Aether: In ancient philosophy, a fifth element believed to occupy space beyond the Earth’s atmosphere and influence celestial bodies, often associated with spiritual and transcendental realms.
Almuten: The most influential planet in a natal chart, which carries the greatest power and influence over the native.
Anaretic Degree: The 29th degree of any sign, often considered a critical and unstable degree associated with endings and transitions.
Angular House Cusp: The beginning point of each angular house in an astrological chart, representing significant life areas and personal development.
Angular Houses: The houses in an astrological chart that correspond to the Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, and Imum Coeli, which are considered to have the most significant influence.
Angular Momentum: The rotational motion of a celestial body around its axis or orbit, influencing its energetic expression.
Antiscia: Points in an astrological chart that are symmetrical to each other across the Cancer-Capricorn axis, indicating a relationship between planets that have similar strengths and qualities.
Aphelion: The point in an orbit where a planet is farthest from the Sun.
Aquarian Age Syndrome: A term referring to individuals who display characteristics associated with the Aquarian Age, such as a focus on humanitarianism, innovation, and unconventional thinking.
Aquarian Age: An astrological concept that suggests a new era of human consciousness and collective evolution associated with the sign of Aquarius.
Aquarius Moon: A Moon sign in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, indicating emotional tendencies of independence, innovation, and humanitarianism.
Aquarius: The eleventh astrological sign in the zodiac, represented by the water bearer and associated with innovation, intellect, and humanitarianism.
Aquarius-Pisces Cusp: The transitional period between the signs of Aquarius and Pisces, usually occurring around February 18th, when individuals may exhibit characteristics of both signs.
Arabic Parts: Also known as “lots,” these are sensitive points in an astrological chart calculated based on the positions of various celestial bodies, used for specific interpretations.
Archetype: A universal pattern or symbol that represents a specific concept or idea in astrology, such as the mother, the hero, or the trickster.
- Ardra: The Sixth of the 27 Nakshatras
Aries Point: The first degree of the zodiac sign Aries, considered a sensitive point in astrology that can have significant implications for personal and global events.
Aries: The first astrological sign in the zodiac, represented by the ram and associated with initiative, leadership, and independence.
Ascendant Ruler: The ruling planet of the sign that is on the Ascendant, which adds additional influence and characteristics to the individual’s personality.
Ascendant Sign: The zodiac sign that is on the eastern horizon at the time of birth, representing the individual’s outer personality and physical appearance.
Ascendant: Also known as the rising sign, it is the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth.
- Ashwini: The first Nakshatra
Aspected Planet: A planet that forms an aspect or angle with another planet or point in an astrological chart, indicating a connection and potential influence.
Aspects Table: A visual representation of the aspects between planets in an astrological chart, used for quick reference and analysis.
Aspects: The angular relationships between planets in an astrological chart, which can be harmonious (conjunction, sextile) or challenging (square, opposition).
Aspects: The geometric angles formed between planets in an astrological chart, indicating their relationship and influence on each other.
Asterism: A small group of stars within a constellation that forms a recognizable pattern.
Asteroid Belt: A region in the solar system between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, where numerous small rocky objects called asteroids are found.
- Asteroid Goddesses: A group of four prominent asteroids in astrology—Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta—associated with different aspects of the feminine psyche and roles
Asteroid: A small rocky body orbiting the Sun, often used in astrology for their influence on specific areas of life and personality traits.
Astral Projection: The phenomenon of separating one’s consciousness from the physical body and traveling in the astral realm.
Astrocartography: A technique in astrology that maps the influence of planetary positions on different locations on Earth, helping to determine the best places for specific endeavors or experiences.
Astrodynamics: The study of the motion and dynamics of celestial bodies, including the calculation and prediction of their orbits.
Astrolabe: An ancient instrument used to measure and calculate the positions of celestial bodies.
Astrologer: A person who practices astrology and interprets astrological charts and predictions.
Astrological Archetypes: Universal patterns of human behavior and symbolism associated with each zodiac sign and planetary influence.
Astrological Chart: A map of the planets’ positions in the sky at a specific moment, such as a birth, used to interpret and analyze individual characteristics and life events.
Astrological Compatibility: The assessment of how well two individuals’ astrological charts align, indicating the potential for harmony or challenges
Astrological Decan: Each zodiac sign can be divided into three equal parts, known as decans, representing different nuances of the sign’s energy and characteristics.
Astrological Dualities: The division of the zodiac signs into six pairs based on their elemental characteristics, representing complementary and contrasting energies.
Astrological Elements: The four basic elements—fire, earth, air, and water—used to categorize the zodiac signs and symbolize different energy qualities and temperaments.
