Cadent Houses: The houses (3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th) in an astrological chart associated with learning, communication, daily routines, and spiritual growth.
Cancer Ascendant Compatibility: The compatibility and dynamics between individuals when one person has Cancer as their Ascendant, representing their outward personality and first impressions.
Cancer Ascendant: An individual with the zodiac sign Cancer rising on the eastern horizon at the time of their birth, influencing their physical appearance, demeanor, and first impressions.
Cancer Descendant: The Descendant in an astrological chart, positioned in the zodiac sign Cancer, representing the type of partner or relationships the individual is attracted to and the qualities they seek in a significant other.
Cancer House System: The specific astrological house system used in a chart, such as Placidus, Equal, or Whole Sign, which determines how the astrological houses are calculated and interpreted in relation to the zodiac signs.
Cancer Jupiter: A person born with the planet Jupiter in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating a nurturing, generous, and intuitive approach to expansion, abundance, and spiritual beliefs.
Cancer Mars: A person born with the planet Mars in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating a tenacious, protective, and emotionally-driven approach to taking action and pursuing goals.
Cancer Mercury: A person born with the planet Mercury in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating a sensitive and intuitive communication style, with a focus on emotional understanding and empathy.
Cancer Midheaven: The Midheaven or Medium Coeli (MC) in an astrological chart, positioned in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating the individual’s career aspirations, public image, and the qualities they seek to embody in their professional life.
Cancer Moon: A person born with the Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating emotional sensitivity, nurturing instincts, and a strong connection to family and home.
Cancer Neptune: A person born with the planet Neptune in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating heightened sensitivity, imagination, and psychic abilities, as well as challenges related to boundaries and illusions.
Cancer Nodes: The North Node and South Node in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating the karmic lessons, growth, and life path associated with nurturing, emotional security, and family dynamics.
Cancer Pluto: A person born with the planet Pluto in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating deep transformation, intense emotions, and the potential for profound healing and rebirth.
Cancer Progressed Moon: The Progressed Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer, representing a phase of emotional growth, increased sensitivity, and nurturing instincts, as well as shifts in home life and family dynamics over time.
Cancer Retrograde: The apparent backward motion of a planet in its orbit from the perspective of Earth, occurring when a planet is retrograde while transiting the zodiac sign Cancer, signifying a time for introspection, reassessment, and revisiting emotional matters.
Cancer Rising: When the zodiac sign Cancer occupies the Ascendant in an astrological chart, indicating the individual’s outward personality and first impressions.
Cancer Saturn: A person born with the planet Saturn in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating a need for emotional security and stability, as well as lessons and challenges related to family, boundaries, and responsibilities.
Cancer Sun: A person born under the zodiac sign Cancer, characterized by their emotional depth, nurturing nature, and strong intuition.
Cancer Uranus: A person born with the planet Uranus in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating a unique and unconventional approach to emotions, nurturing, and home life, as well as sudden changes and disruptions in these areas.
Cancer Venus: A person born with the planet Venus in the zodiac sign Cancer, indicating a nurturing, affectionate, and sentimental approach to love, relationships, and aesthetic preferences.
Cancer: The fourth sign of the zodiac represented by the Crab, known for its sensitivity, intuition, and nurturing nature.
Capricorn Rising: When the zodiac sign Capricorn occupies the Ascendant in an astrological chart, indicating a reserved, ambitious, and determined outward personality.
Capricorn: The tenth sign of the zodiac represented by the Goat, known for its ambition, discipline, and practicality.
Cardinal Air: One of the four elements in astrology, representing the intellectual and communicative qualities associated with the air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius).
Cardinal Cross: A configuration in astrology formed by the square aspect between planets in the four cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), representing a dynamic and action-oriented energy.
Cardinal Crossroads: Critical turning points, challenges, or opportunities in an individual’s life associated with the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), requiring action, decision-making, and assertiveness.
Cardinal Direction: In astrology, the four main directions on the horoscope wheel (North, South, East, West), representing different areas of life and personality traits associated with each direction.
Cardinal Earth: One of the four elements in astrology, representing the practical and grounded qualities associated with the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
Cardinal Fire: One of the four elements in astrology, representing the dynamic and assertive qualities associated with the fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).
Cardinal Grand Cross: A rare astrological configuration formed by four planets in cardinal signs, creating a powerful and dynamic cross-shaped pattern associated with significant events and transformations.
Cardinal Grand Trine: An astrological configuration formed by three planets in the three signs of the same modality (Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn), creating a harmonious and flowing energy that supports growth, manifestation, and stability.
Cardinal Houses: The angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) in an astrological chart associated with action, initiation, and important life areas.
Cardinal Modality: One of the three modalities in astrology (the other two being Fixed and Mutable), associated with initiation, leadership, and the ability to start new projects.
