Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – Z

Glossary – Z

  1. Zenith Distance Angle: The angular distance between the zenith and a celestial object measured in degrees.
  2. Zenith Distance: The angular distance between a celestial object and the observer’s zenith.
  3. Zenith Passage: The moment when a celestial body crosses the observer’s zenith.
  4. Zenith Telescope: A telescope that points directly upward toward the zenith.
  5. Zenith: The point on the celestial sphere directly above an observer.
  6. Zenithal Hour Angle: The angular distance between the observer’s meridian and the hour circle passing through a celestial object.
  7. Zenithal Hour Circle: A great circle passing through the zenith and a celestial object.
  8. Zenithal Hour: The period when a celestial body is at its highest point in the sky.
  9. Zenithal Projection Map: A map projection that projects the Earth’s surface onto a tangent plane at the zenith.
  10. Zenithal Projection: A method of projecting the celestial sphere onto a two-dimensional plane.
  11. Zenithal Triangle: A triangle formed by connecting the zenith, the observer, and a celestial object.
  12. Zephyr: In astrology, a gentle breeze that represents a calm and peaceful period.
  13. Zero Point: The starting point of the zodiac, usually aligned with the vernal equinox.
  14. Zodiac Sign: One of the twelve divisions of the zodiac, each representing a specific time period and set of characteristics.
  15. Zodiac: A band of the celestial sphere divided into twelve equal parts, each named after a constellation.
  16. Zodiacal Aspect: A geometric relationship between two celestial bodies in the zodiac.
  17. Zodiacal Constellation: One of the twelve constellations that lie along the ecliptic.
  18. Zodiacal Decade: A period of ten years associated with a particular zodiac sign.
  19. Zodiacal Dominant: The zodiac sign that has the strongest influence in a person’s birth chart.
  20. Zodiacal Epoch: A specific time period associated with a zodiac sign.
  21. Zodiacal Equinox: The point where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic, usually associated with the vernal equinox.
  22. Zodiacal House: One of the twelve divisions of the astrological houses, each associated with a zodiac sign.
  23. Zodiacal Ingress: The entry of a celestial body into a zodiac sign.
  24. Zodiacal Light: A faint glow observed along the zodiac after sunset or before sunrise.
  25. Zodiacal Lightness: The brightness or intensity of the zodiacal light.
  26. Zodiacal Longitude: The position of a celestial body along the zodiac measured in degrees.
  27. Zodiacal Planetary Hours: A system that divides the day and night into twelve equal parts, each associated with a planet and a zodiac sign.
  28. Zodiacal Point: A specific point along the zodiac, often used in astrological calculations.
  29. Zodiacal Position: The specific location of a celestial body along the zodiac.
  30. Zodiacal Precession: The slow shift in the position of the vernal equinox over time.
  31. Zodiacal Releasing: A Hellenistic astrological technique used to determine significant life periods.
  32. Zodiacal Symbol: A graphical representation of each zodiac sign, often used to represent astrological concepts.
  33. Zodiacal Wheel: A circular diagram that represents the twelve zodiac signs.
  34. Zodiacal Year: The time taken for the Earth to complete one full orbit around the Sun, approximately 365.25 days.