New Moon In Cancer – Let The River Answer

New Moon In Cancer – Let The River Answer

On July 5th, 2024 we have an auspicious New Moon at 14° Cancer.

The New Moon is trine Saturn (at 19° Pisces), sextile Mars (at 19° Taurus), and loosely conjunct Venus (at 22° Cancer).

Apart from a separating Mercury-Pluto opposition, there are literally no tense aspects in the sky, which is pretty rare.

This is a supportive, nurturing New Moon that will encourage us to connect with our innermost emotions and intuitions.

This New Moon is a reminder of what’s important and meaningful in our lives, and appreciate the support we get from our loved ones and the universe.

The New Moon in Cancer is about getting back to the roots and rediscovering what matters. Your family, Mother Earth, and the Universe as a whole all conspire to birth, nourish, and protect, giving life a chance to come into existence and manifest itself.

The creative ideas we have, our pet projects – all crave to come into this world, driven by that Cancer instinct to emerge.

new moon cancer 2024

The process of giving birth is Cancerian in nature, as all species on this planet know how to give birth and protect their young. Birds know how to collect materials to build a nest instinctively.

Cancer is the deep knowledge of Mother Earth we all have access to, if we tune in and listen.

As the cardinal water sign of the zodiac, Cancer is the fountain of life, the ever-flowing source of emotional and intuitive wisdom.

Ruled by the Moon, Cancer is a nurturing energy deeply connected with the intelligence of Earth. It goes with the tides, it goes with the flow, and it just ‘knows’ what to do, one step at a time.

New Moon In Cancer And Capricorn

In the last three decades, we had a series of outer planets transiting Cancer’s opposite sign, Capricorn.

If Cancer is an instinctual, intuitive energy that just ‘knows’ what to do, Capricorn on the other side of the axis needs to plan things in advance. If Cancer takes one step at a time, Capricorn needs to know every single step beforehand. 

Cancer’s purpose is to “be”; Capricorn’s purpose is to evolve. That’s why Capricorn has to ‘fake it till it makes it,’ go to university or to mentors, develop skills, and meticulously plan.

And that’s a beautiful thing, but it has left us a bit disconnected from ourselves, from our senses, from that body intelligence that Cancer embodies.

With Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in Capricorn, perhaps we’ve leaned a bit too much on the Capricorn side of the axis.

The New Moon in Cancer – and Cancer energy in general – reminds us that we don’t always need to take dancing classes to know how to dance.

We have the rhythm inside of us. 

The New Moon in Cancer invites us to trust the rhythm of life – go with the flow, make mistakes, take chances, and see where the river takes us.

With Neptune stationing retrograde at the very end of the zodiac, 29° 56’ Pisces, the New Moon in Cancer invites us to connect not only with our deeper wisdom, but also with the universal flow of life.

Leonard Cohen said it best:

“Suzanne takes you down to a place by the river 

You can hear the boats go by, you can spend the night forever 

And you know that she’s half crazy, and that’s why you want to be there 

And she feeds you tea and oranges that come all the way from China 

And just when you want to tell her that you have no love to give her 

She gets you on her wavelength, and lets the river answer 

That you’ve always been her lover”

At the New Moon in Cancer, when the night sky is completely dark and the world goes quiet, take some time to reflect:

  • What are the roots and foundations in your life that provide you with the most nourishment and support? How can you (re)connect with them? 
  • What creative projects or ideas within you are longing to come to life, and how can you nurture them?
  • In what ways can you trust your intuition more deeply and go with the flow of life, rather than follow plans and external expectations?

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