Astrological Fixed Stars: Prominent stars in the celestial sphere that are given specific meaning and interpretation in astrology, offering additional insights into an individual’s chart.
Astrological Forecast: A prediction or analysis of future events and trends based on astrological influences and planetary positions.
Astrological Forecasting: The practice of predicting future trends and events using astrological techniques and planetary influences.
Astrological Grand Cross: A configuration in an astrological chart that involves four planets or points forming two oppositions and four squares, indicating a complex and challenging dynamic with potential for growth and transformation.
Astrological House: One of the twelve divisions of an astrological chart, representing different areas of life, such as relationships, career, and health.
Astrological Houses: Twelve divisions of an astrological chart that represent different areas of life and experiences, providing insights into various aspects such as relationships, career, and spirituality.
Astrological Imum Coeli (IC): The point in an astrological chart that represents the lowest point in the sky at the time of birth, associated with one’s roots, family, and emotional foundations.
Astrological Intuition: The ability to tap into intuitive insights and subtle energies through the practice of astrology, enhancing the depth and accuracy of interpretations.
Astrological Jupiter: The planet Jupiter in astrology, symbolizing expansion, abundance, optimism, wisdom, and growth in an individual’s chart.
Astrological Kite Pattern: A configuration in an astrological chart that involves three planets forming a grand trine (an equilateral triangle) with one planet opposite one of the trine planets, resembling the shape of a kite.
Astrological Mars: The planet Mars in astrology, associated with energy, passion, assertiveness, courage, and the pursuit of goals and desires in an individual’s chart.
Astrological Natal Chart Reading: The process of analyzing and interpreting an individual’s natal chart to gain insights into their personality traits, life events, strengths, challenges, and potentials.
Astrological Natal Chart: A map of the sky at the exact time, date, and location of an individual’s birth, serving as the foundation for astrological interpretations and analysis.
Astrological Opposition Aspect: A major aspect in astrology where two planets are opposite each other, indicating a need to find balance and integration between the energies they represent.
Astrological Opposition: An aspect in astrology where two planets are approximately 180 degrees apart, symbolizing a tension and need for balance between the energies represented by those planets.
Astrological Progression: The method of advancing a natal chart to predict future events and personal growth by using symbolic movements of the planets over time.
Astrological Quadruplicities: The division of the zodiac signs into four groups—cardinal, fixed, and mutable—indicating different approaches and styles of expression.
Astrological Remedies: Practices or rituals prescribed in astrology to mitigate negative planetary influences and enhance positive energies.
Astrological Retrograde Motion: The apparent backward motion of a planet in its orbit as observed from Earth, indicating a time of review, introspection, and potential challenges in the areas of life it governs.
Astrological Retrograde: When a planet appears to move backward in its orbit from the perspective of Earth, influencing the areas of life it governs with a different energy.
Astrological Sign: One of the twelve zodiac signs that represent specific personality traits and characteristics based on the position of the Sun at the time of birth.
Astrological Stellium: A concentration of three or more planets in a single zodiac sign or house in an astrological chart, indicating a strong focus and emphasis on the associated energy and themes.
Astrological Synastry: The comparison and analysis of two or more astrological charts to determine compatibility and relationship dynamics.
- Astrological Tarot: The use of Tarot cards in combination with astrology to gain insights into personal development and life events.
Astrological Timing: The selection of specific dates and times for initiating actions or events based on favorable planetary configurations.
Astrological Transits: The ongoing movement of the planets in the sky, which interact with the natal chart and influence personal growth and life events.
Astrological Venus: The planet Venus in astrology, representing love, beauty, harmony, relationships, and aesthetic sensibilities in an individual’s chart.
Astrology Wheel: A circular chart representing the 12 zodiac signs and the houses of an individual’s natal chart.
Astrology: The study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs and natural events, based on the belief that there is a relationship between the positions of the stars and planets and human behavior and personality.
Astrometeorology: The study of the relationship between celestial phenomena and weather patterns, exploring the potential influence of planetary positions on earthly climate.
Astrometry: The branch of astronomy that focuses on measuring the positions and motions of celestial bodies.
Astronomical Clock: A clock that displays the positions of celestial bodies, used to determine planetary hours and astrological timing.
Astronomical Unit (AU): The average distance between the Earth and the Sun, approximately 93 million miles (150 million kilometers).
Astrotheology: The study of the correlation between astronomical phenomena and religious beliefs or mythologies.
Astrotheology: The study of the correlation between astronomical phenomena and religious beliefs or mythologies.
Ayanamsa: The difference between the tropical and sidereal zodiacs, representing the gradual shift in the Earth’s orientation over time and affecting the calculation of planetary positions in astrology.
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