Cardinal Modes: The three modalities associated with the zodiac signs, including the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), indicating initiative, leadership, and the ability to start new ventures.
Cardinal Signs Compatibility: The compatibility and dynamics between individuals with cardinal zodiac signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), known for their assertiveness, drive, and leadership qualities.
Cardinal Signs: The first signs of each season (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) known for their initiative, leadership, and assertiveness.
Cardinal T-Square: An astrological configuration formed by three planets in which two are in opposition, and both are square to a third planet, creating tension, challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation.
Cardinal Water: One of the four elements in astrology, representing the emotional and nurturing qualities associated with the water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
Cassiopeia: A constellation in the northern sky that is sometimes associated with creativity and artistic expression in astrology.
Celestial Alignment: The alignment of celestial bodies, such as planets or stars, in a specific configuration, believed to hold significant energetic influence and symbolism in astrology.
Celestial Ascension: The process of personal and spiritual growth represented by the rising of the celestial bodies, symbolizing the elevation of consciousness and the attainment of higher levels of understanding.
Celestial Bodies: Objects in the sky, such as planets, stars, and asteroids, that are studied in astrology.
Celestial Equator: The imaginary line on the celestial sphere that is equidistant from the celestial poles and intersects the Earth’s equator.
Celestial Event: An astronomical occurrence, such as an eclipse or planetary alignment, that holds significance and is observed in astrology for its potential impact on human life and consciousness.
Celestial Geometry: The study of the geometric relationships and patterns formed by celestial bodies and their movements, revealing underlying cosmic principles and influences.
Celestial Guidance: The belief in the influence and guidance of celestial bodies, such as planets, stars, and asteroids, in providing insights, wisdom, and direction for individuals’ life journeys and decision-making processes.
Celestial Guidance: The belief that celestial bodies and their movements can provide insights, guidance, and wisdom to individuals seeking answers or direction in their lives.
Celestial Harmonies: The harmonious alignments and interactions between celestial bodies in astrology, believed to create supportive and beneficial energies that enhance personal growth and manifestation.
Celestial Latitude: The angular distance between a celestial body and the celestial equator, measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds, used in celestial navigation and astronomical calculations.
Celestial Mapping: The process of mapping and plotting the positions of celestial bodies on a star chart or astrological map, providing a visual representation of their relationships and alignments.
Celestial Mechanics: The branch of astronomy that studies the motions and interactions of celestial bodies, including the planets, stars, and other astronomical phenomena that astrology draws upon for its calculations and interpretations.
Celestial Navigation: The practice of using the positions of celestial bodies, such as stars and planets, to determine navigation and orientation on Earth, historically used by sailors and explorers.
Celestial Object: Any natural object existing outside Earth’s atmosphere, such as planets, stars, moons, asteroids, comets, and other astronomical entities studied in astrology.
Celestial Oracles: Astrologers, psychics, or individuals who use celestial knowledge and divination techniques to offer guidance, predictions, and insights into the future and personal destiny.
Celestial Phenomenon: Extraordinary events or occurrences in the celestial realm that capture the attention and interest of astrologers, such as comets, meteor showers, or rare planetary alignments.
Celestial Sphere: An imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, upon which the positions of celestial bodies are projected and observed in astrology.
Celestial Synchronicity: The occurrence of meaningful coincidences or events that seem to be orchestrated by the universe, aligning with astrological influences and symbolically reflecting the interconnectedness of cosmic energies.
Celestial Timekeeping: The measurement and tracking of time using astronomical phenomena, such as the positions of the Sun, Moon, and stars, which played a significant role in ancient astrological practices.
Celestial Timing: The art of selecting auspicious or favorable astrological timings for specific activities, such as launching a business, starting a relationship, or making important decisions, based on the current astrological configurations.
Chakra System: An energy system in various spiritual and esoteric traditions that corresponds to different areas of the body, aligning with the planets and astrological influences.
Chaldean Astrology: An ancient astrological system originating in Chaldea, which focuses on the meanings and influences of numbers in relation to astrology.
Chaldean Numerology: An ancient numerological system with roots in Chaldea, associating numerical values with letters of the alphabet, often used in conjunction with astrology for additional insights and interpretations.
Chart Analysis: The process of examining an astrological chart to gain insights into an individual’s personality, life themes, strengths, challenges, and potential life events.
Chart Division: The division of an astrological chart into different segments, such as houses, quadrants, or hemispheres, each representing specific areas of life and themes
Chart Interpretation: The process of analyzing an astrological chart to understand an individual’s personality traits, life events, and potential future trends.
Chart Patterns: Specific arrangements and configurations of planets and aspects within an astrological chart, revealing unique patterns that can influence an individual’s personality and life experiences.
