Home Astrology Astrology and Planets Venus Sq. Uranus — Ruby Slipper Astrology

Venus Sq. Uranus — Ruby Slipper Astrology

Venus Sq. Uranus — Ruby Slipper Astrology


  • Moon sq. Juno Rx in Virgo (13 deg)

  • Pisces Solar reverse Juno Rx  (13 deg) 

  • Venus in Aquarius sq. Uranus in Taurus (19 deg)

  • Mercury in Pisces reverse Black Moon Lilith in Virgo (16 deg)

The Final Quarter Moon (sq. the Pisces Solar) raises questions on ethics. Religion or perception pushes you ahead into unknown territory and calls for an exploration of what is true – this might apply to a non secular, inventive or compassionate matter. Chances are you’ll be challenged to query the legalities of a state of affairs or step out of your passive zone the place you have been permitting issues to occur. The exhausting features to Juno Rx counsel a element in a relationship settlement might be involved- the factor that is damaged have to be addressed. There will not be a repair however avoiding the issue is now not acceptable. 

This could mark a tense however productive turning level in a partnership. 

Venus/Uranus is the disruption to what you like/personal/need and the exhausting wake- up name that redefines this stuff. Venus (in Uranus-ruled Aquarius) is in mutual reception with Uranus in Venus-ruled Taurus. They’re in one another’s indicators which suggests an understanding, nevertheless, this is not going to take the sting off the sq.. The sudden attraction to one thing totally different, the abrupt want for freedom, the provocative show – these prospects are supposed to ship a obligatory change. In Aquarius, this might contain your social life, the longer term, an outsider. 

The mutual reception implies an change – in some way, bodily or materials issues (Taurus) are linked to social beliefs and freedom (Aquarius). Take into account how one can work with this exchange- what must be liberated?  Generally a sq. from Uranus can urge you to interrupt all of it, NOW. It is your selection, and will even really feel weirdly interesting within the second. This might be everlasting and can exceed your expectations – do not do that flippantly. 

Should you’re on the receiving finish of a shock (the connection is ruptured, you lose what you personal, your friendships are shaken) know that the surest approach to enhance Uranus’ disruption is to withstand it. This isn’t the time to be possessive. It’s the time to be good and transfer with the modifications. 

Maybe you are prepared to face aside from the gang and specific your love and values in a approach that blasts everybody’s preconceptions. You will not be universally adored however it’s possible you’ll entice one or two people who find themselves electrified by the true you.  

Mercury opposing BML sees the taboo girl insisting on making these tough (however appropriate) observations. Lilith in Virgo factors out the ugly particulars that others wish to keep away from – why will not she shut up? She targets the fantasy or false compassion and deflates it. Alternatively, her fixation on what’s damaged (however can’t be fastened) has introduced issues to some extent the place it is time to let go and forgive. However she will not cease – all she will be able to see is the darkness as a result of she’s sunk her enamel into it. Perhaps it is time to say goodbye.

General, a quite difficult day. It is uncomfortable, however a matter involving relationships, aesthetics, values or cash must be reconsidered. 

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