Home Glossary of Astrology Glossary – K

Glossary – K

  1. Kaal Sarp Dosha: A condition in Vedic astrology where all seven traditional planets are placed between the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) in a birth chart, believed to bring challenging influences or obstacles.
  2. Kaala Chakra: A circular astrological chart used in Indian astrology that represents the division of time into segments ruled by different planets, offering insights into auspicious and inauspicious periods.
  3. Kaalsarpa Yoga: A yogic combination in Vedic astrology where all seven traditional planets are placed between the lunar nodes, Rahu and Ketu, believed to exert powerful influences on an individual’s life
  4. Kabbalistic Astrological Calendar: A calendar system that integrates astrological influences with Kabbalistic teachings, providing guidance on favorable dates for various activities based on astrological alignments.
  5. Kabbalistic Astrology: A branch of astrology that incorporates elements of Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) into the interpretation of birth charts, combining astrology with esoteric teachings.
  6. Kabbalistic Astrology: A form of astrology that incorporates elements of Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) into the interpretation of birth charts.
  7. Kabbalistic Astro-Numerology: A system that combines principles of Kabbalah and numerology to explore the spiritual and symbolic meanings behind numbers and their significance in astrology.
  8. Kabbalistic Astro-Tarot: A system that combines elements of astrology and Kabbalah with the traditional Tarot deck, providing a deeper and more esoteric understanding of the Tarot cards and their meanings.
  9. Kabbalistic Numerology: A branch of numerology that integrates Kabbalistic principles and teachings into the interpretation of numbers and their mystical significance.
  10. Kabbalistic Tarot: A Tarot deck and system that incorporates Kabbalistic teachings, symbolism, and numerology into the interpretation of Tarot cards, offering deeper insights into spiritual and esoteric aspects.
  11. Kabbalistic Tree of Life: A symbolic diagram used in Kabbalistic astrology that represents the spiritual realms and the interconnectedness of the universe through a network of ten spheres or “sephiroth.”
  12. Kaivalya: A term in Vedic astrology that signifies liberation, ultimate spiritual enlightenment, and the state of self-realization, representing the highest goal of spiritual seekers.
  13. Kaizen Astrology: A holistic approach to astrology that emphasizes continuous improvement and personal growth, drawing inspiration from the Japanese concept of Kaizen, which focuses on incremental change.
  14. Kakshya: In Vedic astrology, Kakshya refers to the divisional charts or harmonic charts that provide detailed analysis and insights into specific areas of life, such as career, relationships, and spiritual growth.
  15. Kal Sarpa Yoga: An astrological combination in Vedic astrology where all planets are located between the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu), believed to bring intense karmic influences and challenges.
  16. Kala Sarpa Yoga: A yogic combination in Vedic astrology where all planets are located between the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) in a birth chart, believed to bring intense karmic influences and challenges.
  17. Kalachakra Astrology: A branch of astrology based on the Kalachakra system, which originates from Tibetan Buddhism and incorporates elements of astrology, cosmology, and spirituality.
  18. Kalachakra Chart: A specialized astrological chart used in Kalachakra astrology, a system rooted in Tibetan Buddhism that incorporates planetary influences and spiritual symbolism in chart interpretation.
  19. Kalachakra Tantra: A complex system of tantra and meditation practices originating from Tibetan Buddhism, incorporating astrological elements and concepts of time cycles.
  20. Kalathra Dosha: A term in Vedic astrology that refers to an astrological combination indicating potential challenges or conflicts in marital relationships, often associated with specific planetary alignments.
  21. Kali Yuga: In Hindu cosmology, Kali Yuga is the current age or era characterized by a decline in righteousness and spirituality, as per the concept of Yugas (ages) in Vedic astrology.
  22. Kamal Nadi Astrology: A specialized branch of astrology that utilizes a unique system of Nadi Granthas (palm leaf manuscripts) for predictions and insights into an individual’s past, present, and future.
  23. Kamalaya Astrological Retreat: A retreat center or wellness resort that offers astrology-based programs, workshops, and consultations for individuals seeking personal growth, self-discovery, and healing through astrological insights.
  24. Kappa Star: A term used in Indian astrology to refer to a specific set of stars considered to be auspicious and believed to bring prosperity and good fortune to individuals born under their influence.
  25. Karaka Bhava: In Vedic astrology, Karaka Bhava refers to the significations or areas of life associated with specific houses in the birth chart, providing insights into various aspects of an individual’s life.
