The Cancer Solstice – We Are Our Family

The Cancer Solstice – We Are Our Family

Happy Cancer Solstice!  Around June 21st, the Sun enters Cancer, marking a significant turning point in the astrological year.

We have 2 solstices and 2 equinoxes in a year, which split the year into four, 3-month quarters. Did you know that the 12 months in a year and the 12 zodiac signs are derived from the solstices and equinoxes?

Solstices and equinoxes are the most potent times of the year. Stonehenge, ancient temples, and many other historical sites were constructed in alignment with solstices and equinoxes.

solstice astrology

The solstice and the equinoxes mark when the balance of light and darkness shifts.

The Cancer solstice is the longest day of the year for people in the Northern Hemisphere and the shortest day for people in the Southern Hemisphere.

There’s a tension, a feeling that “this is as far as we can get – something has to change.” Solstices are a reminder of the cycles of nature and the passage of time.

You too may feel at a turning point. What in your life has reached the farthest point you could possibly get? What needs to change? What can you do differently?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Most people are familiar with this saying. It makes sense, right? We all know a few people who are stubbornly doing the same thing. It’s so clear to us what they need to do differently.

While it’s easy to see the patterns in others, we are often blind to our own recurring patterns.

Cancer – Walking Sideways

Cancer is symbolized by the crab. What distinguishes the crab is its unique way of walking sideways.

astrology cancer crab walk

If you’ve ever seen a crab move, you’ve noticed this sideways motion, which is unlike anything else.

This sideways movement gives crabs a unique advantage. When you walk sideways, you can see things from different angles and notice details you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

Taking a Cancer approach can help you shed new light on your life from new perspectives.

For example, instead of analyzing yourself from your natal chart alone, you can examine your family members’ charts. Studying your family patterns can help you make sense of aspects of your life that you were otherwise blind to.

The Cancer season is a reminder of the importance of family. It’s estimated that half of the travel we do is actually our journeys home, a place we all long to arrive at no matter the reason we left. Family is at the core of everything we do.

Family (symbolized by Cancer) is an integral part of our identity. We are our family.

cancer solstice astrology

The Transgenerational Astrology Program

The “Transgenerational Astrology” program helps you uncover and understand family patterns so you can understand yourself – and your family dynamics – better.

With every module, we will go one layer deeper, and by the end of the program, the puzzle pieces of your family’s story will fall into place.

To apply this information effectively, we need birth information from at least 3 generations. While a birth time is ideal, a birth date alone can suffice. Even if you don’t have birth times for other family members, it’s important to have your own birth time because we analyze the ‘ancestral houses’ – the 4th, the 8th, and the 12th – and for house analysis, an accurate birth time is necessary.

In the “Transgenerational Astrology” 4-week program, we present several tools used in genealogy research and transgenerational psychology. Even without access to birth data or astrological knowledge, you will benefit from applying these non-astrological tools.

Some of these non-astrological tools include:

  • The Genogram: Learn how to create a detailed family tree that includes information such as relationship dynamics, important dates, causes of death, and repeating patterns.
  • The Symbolism of Your First Name: Your first name reveals the ideals and aspirations of your parents (or the person who named you). Just as the ascendant is the threshold between the mother and all contained in the family tree – and the child, the name acts as a symbolic key to understanding the connection between the 12th house and the 1st house, bridging the parental projections and the individual’s emergent identity.
  • Family Secrets: When a ‘shameful’ event occurs in the family – for example, a suspicious death, murder, suicide, institutionalization, incest, venereal disease, abortion, hidden paternity, etc. – this secret becomes a black hole that psychologically ‘haunts’ the family unconscious, affecting other family members in subtle ways.
  • The “Anniversary Syndrome”: A tool that maps important familial events that happen to two or more family members at the same age or on the same date. For example, both your grandmother and mother got married at 27, or both your grandfather and great-grandfather lost their mothers on the same date, July 1st.

These tools, combined with astrological insights, will help you make sense of hidden family patterns and dynamics and their influence on your life.

You can learn more about the program at the link below:

>> The Transgenerational Astrology Program <<