
  70. Winter Solstice Point: The specific degree of the zodiac where the Sun is positioned during the winter solstice, marking the beginning of winter in astrology.
  71. Winter Solstice Sun: The position of the Sun in the zodiac during the winter solstice, marking the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
  72. Winter Solstice: The point in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun when the Northern Hemisphere experiences the shortest day and longest night of the year, marking the beginning of winter.
  73. Winter Triangle: A prominent triangular asterism formed by the stars Betelgeuse in Orion, Procyon in Canis Minor, and Sirius in Canis Major, visible during the winter months in the Northern Hemisphere.
  74. Winter Zodiac: The portion of the zodiac that includes the signs Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, representing the astrological period from December 22 to March 20 in the Northern Hemisphere.
  75. Wisdom: Refers to the possession of experience, knowledge, good judgment, and the quality of being wise.
  76. Wisdom Aspect: An aspect in astrology that indicates a deep sense of wisdom, knowledge, and insight, often associated with spiritual growth and higher understanding.
  77. Wisdom Keepers: Beings, entities, or spiritual guides associated with astrology who are believed to possess deep wisdom, knowledge, and insight into the cosmic forces and their effects on individuals and the world.
  78. Wise Woman: A term used to describe a knowledgeable and experienced woman who possesses deep understanding of herbal remedies, healing techniques, and spiritual wisdom, often associated with folk medicine and witchcraft.
  79. Witchcraft: A practice that involves the use of magic, spells, and rituals, often associated with Pagan or Wiccan traditions and beliefs.
  80. Witching Hour: A term used to refer to midnight or the time believed to be favorable for magical rituals and supernatural activities.
  81. Witch’s Brew: A concoction often associated with witchcraft and magical practices, created by combining herbs, spices, and other ingredients for various purposes such as healing, divination, or spellcasting.
  82. Witch’s Broomstick: A symbolic representation of a broomstick often associated with witchcraft and magical practices, representing transformation, sweeping away negativity, and flying between realms.
  83. Witch’s Cauldron: A symbol often associated with witchcraft and magical practices, representing transformation, alchemy, and the blending of various energies and ingredients for spellcasting and rituals.
  84. Witch’s Familiar: An animal companion or spirit guide often associated with witches and magical practices, believed to assist in rituals and spellwork.
  85. Witch’s Hat: A symbolic representation of a pointed hat often associated with witchcraft, representing magical power
  86. Witch’s Mirror: A tool often used in witchcraft and divination practices, representing reflection, scrying, and the ability to perceive beyond the physical realm.
  87. Witch’s Moon: A term used to describe the Moon’s association with witchcraft and magical practices, symbolizing the lunar energy and its influence on spells, rituals, and intuitive abilities.
  88. Wobble Theory: A theory in astrology that suggests a slight wobbling motion of Earth’s axis over long periods of time, which may affect astrological interpretations.
  89. Wolf Totem: In Native American astrology, the Wolf is associated with those born between February 19 and March 20. It represents intuition, loyalty, and adaptability.
  90. Wood Rat: In Chinese astrology, a zodiac sign associated with the Rat and the Wood element. Wood Rats are known for their intelligence, creativity, and adaptability.
  91. Wood Snake: In Chinese astrology, a zodiac sign associated with the Snake and the Wood element. Wood Snakes are known for their charm, creativity, and strong intuition.
  92. Woodpecker Totem: In Native American astrology, the Woodpecker is associated with those born between June 21 and July 21. It represents hard work, resourcefulness, and adaptability.
  93. Workhorse Aspect: An aspect in astrology that indicates hard work, dedication, and perseverance in achieving one’s goals.
  94. World Axis: In astrology, the imaginary line connecting the North and South poles of Earth, often used in astrological calculations and interpretations.
  95. Wormhole: A theoretical passage in space-time that connects distant points, allowing for shortcuts in travel between them, often used metaphorically in astrology to describe rapid transformation or sudden shifts in life circumstances.
  96. Wounding Aspect: An aspect in astrology that indicates challenges, difficulties, or painful experiences in one’s life journey, often leading to personal growth and healing.