MODI IS A HISTORIC MAN  Half I – Gokulam Astrology

MODI IS A HISTORIC MAN  Half I – Gokulam Astrology


His start chart is a uncommon one.

Plenty of messages can we rent from the start chart.

An in depth research of Modis start chart

See the start chart

Modi was born with Scorpio Lagna.

Scorpio is a secret home.

The particular person born in Scorpio can also be a secret particular person.

The Scorpio lord is Mars.

However this can be a watery signal.

In Scorpio, there are two Planets. 

One is Mars and the opposite is Moon.

Mars is a Hearth Planet

Moon is a Watery Planet

The Planet mixture was solely totally different.

Which Planet may be very robust in Scorpio?

Water Planet may be very robust in watery homes.

However in Scorpio Moon debilitated. So powerless Planet.

However Mars boosts the Moon to a strong Planet. How?

Moon debilitated.

Mars is its personal home Scorpio.

So any Planet is debilitated, however the home will change into highly effective, and the debilitated Planet will get Neecha Panga Raja Yoga.

Right here-

Moon Neecha’s place. Mars ruler place. So as a result of Mars, Moon will get Neecha Panga Raja Yoga.

Mars in Scorpio creates Ruchaga Yoga. This is likely one of the biggest yoga in Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga. So Mars change the Moons Neecha Yoga into Neecha Panga Raja Yoga.

It’s highly effective Yoga. 

The Water signal and the Hearth signal mixed in every and act strongly Hearth on the water scenario.

What about Scorpio?

The Scorpio is the eighth home from Aries. This can be a hidden home. When in comparison with different homes, this home start individuals reside secretly, Nobody understands them and their actions.

Mars is the ruling Planet. If Mars is highly effective, they change into King or King equal put up or sort like a gaggle of individuals.

They can’t obey others.  All should obey them.

What are the particular powers of Scorpio?

The Scorpio is dominated by Mars. The fifth home from Scorpio is Pisces. Pisces’ lord is Jupiter. Jupiter liberally helps Scorpio.

However the ninth lord Moon can’t assist Scorpio, as a result of Moon is Phatak lord.

Mars is Sthra Lagna lord. So Scorpio start individuals prefer to reside in a single place.


Jupiter and Moon

In these two Planets, Jupiter is at all times pals with Scorpio.


Saturn Venus Solar 

Saturn and Venus are pleasant planets and can assist Scorpio individuals so much.

Solar is the ability Yoga Planet for Scorpio, If Saturn and Venus have a reference to the Solar or Solar home Leo there will probably be great Yoga accessible for them.

Will proceed