  26. Karaka Lagna: In Vedic astrology, Karaka Lagna refers to the Ascendant sign calculated using a specific formula based on the placement of the Atmakaraka (planet with the highest degrees) in the birth chart.
  27. Karaka: In Vedic astrology, the term “Karaka” refers to the significator or indicator of a particular aspect of life. For example, Mars is the Karaka for siblings, and Jupiter is the Karaka for wisdom and knowledge.
  28. Karakamsa: In Vedic astrology, Karakamsa is the degree of the Navamsa sign occupied by the Atmakaraka (planet with the highest degrees) in the birth chart, revealing important indications about one’s soul purpose and spiritual path.
  29. Karana: In Vedic astrology, Karana refers to a specific half of a lunar day, used for determining auspicious or inauspicious periods for various activities based on the Moon’s position.
  30. Karma: A concept in Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the law of cause and effect, where actions influence future experiences and consequences.
  31. Karma Yoga: A spiritual path in Hindu philosophy that emphasizes selfless action and the performance of one’s duties without attachment to the results, aiming for spiritual growth and liberation.
  32. Karmic Astrocartography: An astrological technique that combines the principles of astrocartography (locational astrology) with karmic astrology, helping individuals identify places that may hold karmic significance or provide opportunities for growth and healing.
  33. Karmic Astrologer: An astrologer who specializes in analyzing karmic patterns and past-life influences in a person’s birth chart, providing insights into their life lessons and spiritual growth.
  34. Karmic Astrology Reading: A consultation with an astrologer who specializes in karmic astrology, offering insights into past-life influences, karmic patterns, and life lessons based on the analysis of an individual’s birth chart.
  35. Karmic Astrology Report: A detailed written analysis or interpretation of a person’s birth chart focusing on karmic influences, past-life connections, and the lessons and challenges they may face in their current life.
  36. Karmic Astrology: A branch of astrology that focuses on the concept of karma and its influence on an individual’s birth chart and life path.
  37. Karmic Debt: A belief in astrology that suggests individuals carry unresolved karmic lessons or debts from past lives, which can manifest as challenges or obstacles in their current life.
  38. Karmic Healing: The process of addressing and resolving karmic patterns, lessons, and imbalances through various therapeutic and spiritual practices, aiming for personal growth and liberation.
  39. Karmic Lessons Numerology: A numerological system that identifies and interprets the karmic lessons or challenges a person may face in their life based on the numerical patterns in their birth date.
  40. Karmic Lessons: Specific themes or challenges that an individual is believed to have chosen in their life to learn and grow from, based on karmic principles in astrology.
  41. Karmic Nodes: In astrology, the lunar nodes (Rahu and Ketu) are often referred to as the karmic nodes, representing the points where the path of the Moon intersects with the ecliptic, indicating karmic influences and soul growth.
  42. Karmic Patterns: Recurring themes or behavioral tendencies that are believed to be influenced by past-life experiences and karmic imprints, affecting an individual’s current life and relationships.
  43. Karmic Relationship: A relationship between two individuals that is believed to be influenced by unresolved karmic ties from past lives, presenting opportunities for growth, healing, and transformation.
  44. Karmic Transits: Astrological transits that coincide with karmic lessons, challenges, or opportunities for growth and transformation in an individual’s life, often reflecting past-life influences.
  45. Kataka Rasi: The Sanskrit term for the zodiac sign Cancer in Vedic astrology, representing individuals born between June 21 and July 22.
  46. Kathaadi System: An ancient Indian astrological system that uses special charts, calculations, and methods to determine various aspects of an individual’s life and destiny.
  47. Kepler College: An educational institution dedicated to providing academic programs and courses in astrological studies, named after the renowned astronomer and astrologer Johannes Kepler.
  48. Kepler Star Catalog: A catalog of stars compiled by the astronomer Johannes Kepler, containing precise measurements and data used in astrological calculations and chart interpretations.
  49. Keplerian Astrology: A modern approach to astrology that emphasizes the use of mathematical calculations and astronomical data to interpret the birth chart.
  50. Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion: Three fundamental laws formulated by Johannes Kepler that describe the motion of planets around the Sun, providing insights into the geometry and dynamics of planetary orbits.
