Home Astrology Astrological Forecasting Weekly Forecast: November 13-17, 2023 – Increasing The New Moon

Weekly Forecast: November 13-17, 2023 – Increasing The New Moon

Weekly Forecast: November 13-17, 2023 – Increasing The New Moon


moon-sunMonday begins with the the Scorpio new moon conjunction, conjunct Mars and reverse Uranus. Something can occur, however it’s additionally an opportunity to seize onto the motivation of the second and make one thing occur.

Mercury in Sagittarius strikes in sextile with Venus in Libra all week, precise Wednesday morning. Via late Wednesday night time, the 2 kind an energetic yod with retro Jupiter on its level. SO, this shoot-for-the-moon, new moon motion bears the added bonus of proper time, proper place power – the fruits of excellent concepts/information/inklings on blast.

Monday’s new moon goes on to trine retro Neptune and sextile Pluto, a robust indication our recent, new path is taking form within the excellent as we take the primary tangible steps to satisfy it. Night takes the Moon into Sagittarius and a sq. to Saturn: a jarring slow-up however not unfortunate (because it displays effectively within the retro Jupiter yod).

On Tuesday, the Sadge Moon highlights the yod, conjunct Mercury, sextile Venus, and quincunx retro Jupiter. It goes on to trine retro Chiron within the night. The senses are popping. Listen the place issues are coming collectively to make sense. Loopy concept, huge plans? Possibly. Possibly it is best to preserve listening and see what you may make of it. Timing is every little thing, all the time; so take one other look if it warrants one.

Wednesday the Sagittarius Moon squares retro Neptune, fireplace to water in mutables. It’s a little bit of a foggy fizzle; however if you happen to take that as a given, it’s potential to make your personal little oasis wherever you end up. In a single day, the Moon strikes to Capricorn and a sextile to ruler Saturn. Discovering your oasis is a perfect set-up to search out your toes when the opening within the fog makes itself identified.

Thursday’s Capricorn Moon goes on to trine retro Jupiter and sq. Venus because the Mercury-Venus-Jupiter yod perfects then recedes. Put by yourself masks first (as they are saying), and elevate wants over needs for now: first one, then the opposite if you happen to’re fortunate. Get what you want. Climb.

In impact all week lengthy however precise early Friday, the Scorpio Solar and Mars trine retro Neptune. By nighttime their conjunction perfects. All of us need our fairytale, and all need it made actual. Nicely, that’s not going to occur if we simply preserve pushing it forward of us as we transfer ahead, hoping it can simply work out by some means and we’ll stroll into it.

This week if you happen to see the possibility to make a transfer in your goals and get into the circulation of setting a behavior and taking a primary step, DO IT.

Friday morning the Capricorn Moon squares retro Chiron and goes on to trine retro Uranus. It’s a productive temper however not a snug one. Take an opportunity, preserve at it until one thing lands. Within the afternoon, the Moon transits the midpoint of the Solar-Mars/Neptune trine. It then conjoins Pluto in a single day. Persistence pays off and lends a tangible focus for bringing the soul of our dreamy fairytale into mundane existence.

The brand new moon takes place early Monday at 20 Scorpio, conjunct Mars and reverse Uranus. No matter begins has a component of shock. What are you hoping for?



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