Home Astrology Astrology and Planets Episode 201 | Aries Full Moon: Assertive, But Civilized! – Large Sky Astrology

Episode 201 | Aries Full Moon: Assertive, But Civilized! – Large Sky Astrology

Episode 201 | Aries Full Moon: Assertive, But Civilized! – Large Sky Astrology


Episode 201 | Aries Full Moon: Assertive, But Civilized!

This week, the Aries Full Moon reveals relationship imbalances; Venus and Uranus study togetherness and independence, windfalls and bills; busy Mercury points Uranus on a few acquainted levels and finally ends up a collection of points with Jupiter; and April takes on a listener query in regards to the location in your photo voltaic return. Plus: Spreadsheets, gobsmacked, and a bit little bit of aptitude!

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[1:00] Thanks to Chef Laurie Gauguin and [1:57] Sandy from Sarasota for the spectacular critiques!

[2:49] Mercury trines Jupiter on Sep. 25 (5:10 AM PDT) at 14º51’ Virgo-Taurus. The primary two on this collection of trines have been on August 9 and Sep. 4. Mercury is on 15 Virgo, A decorative handkerchief, and Jupiter is on 15 Taurus, A person muffled up with a rakish silk hat. Nail down the practicalities, then add some aptitude.

[5:06] Moon Report! The Aries Full Moon is on Sep. 29 (2:57 AM PDT) at 06°00’ Aries. This Full Moon highlights the stability between Libra, which tends to take others under consideration earlier than performing, and Aries, which symbolizes placing ourselves first.

[6:08] Mars, the planet that guidelines Aries, is at the moment in Libra, so we will assert ourselves as wanted whereas nonetheless being moderately civilized and well mannered.

[6:38] That is the Full Moon in a lunar section household cycle that started on the March 31, 2022 Aries New Moon. The First Quarter on this cycle was on Dec. 29, 2022, the Final Quarter is on June 28, 2024.

[7:54] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Intervals. On Sep. 26, the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus (5:38 AM PDT). It’s VOC for a bit underneath 12 hours earlier than getting into Pisces (5:18 PM PDT). Which do you want extra of in your life – Saturn, with its guidelines and bounds, or Uranus, which wants extra freedom and independence?

[9:10] On Sep. 28, the Moon in Pisces sextiles Pluto (1:57 PM PDT). It’s VOC for about 3 ¼ hours earlier than it enters Aries (5:17 PM PDT). The sextile to Pluto from the Moon in Pisces indicators a VOC interval once we break habits of procrastination and apply exerting give attention to a selected goal.

[10:18] On Sep. 30, the Moon in Aries squares Pluto (2:49 PM PDT). It’s VOC for about 3 ½ hours earlier than it enters Taurus (6:18 PM PDT). This VOC Moon interval is a time to retrace our steps, end up what we missed, and hopefully bear all of this in thoughts the following time we let ourselves race forward with out taking an in depth take a look at what we’re doing.

[11:15] Venus makes the final in a collection of squares Uranus on Sep. 29 (10:52 AM PDT) at 22º40’ Leo-Taurus. The primary side within the collection was on July 2, and the second was on Aug. 9. This side highlights themes of togetherness and independence. It will possibly additionally signify sudden monetary windfalls or sudden bills.

[12:57] Mercury trines Uranus on Sep. 30 (9:55 AM PDT) at 22º38’ Virgo-Taurus. Mercury is on the Sabian image 23 Virgo, An animal coach, and Uranus is on 23 Taurus, A jewellery store. It’s time to coach our minds with a view to obtain inspiration and breakthroughs.

[15:33] Listener L.H. asks about essentially the most correct location to set one’s photo voltaic return chart.

[23:02] In case you’d wish to have your query answered on a future episode, depart a message of 1 minute or much less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or e mail april(at)bigskyastrology(dot)com; put “Podcast Query” within the topic line.

[23:43] In case you like what you’re listening to, please subscribe, comply with, like and share! This episode is delivered to you by donors Catherine Boyer and Annette Eikerenkoetter!

[24:50] In case you’d wish to help the present, please go to bigskyastropod.com the place you can also make a one-time donation in any quantity or turn into an ongoing month-to-month contributor! Donate $10 or extra to obtain entry to April’s particular equinox and solstice episodes.

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