Astrology by Lisa Stardust

With Mercury retrograde in full swing until August 28, communication will be tricky. Try to articulate emotions on August 7, when Mercury retrograde and Venus unite in Virgo. Expressing your heartfelt sentiments might be easier at this time, since Venus is adding TLC to words. The same day, the Leo Sun and Jupiter in Gemini connect, heightening our knowledge and confidence.  

Witch tip:

The  backend of the week is fairly quiet, so we should relish in the moment. Even though Mercury retrograde is in gear, we can relax and restore our spirits to be fully recovered as we move forward. Connect with nature in the days ahead to ground sentiments. Being at one with the Earth by hiking, meditating outside, or gazing at the stars will ease our spirits and minds.


Instead of trying to push against exhaustion, use it as a wake-up call to relax this week. Carving out moments in the day to restore and revive your energy will not only be vital to your physical being, but also to your mental and emotional sentiments as well.


Anything that is worth happening takes time to develop. Don’t be discouraged if things are moving slower than usual this week, it may be that the projects and endeavors require tweaking and reinforcement. Be patient as you navigate through matters and be open to suggestions others are bringing your way.


There are lists of tasks that need to get done and no time to do them. Ask for help from a family member or close friend. Rather than do everything, you’ll be surprised by how eager everyone is to assist you and to take the burden off of your shoulders.


Be careful about what you share with others. You’ll slip and tell gossip, which leads to drama starting in your life. Before you start repeating information, think about how your lost tongue can affect those you care about — including yourself. The aftermath of this situation will not be fun.


Your finances may be in flux due to a bad investment. Before you react, find ways in which you can manifest more income and money in the upcoming weeks. Then, you won’t be stressed out about your bank account and will be able to make better choices in the future.


You’re in a state of limbo and confusion, which is holding you back from making any moves. Before jumping into a new situation, take time to think about what you want. Then you’ll be able to do the type of work and atmosphere that makes you full of pure joy.


You don’t have to maintain your popularity by being a constant part of the social scene. If you’re longing to have solo time to reflect and unwind, then do so. Besides, you’ll be no fun to be around socially, if you don’t restore your energy and sleep away your mood.


You are redefining your hopes and aspirations for the future; however, to do so, it’s essential to look within yourself and remember what you wanted to achieve at the beginning of your career. That will help you forge a new path for yourself and commit to what sparks excitement.


It’s hard to get your thoughts in order, which is why you might need to take a moment to meditate and to detox your mind of stress. Taking a few deep breaths in and out will allow you to detox your body of negativity you’ve felt. Bring in the goodness.


Embracing new philosophies and insights is going to allow you to evolve with the current times. This will open your mind to new thoughts and visions you hadn’t known before this evolutionary process. It’ll make you rethink your feelings and plans so keep an open mind as you move forward.


This is a powerful time for you, Aquarius, so lean into your intuition and take stock of what the universe tells you. You might find that your dreams are unfolding in front of you, giving you the strength to manifest your visions in reality. Listen to your heart and soul.


A friend or partner from the past may come back into your life this week. Before making decisions about how you want to proceed, decide if you are emotionally up for having emotional conversations and discussing old times. If not, then you can politely respond and go your own way.