Home Astrology Astrology and Planets Agreements — Ruby Slipper Astrology

Agreements — Ruby Slipper Astrology

Agreements — Ruby Slipper Astrology


  • Mars in Leo conjunct Black Moon Lilith (18 deg)

  • Uranus in Taurus sq. Pallas in Leo (21 deg)

  • Pluto Rx in Capricorn trine Ceres in Virgo (29 deg)

Solar/Juno illuminates a contract (that is linked to June 18th’s New Moon). Take note of all agreements – verbal, written or those in your head. They don’t have to be formal – day by day we make or reinforce contracts with these round us (there’s an change of power and strategy to the connection that’s or isn’t agreed upon ). 

Mars prompts Lilith’s power – the taboo lady together with her controversial sexuality and id is empowered to take motion, however not everybody will embrace her. Good if you have to step ahead with pleasure and you have been hesitating since you’re afraid of how you will be perceived. Take into account that Black Moon Lilith at all times triggers some folks (particularly when she’s within the highlight) so there can be resistance from some quarters. 

This conjunction also can illustrate violence related to girls’s points that many individuals want to ignore. Now, it is absolutely illuminated – perhaps one thing hidden involves mild. 

Uranus/Pallas is the novel resolution or stunning sample. The sq. is tense so there is a disaster right here – the answer is important however may have a jarring influence. Or, the sample that is illuminated is upsetting/stunning. Be able to toss out preconceived notions about sure methods. 

Pluto trine Ceres is the simple acceptance of a lifecycle. There isn’t a resistance to endings or progress – you roll with the modifications and nurturing deepens accordingly. This may be seen as a dedication to care (for your self or one other) at the same time as you acknowledge that (ultimately) issues will finish. Within the meantime, there will be ripening that is treasured as a result of it is transitory.

That is the third of three trines between Pluto and Ceres, the primary two occurring on Dec eighth, 2022 and Mar twenty third, 2023. You are wrapping up a course of that is been lively since December. At this level, you will have recognized the potent repair  – an enchancment that goes far beneath the floor. Care that purges what’s rotten and strengthens what stays – a deep cleansing that delivers important progress.

And this connects to the Solar/Juno conjunction as a result of one other Ceres theme is agreements – you conform to get a few of what you need despite the fact that you aren’t getting all the pieces. That is a part of the cycle – make the perfect of what you are given. 

Portray by Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Wikimedia Commons



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