REAL POWER (FACE) OF PLANETS – Gokulam Astrology

REAL POWER (FACE) OF PLANETS – Gokulam Astrology


The way to discover yogas in a single’s delivery chart?

Everybody analyzes the delivery chart and finds out the predictions based mostly on delivery Ascendant.

However keep in mind one factor, the yogas’ actual face must be present in Rahu Ascendant.

Just lately, Maharashtra former CM Eknath Shinde misplaced his highly effective put up.

On this put up, we are able to analyze the ups and downs of his profession. 

How did he get the CM put up?

What are the Planets which are serving to him to get the highly effective put up?

Is it true? Why are the Planet not serving to him to retain the CM put up?

Allow us to see his delivery chart Shinde.

There are superior formulation to search out out the planet’s unique energy.


Undergo the Fundamental delivery chart

The second Micro delivery chart

Third Macro delivery chart

If any planets turned highly effective in all three delivery charts, the individual could be an excellent individual.

First, we analyze the essential delivery chart.

Rahu is a vital planet and is chargeable for releasing yogas.

The Planets with the Rahu circle will grow to be highly effective.

If the Planets in Kendras and Konas from Rahu, the individual will grow to be highly effective.

Jupiter is in Pisces and the home is the tenth home from Rahu. Pisces is Kendra’s home from Rahu. Pisces is Jupiter’s personal home.

Venus is in Pisces and the home is the tenth home from Rahu. Pisces is Kendra’s home from Rahu.  In Pisces Venus is exalted.

Saturn is in Pisces and the home is the tenth home from Rahu. The Aquarius is Kona’s home from Rahu.  Aquarius is Saturn’s personal home.


Jupiter provides Hamsa Yoga

Venus provides Malavya Yoga

Saturn provides Sasa Yoga

In my Astrology analysis work,  Aquarius, Pisces, and Aries are highly effective homes. 

The Planet place these homes will grow to be very highly effective. 

If any Planets are exalted in these homes will likely be tremendous yoga for people.

Now the query is these yogas retain their powers in Micro delivery chart and Macro delivery chart.

See what occurred?



Within the Micro delivery chart, Rahu Ascendant is Sagittarius. Venus owned the sixth home from Rahu. 

So Venus’s energy is diluted within the Micro delivery chart.

The three energy Planets have a hyperlink with every of them.

However Saturn is in Padak place, from Venus.

Jupiter is in Padak place, from the Moon.

So the Planets who’re highly effective within the primary delivery chart will lose their powers within the Micro delivery chart.


Within the Macro delivery chart Rahu Ascendant is Aquarius.

Venus is in Aries and the Padak home is Ascendant.

So Venus, Saturn and Jupiter are in Padak hyperlink shouldn’t be beneficial for him.

So the essential charts are good yogas. However the yogas don’t retain their unique energy within the Micro delivery Chart and Macro delivery chart.

So misplaced his grip on his place.