  51. Kepler’s Laws: Three fundamental laws of planetary motion formulated by the astronomer Johannes Kepler, which describe the movement of planets around the sun.
  52. Kepler’s Third Law: One of Johannes Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, which states that the square of a planet’s orbital period is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the Sun.
  53. Kesaran Patharan: A term in Vedic astrology that refers to the wearing of gemstones or crystals as a remedy or enhancer to balance the energy of specific planets in an individual’s birth chart.
  54. Ketu Mahadasha: In Vedic astrology, Ketu Mahadasha is a specific period in an individual’s life when the major planetary period is ruled by Ketu, bringing unique influences and karmic lessons.
  55. Ketu: In Vedic astrology, Ketu is one of the lunar nodes, also known as the South Node. It represents spirituality, past-life experiences, and karmic patterns.
  56. Key Planet: In astrological terms, a key planet refers to a celestial body that holds significant influence or importance in a person’s birth chart, indicating prominent themes or areas of focus in their life.
  57. Khayyam Calendar: A calendar system proposed by the Persian mathematician and astronomer Omar Khayyam, which aimed to provide a more accurate measurement of the length of the year and the seasons.
  58. Khutbah: In Islamic astrology, Khutbah refers to the astrological chart or horoscope used to determine the positions and aspects of celestial bodies at the time of a significant event.
  59. Kinesis Astrology: An astrological system that focuses on the study of movement and energy patterns in the birth chart, exploring how these dynamics influence an individual’s life and personality.
  60. Kinesis Chart: A specialized astrological chart used in kinesis astrology to analyze the dynamic interplay of planetary movements and energies over time.
  61. Kinesis Houses: In kinesis astrology, Kinesis Houses refer to the specific areas of life or domains that are influenced by the planets located in each house of the birth chart.
  62. Kirlian Photography: A technique that captures the bioelectrographic aura or energy field surrounding living organisms, often used to study and visualize energetic patterns and imbalances.
  63. Kite Aspect Pattern: An astrological configuration formed by a grand trine (three planets in a triangle) and a fourth planet opposite one of the planets in the trine, resembling a kite shape.
  64. Kite Aspect Pattern: An astrological pattern formed by a grand trine with an additional planet located at the midpoint between two of the trine planets, resulting in a shape resembling a kite in the birth chart.
  65. Kite Configuration: An astrological aspect pattern formed by two planets in opposition to each other, both forming harmonious aspects (typically trines or sextiles) with a third planet, creating a shape resembling a kite in the birth chart.
  66. Kite Configuration: An astrological pattern formed by four planets, consisting of a grand trine and an opposition aspect, resembling the shape of a kite.
  67. Kite Grand Trine: An astrological pattern formed by a grand trine with an additional planet located opposite one of the planets in the trine, resulting in a shape resembling a kite in the birth chart.
  68. Kite Rising Sign: The zodiac sign that is rising on the eastern horizon at the time of a person’s birth, forming the first house cusp, and playing a significant role in shaping their personality and overall life direction.
  69. Kite Yod: An astrological aspect pattern that combines the energy of a Yod (Finger of Fate) and a Kite configuration, forming a unique and powerful alignment of planets in a birth chart.
  70. Kizimen Astrology: A form of astrological analysis developed by Russian astrologer Victor Kizimen, which focuses on the study of planetary configurations and their impact on personal and world events.
  71. Kouros: In Hellenistic astrology, Kouros represents the concept of the youthful, vibrant, and confident masculine energy associated with the Sun.
  72. Kozmik Astrology: An astrological system that combines ancient wisdom and modern insights to provide guidance and understanding of an individual’s life purpose.
  73. Kozminsky Diamond: A unique astrological system created by Ludwig Kozminsky that associates gemstones with specific planetary energies, providing insights into their potential effects on an individual’s life.
  74. Kozminsky Ephemeris: A publication that provides accurate astronomical data, including the positions of celestial bodies, used in astrological calculations and chart interpretations.
  75. Kozminsky Symbolism: The symbolic meanings associated with the Kozminsky Symbols, a set of 360 symbols corresponding to each degree of the zodiac, often used for divinatory purposes and deeper interpretation in astrology.
  76. Kozminsky Symbols: A set of 360 symbols associated with each degree of the zodiac, introduced by the Australian astrologer and clairvoyant Ludwig Kozminsky for interpretation in astrology.
