Home Astrology Astrology and Planets Solar Reverse Black Moon Lilith — Ruby Slipper Astrology

Solar Reverse Black Moon Lilith — Ruby Slipper Astrology

Solar Reverse Black Moon Lilith — Ruby Slipper Astrology


  • Mercury in Pisces sq. Vesta in Gemini (24 deg)

  • Venus in Aquarius trine Vesta (24 deg)

  • Jupiter in Taurus trine Juno Rx in Virgo (12 deg) 

Solar reverse BML emphasizes contrasts- Pisces Solar can manifest because the saint or angel. The untouchable lady. BML in Virgo is her projected shadow – the whole lot that is flawed.

This dichotomy can play out in several methods as one particular person takes on the “pure” function whereas another person is labelled because the troublesome one who insists on stating the errors (or making errors). There’s some irony right here, since Virgo can be an indication of purity, however when occupied by BML her earthy facet comes out. 

Pisces transcends all this and right here is the place we should be cautious – the one that seems to be angelic might not be proudly owning their shadow. The opposite one, over there – the girl who’s damaged, who’s approaching well being or service or particulars in a means that is sooo improper. Is she actually damaged or is she a scapegoat? 

Look intently at each. 

Vesta (devotion) is hit by two elements. The sq. from Mercury describes difficulties with focus. The piece of knowledge is essential, however you are distracted by what if’s. The obscure thought, the tug of empathy or fantasy – these items blur your notion and make it troublesome to precisely talk that sacred, essential problem. Or, your absolute give attention to a difficulty is obstructing your artistic/empathetic circulate. 

Whichever facet you expertise, Venus’ trine is your outlet. Indifferent however pleasant relationships   can be utilized to entry that key space of devotion and that devotion will strengthen your relationships. Phrases will likely be insufficient however connections, giving and receiving will match the invoice. 

Jupiter/Juno is the union of the celestial couple – the king of the gods and his ever-faithful queen. Juno guidelines over all relationship contracts whereas Jupiter is about growth. When these two join with a harmonious facet, it is a highly effective affirmation that an settlement is actual and beneficial and can proceed to develop. Additionally, the facility steadiness between each events is equal. 

This trine occurred beforehand on Nov tenth, 2023 when Jupiter was Rx. Now, Juno is Rx so that you’re reviewing the main points of the contract and this assessment will likely be an excellent factor. Within the Earth indicators, we will anticipate a stable dedication involving cash, owned property or the physique.

Portray by Abbott Handerson Thayer: Wikimedia Commons 



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