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Make Good on Your Guarantees

Make Good on Your Guarantees


We’ll get by way of life throughout the subsequent six weeks with cautious evaluation, self-discipline and stabilization as Mars (vitality, needs) strikes from artistic Leo, to hitch Venus (values, love, cash) in therapeutic Virgo on Monday July 10. We will apply utilizing our vitality extra effectively by being extra useful, methodical, productive and economical… or we might endure from fear, criticism, inflexibility, nervousness, perfection-seeking, insomnia and/or neuroticism. Intention for positivity, internal hygiene and private motivation.

We endure extra in creativeness than in actuality. Seneca

It might be fairly useful if we might simply shut our eyes and pause for a couple of minutes. In doing so, we’d have a little bit of an opportunity to expertise a few of our deepest emotions about the place we’re in our life story. Don’t be afraid to dig deep. Improve your listening abilities, for artistic downside fixing vitality that might be inside attain, with the weeding Mercury/Pluto opposition in a while this present day. There’s likelihood that we might lastly be able to disinfect and cleanse a lingering mess… as a option to repair and reorganize our priorities, for order and peace as soon as once more.

Be a goldfish. Ted Lasso

As we make an actual, acutely aware effort towards working arduous on ourselves, which may treatment the course we’ve been following… Mercury (ideas, communications, quick journeys) will shift from defensive Most cancers, into brave Leo for the subsequent three weeks on Tuesday July 11. With these cosmic vibrations, we will rediscover our skill to be artistic, confidant, articulate and convincing with what we’re attempting to say – which may provide help in fixing ongoing points. Dare to daring. Say what must be mentioned; to rid doubts, misunderstandings and/or mistrust. Make an effort to talk gently from the guts… or we might find yourself being an excessive amount of from the conceitedness, stubbornness and self-centeredness of this unleashed vitality.

Weekly tarot message: What was misplaced is discovered. [TenCupsRx/KnightCups]. For extra perception, try your month-to-month tarot card within the July 2023 Tarotscope. A lot love. ~Suzi



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