Home Astrology Astrology and Planets Planetary information this week: Pluto sq. the nodes and the Eris connection.

Planetary information this week: Pluto sq. the nodes and the Eris connection.

Planetary information this week: Pluto sq. the nodes and the Eris connection.


Astrological replace for the week of August 7-14, 2023

This week’s replace will likely be brief and candy as a result of I’m getting on a aircraft in a couple of minutes for a household emergency. 

The largest information this week is the persevering with difficult sq. facet between Pluto and the lunar nodes. This facet started a few weeks in the past and continues into this week. The lunar nodes symbolize the path of destiny from previous to future, with the south node representing the previous and the north node pointing in direction of our future path. There are other ways to get to the long run, and when Pluto, planet of transformation, is difficult the nodes we could discover ourselves at a crossroads. Or maybe there’s an occasion that appears small however which ultimately modifications the trajectory of our lives.

Some astrologers have famous that the Aries North Node is about to satisfy up with Eris, planet of discord. Eris and Pluto shaped a difficult sq. facet in early 2020, and the previous few years have certainly been stuffed with every kind of discordant occasions. Covid-19, election denial – these seeds of discord blow up the paradigm and make it obligatory to start anew. Now we have solely to look to the goddess Eris, who by way of her jealousy started the Trojan Warfare.

This week’s planetary facet are fairly gentle. There are a selection of harmonious photo voltaic elements which may improve our understanding and talent to see clearly. Venus is pretty lively too because it retrogrades again by way of Leo and encourages us to rethink {our relationships} and values.

My common recommendation for this week is to think about the trail that our lives are on. Do we have now a way of objective, and if not how can we carry this into being? If we have now a transparent thought of the place we’re headed, have we packed the proper gear? Do we have now the proper journey companions? If we’re on an incorrect course, with Pluto sq. the nodes this week we could discover blocks within the street which might be truly messages to alter course.

Have a superb week and if I can I’ll revise this submit with extra particulars.



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