Home Astrology Astrology and Planets New Moon in Sagittarius — Ruby Slipper Astrology

New Moon in Sagittarius — Ruby Slipper Astrology

New Moon in Sagittarius — Ruby Slipper Astrology


The Sagittarius New Moon (20 deg) happens at 6:32 pm EST. It trines the Aries North Node (23 deg), squares Neptune in Pisces (24 deg) and Juno in Virgo (18 deg). 

Here’s a starting that is expansive and hopeful. It is all about potential – nothing is strong simply but however there’s a lot of chance. However the sq. to Neptune says that potential could also be distorted. What begins can be fuelled by a disaster round reality/lies or questionable ethics. This stress may trigger issues to slip ahead in odd methods – the lie positive aspects momentum, you’re taking a detour, you get discouraged. You might run out of steam and you have barely began your journey. The sq. to Juno (making use of to an opposition with Neptune) signifies this may also be a couple of shaky dedication – the contract begins on a false word or is in peril of being undermined. A relationship settlement could possibly be very deceptive. 

Nonetheless, the trine to the North Node suggests there may be steerage to maneuver in the suitable course. This new chapter will naturally result in one thing that is daring, adventurous and fuelled by passionate beliefs (Mars, ruler of the North Node, can be in Sagittarius).  Mars is making use of to a trine to Chiron Rx in Aries so there is a mix of braveness and compassion- actions built-in with the wound are therapeutic. This implies you make room for weaknesses, embarrassments and ache otherwise you combat for many who are wounded.  You act from a spot of empathy and braveness. You carry your ache with you but it surely would not weigh you down. 

The trick can be not getting slowed down in escapism, lies or discouraging points that drain your ardour. The proper path has already been mapped out – you simply have to comply with it. 

The Moon additionally makes a quincunx to Uranus Rx in Taurus so there can be a disconnect between new potentials vs current modifications to your basis/funds/bodily state. This could create an uneven begin and anxiety- you hesitate, afraid of disruption. Or, you bounce forward too shortly. This isn’t a serious affect however will probably be a underlying thread – do not enable the nervousness to set off panic. Keep on with that North Node path. 

Portray by Ferdinand Leeke: Wikimedia Commons



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