Chart Progression: A technique in astrology that uses symbolic methods to track the evolution and development of an individual’s natal chart over time, revealing patterns and potentials for growth.
Chart Rectification: The process of adjusting an astrological chart’s birth time to ensure accuracy when the exact birth time is unknown or uncertain.
Chart Ruler: The planet that rules the zodiac sign that occupies the Ascendant in an astrological chart, indicating its significance in the individual’s life.
Chart Synastry: The comparison and analysis of two or more astrological charts to determine the compatibility, dynamics, and challenges within relationships, whether romantic, familial, or professional.
Chart Synthesis: The integration and interpretation of various astrological factors, including planets, signs, houses, and aspects, to form a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s unique astrological profile.
Chart Wheels: Circular diagrams used in astrology to represent astrological charts, with the positions of celestial bodies, signs, and houses marked on them for interpretation and analysis.
Chart: A map of the celestial bodies at a specific moment in time, used to interpret an individual’s personality and life events.
Chinese Zodiac: A system of astrology based on a 12-year cycle, with each year represented by an animal sign that influences personality traits and destiny.
Chiron Healing: The process of emotional and spiritual healing associated with the influence of Chiron in astrology, facilitating the release of deep-seated wounds and promoting personal growth and wholeness.
Chiron Return: The period when the comet Chiron completes its first full orbit around the Sun, generally occurring around the age of 50-51, associated with profound healing and self-discovery.
Chiron: A comet-like celestial body in astrology associated with deep emotional healing and spiritual growth.
Collective Astrology: The study of astrological trends and patterns that affect society as a whole, exploring the connection between individual horoscopes and larger societal, cultural, and global events.
Collective Unconscious: A concept introduced by psychologist Carl Jung, referring to the shared reservoir of archetypes, symbols, and psychic patterns that exist in the unconscious mind and influence human behavior and experiences.
Compatibility: The degree to which two people or entities are harmonious and suited to one another based on their astrological profiles.
Composite Chart: A chart created by combining the birth data of two individuals to analyze the dynamics and compatibility of their relationship.
Conception Chart: An astrological chart created for the moment of conception, believed by some astrologers to provide insight into a person’s life path and potential.
Conjunct: When two or more celestial bodies are positioned closely together in a chart, sharing the same zodiac sign and enhancing their energies.
Conjunction: An aspect between two or more celestial bodies that are closely positioned in the same zodiac sign, indicating a powerful and blended energy.
Constellations: Recognizable patterns formed by stars in the night sky that have been grouped into various figures and used as a reference in astrology.
Contra-Antiscia: An astrological technique that examines the symmetry and balance between two celestial bodies based on their positions across the Aries-Libra and Cancer-Capricorn axes.
- Cosmic: Refers to anything relating to the vast and complex universe, encompassing celestial phenomena, cosmic energies, and the interconnectedness of all things.
Cosmic Awareness: A state of expanded consciousness and connection to the cosmic energies and wisdom, allowing individuals to tap into higher realms of understanding and insight.
Cosmic Balance: The concept of maintaining harmony and equilibrium between the different astrological energies, elements, and modalities, recognizing the interconnectedness and interplay of these cosmic forces.
Cosmic Consciousness: A heightened state of awareness and connection to the universal energies and cosmic forces at play in astrology, leading to a deeper understanding of the self and the world.
Cosmic Energy: The universal energy that flows through all things and influences the events and dynamics of astrology.
Cosmic Ordering Technique: A manifestation technique popularized by author and astrologer Barbel Mohr, involving making specific requests to the universe and aligning one’s intentions with astrological energies to attract desired outcomes.
Cosmic Ordering: A concept based on the Law of Attraction applied to astrology, where individuals align their intentions and desires with the cosmic energies to manifest their dreams and goals.
Cosmology: The study of the origin, structure, and dynamics of the universe, including its relationship to astrology and the cosmic forces that shape existence.
Co-Star: A popular astrology app that provides personalized horoscopes, birth charts, and astrological insights based on individual birth data.
Crescent Moon: The phase of the Moon occurring after the New Moon and before the First Quarter Moon, characterized by a small, crescent-shaped illuminated portion visible in the sky.
Crescent Phase: The phase of the Moon occurring between the New Moon and First Quarter Moon, representing a period of growth, emergence, and setting intentions.
Current Transits: The movement of planets in the present moment in relation to an individual’s natal chart, indicating the energies and influences affecting their life at a given time.
Cusp of Power: The boundary between two adjacent astrological signs, where the energies of both signs blend, creating a potent and influential energy that can manifest in an individual’s personality or life events.
Cusp: The transitional area between two zodiac signs, representing a blending of energies and characteristics.
Cycles: The repeated patterns and rhythms of celestial bodies and planetary movements that influence the flow of energy and events in astrology.
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