  77. Kozminsky Tarot: A unique tarot deck created by the Australian astrologer and clairvoyant Ludwig Kozminsky, featuring intricate symbolism and astrological references in its card illustrations.
  78. Krishnamurti Amsa: In Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology, Krishnamurti Amsa refers to the sub-divisions within a sign, used for precise timing and analysis of events in a person’s life.
  79. Krishnamurti Ayanamsa: A specific ayanamsa (measurement of the precession of equinoxes) used in Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology, which adjusts the positions of the planets in the birth chart.
  80. Krishnamurti Ayanamsha: A specific ayanamsha (measurement of the precession of equinoxes) used in Krishnamurti Paddhati astrology, which adjusts the positions of the planets in the birth chart
  81. Krishnamurti Paddhati: A system of astrology developed by Indian astrologer K.S. Krishnamurti that emphasizes the use of cuspal positions and sub-lords in chart interpretation.
  82. Krishnamurti Paddhati: A system of astrology developed by Indian astrologer K.S. Krishnamurti that emphasizes the use of cuspal positions and sub-lords in chart interpretation.
  83. Krishnamurti System: A predictive astrology system developed by the Indian astrologer K.S. Krishnamurti, which emphasizes the use of sub-divisions, cuspal positions, and ruling planets for accurate predictions.
  84. Krittika Nakshatra: Also called the “Star of Fire” or “The Cutter,” is the third among the 27 lunar constellations in Hindu astrology.
  85. Kriya Yoga: A yogic practice that combines breath control, meditation, and self-discipline to awaken spiritual energy, purify the mind and body, and facilitate spiritual growth and realization
  86. Kronos: In astrology, Kronos is a hypothetical planet associated with the archetype of authority, leadership, and social status, representing one’s drive for success and recognition.
  87. Kuiper Belt: A region of the solar system beyond Neptune’s orbit that is home to numerous small icy bodies, including dwarf planets such as Pluto and Eris, with astrological significance and symbolic associations
  88. Kuiper Belt: A region of the solar system beyond the orbit of Neptune that is home to numerous small celestial bodies, including dwarf planets like Pluto and Eris.
  89. Kuja Dosha Remedies: Remedial measures or rituals recommended in Vedic astrology to alleviate the potential negative effects of Kuja Dosha or Mangal Dosha, such as performing specific prayers or wearing gemstones.
  90. Kuja Dosha: Also known as Mangal Dosha or Mars Dosha, it is a condition in Vedic astrology where the placement of Mars in specific houses of the birth chart can create challenges or disharmony in marriage and relationships.
  91. Kuja Dosha: Also known as Mangal Dosha, it is an astrological belief in Vedic astrology that occurs when the planet Mars is in certain positions in the birth chart, leading to potential relationship difficulties or delays in marriage.
  92. Kuja: The Sanskrit name for the planet Mars in Vedic astrology, representing energy, assertiveness, passion, and courage in an individual’s birth chart.
  93. Kundali Matching: A traditional practice in Vedic astrology where the birth charts of a potential couple are compared and analyzed for compatibility and harmony in marriage and relationships.
  94. Kundalini Activation: The process of awakening and activating the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini, often associated with intense spiritual experiences and transformation.
  95. Kundalini Awakening: The process of activating and raising the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini, often associated with various spiritual practices, meditation, and energy work.
  96. Kundalini Meditation: A practice that focuses on awakening and harnessing the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini through meditation techniques aimed at activating the chakras and achieving higher states of consciousness.
  97. Kundalini Rising: The phenomenon where the dormant Kundalini energy is awakened and rises from the base of the spine through the energy centers (chakras) along the central channel of the body.
  98. Kundalini Yoga: A spiritual practice that focuses on awakening and channeling the dormant spiritual energy known as Kundalini through physical postures, breathwork, meditation, and chanting.
  99. Kundalini: A spiritual concept in various esoteric traditions, including Kundalini Yoga, which represents a dormant spiritual energy believed to be coiled at the base of the spine. It is associated with awakening and spiritual transformation.
  100. Kundli: A traditional Indian astrological chart that represents the positions of the celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth.
  101. Kuznetsov System: A unique astrological system developed by Russian astrologer Alexander Kuznetsov, which combines traditional astrological techniques with modern psychological insights.
  102. Kyron: Kyron is a hypothetical planet in astrology, representing the archetype of the wounded healer and the process of healing deep emotional and spiritual wounds.